Post a Job

If you know of a job in the WordPress community, please feel free to post it here.

The title of the job on offer.
Description of the position on offer. < 5000 characters.
The name of the company offering the position.
Please provide a URL of an image for your company logo. This is optional but highly recommended. Please ensure that this logo is letterbox, wide not high.
The date after which no more applications will be considered.
What category does this job fall under? You can select multiple categories. If nothing matches then pick 'Other' and add something to the job description.
Where is this job? For example you could write: Remote, UK, Australia, London etc.
Some guidance of the package on offer per month.
How often will payments for this job occur.
The currency which is used for payment. If nothing matches, select 'Other' and add something to the job description.
How many hours are expected for this job? For example you could write: Full time, Part Time, Flexible, 15 hours a week, 40 hours per month etc.
The URL for the job application page.
Please include the name of the person so that candidates can address them personally.
Please add this so that candidates can make contact about this job