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{4} Active Tickets for Version Control Modules

Show all opened tickets related to the version control modules:

  • mercurial plugin
  • git plugin
  • version control
  • version control/browser
  • version control/changeset view
  • version control/log view

{12} My Tickets

This report demonstrates the use of the automatically set USER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the logged in user when executed.

{20} Untriaged - Active tickets with no Milestone, by last modified date

This report displays the active tickets that have not yet been assigned to a Milestone, ordered by last modified date.

Those are the tickets that have not yet been analyzed by the TracTeam and are meant to be triaged.


  • the untriaged tickets for which a request for more information has been made (needinfo keyword) have been excluded from this report.
    See {21} for all needinfo tickets.
  • the Chgs_Auths field corresponds to: (number of changes) by (number of different change authors), and can be used as an indicator of the popularity of the issue

{21} Tickets waiting for user feedback, by last modified date

This report displays the active tickets that have the "needinfo" keyword, ordered by last modified date.

This complements the {20} report, which doesn't contain the needinfo tickets anymore.

As a rule of thumb, unanswered tickets over 3 months old can be closed as worksforme or wontfix (see TracTicketTriage#StatusandResolution for the details).

{23} Active tickets for Trac 1.2, by last modified date

Those are the tickets for the next Trac release, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, etc.


  • the needinfo tickets have been excluded from this report (see {21}).
  • the Chgs_Auths field corresponds to: (number of changes) by (number of different change authors), and can be used as an indicator of the popularity of the issue

{24} Active tickets for future Trac releases, by last modified date

Those are the tickets for the upcoming Trac releases, next-dev-1.3.x, next-major-releases*

Valid tickets for which no release schedule can be set are also listed here (not applicable).


  • the needinfo tickets have been excluded from this report (see {21}).
  • the Chgs_Auths field corresponds to: (number of changes) by (number of different change authors), and can be used as an indicator of the popularity of the issue

{25} Active tickets for Trac 0.12-stable and 1.0-stable, by last modified date

Those are the tickets that are scheduled for the 0.12.x and 1.0.x release lines.


  • the needinfo tickets have been excluded from this report (see also {21}).
  • the Chgs_Auths field corresponds to: (number of changes) by (number of different change authors), and can be used as an indicator of the popularity of the issue

{32} Popular Tickets - TODO

This lists tickets that are on the TODO list for a long time.

The criterions for inclusion is that the feature request or bug report is that at least 10 different people participated to the ticket activity.

Tickets are ordered by popularity, defined as the amount of activity on a ticket over time (using a secret formula taking into account the number of participants in the discussion, the number of people on CC:, …)

See also:

  • {33} for a similar list but this time with tickets that have been completed (the idea is that eventually all the {32} tickets will move to {33} one day :-) )
  • {34} for the list of popular tickets that have received an explicit voted

{33} Popular Tickets - Done

In order to balance report {32} (tickets that are on the TODO list for a long time), we can also show that we managed to implement popular feature requests over time ;-)

The criterions for inclusion for the feature request or bug report is that at least 10 different people participated to the ticket activity.

Tickets are ordered by popularity, defined as the amount of activity on a ticket over time.

{34} Popular Voted Tickets

Tickets ordered by number of votes (> 1)

You must be registered to vote.

{35} Triage: tickets having a milestone when they shouldn't

Those are the tickets closed with a status different than fixed but which have nevertheless a milestone set.

According to TracTicketTriage, those tickets should not be assigned to a milestone.

{36} Triage: tickets having no milestone when they should

Those tickets were closed with a resolution of fixed, so provided this is the correct resolution for them, they should also be assigned to a milestone, according to the TracTicketTriage rules.

{37} Overview for next Milestones

Show count of opened tickets by type for the next Milestones.

{40} Popular Wiki pages

Based on up/down votes

{41} My Tickets (user centric)

Tickets of interest as a user. That is, tickets that the current user reported, commented on, or marked for CC.

{42} Active tickets for 1.0, by last modified date

Those are the tickets for the next Trac release, 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc.


  • the needinfo tickets have been excluded from this report (see also {21}).
  • the Chgs_Auths field corresponds to: (number of changes) by (number of different change authors), and can be used as an indicator of the popularity of the issue

{43} Active tickets for Trac 1.4, by last modified date

Those are the tickets for the next Trac release, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, etc.


  • the needinfo tickets have been excluded from this report (see {21}).
  • the Chgs_Auths field corresponds to: (number of changes) by (number of different change authors), and can be used as an indicator of the popularity of the issue

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.