A meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) Board was held via video call on Wednesday 12th May 2021 from 18:30 - 19:30

Board members who dialled in: Vanessa Barnett (VEB) (Chair), Helen Turvey (HT) (Vice Chair), Jarmo Eskelinen (JE), Tim Hubbard (TH)
Observers: Cassandra Woolford (CW) (FM)
Apologies: Johnny West (JW), Ira Bolychevsky (IB), Meg Foulkes (BDM)

Welcome & review of minutes & actions [Chair]

VEB welcomed everyone, and a short discussion took place regarding new board members, the recruitment of which will follow the recruitment of the new CEO. HT suggested that we also have community / network representatives at the board meeting. VEB agreed to share the framework she has for this.

The minutes from the February 2020 board meeting were approved.

The Year End 2020 audit was completed and the Board has confirmed their approval of the accounts. The board further confirmed that the systems and process in place to review the accounts on a quarterly basis and to have clear and succinct reporting on the organisation enables the board to agree and confirm ‘going concern’.

Leadership Team Update [LT]

Overview from CW explaining the changes in some roles and responsibilities following Jo Barratt’s departure early May.

The 2020 Annual Report has been published on the website and a summary is included in the Year End Accounts.

CW reported on a commitment to fund Open Data Day 2022 and to support fundraising for Phase II of the Net Zero Challenge.

CW provided an overview of the current projects and programs under development.

Also an update on an internal collaboration to improve our onboarding process.

Finance Update [CW]

CW provided a high level overview of Q1 Financials. OKF continues with Financial stability, the bank balance is healthy and expenditure is within budget. A small monthly surplus means the Q1 financials are positive and inline with expectations.

Risk Register [CW]

Leadership, with the Board supporting, is managing the risks highlighted.

Datopian [RP]

Prior to the meeting Datopian circulated their Q1 financials which show a healthy profit for Q1. OKF Board representatives for Datopian Board (JE) were expecting a Board meeting with the Datopian board. A meeting has not taken place. JE and IB will follow up with Datopian on CKAN.


VEB provided an update on the CEO Recruitment, which is moving forwards.