Autodesk Foundation

Supporting innovators to design and make a better world for all

The Autodesk Foundation supports innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges.

two people looking at a roof in metal

Bringing innovation to market

The Autodesk Foundation aligns its philanthropic offerings with design and engineering. We invest in nonprofits and startups helping to de-risk innovation and bring industry-transforming solutions to scale. By facilitating a blend of funding, technical training, and expertise, we can bring early-stage, transformative innovations to market to advance a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable world.

Who we support

We align our capital with outcomes, supporting both nonprofit and for-profit entities around the world that are scaling design and engineering solutions.

a person putting his finger on a wireless biometric scanner


We collaborate with nonprofits all over the world to accelerate design and engineering solutions focused on health and resilience, energy and materials, and work and prosperity.

Image courtesy of Simprints

a engineer woman working on a machine


We support early-stage startups with seed or Series A funding to de-risk and scale solutions focused on health and resilience, energy and materials, and work and prosperity.

How we help

  • two hands removing vials from a box


    We use grants and impact investments to fund organizations scaling innovative design and engineering solutions to climate change and inequality.

    Image courtesy of Nexleaf Analytics

  • children holding solar lights in their hands


    Thousands of entrepreneurs and innovators are using Autodesk’s design and make software for positive impact.

    Image courtesy of SolarBuddy

  • a woman smiling


    Autodesk employees work side by side with nonprofits and startups to imagine, design, and make a better world.

Our impact areas

  • an electrical plane in the air

    Energy & Materials

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating the transition to a decarbonized economy.

    Image courtesy of Ampaire

  • people standing in front of a building in Africa

    Health & Resilience

    Improving resilience in low-resource communities most vulnerable to climate change.

    Image courtesy of MASS Design

  • children and adults looking happy around a graduated woman holding her diploma

    Work & Prosperity

    Preparing workers to thrive in the era of automation through equity-driven, human-centered solutions.

    Image courtesy of Revolution Workshop/Jamie Kelter Davis

someone putting water into a bottle

Catalytic funding

“The Autodesk Foundation’s catalytic funding and technical support helped us prove we could manufacture a new product [a design-forward handwashing and drinking station]. Without that track record, we wouldn’t have had a proof of concept for new investors."

–Leslie Llado, Director of Global Infrastructure and Product Development, Splash

Image courtesy of Splash/Mekbib Tadesse

  • Crisis response

    We leverage our unique expertise and perspective to respond to unexpected events that negatively affect our communities, customers, and employees globally.

    Learn more

two men looking happy in front of a truck


In fiscal year 2022, the Autodesk Foundation’s portfolio of nonprofits and startups achieved the following:

  • 1.4 million+ metric tons CO2e of GHG emissions reduced.
  • 29 million+ individuals reached with resilient solutions in housing and infrastructure, energy access, agricultural productivity, and workforce development (cumulative since fiscal year 2020).
  • 14,900+ people placed in new or improved jobs, including 13,400 (90%) with an annual income increase of $5,000 or more.

Image courtesy of FreeWorld

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