During his tenure, he revamped the agency’s bus system and partnered to increase mobility and micromobility options throughout the region, with a special focus on providing more traveling freedom for KCATA’s ADA clientele.
The formula funding will help states and communities better prepare for and respond to extreme weather events like wildfires, flooding, and extreme heat.
It is unclear if the Senate will mark up this bill, but it will be a starting point for further negotiations.
In his new position, Christopher LaTuso will help set the vision and develop strategies to drive the continued growth of HDR’s global transportation program.
The Media/Elwyn Regional Rail Line will now be called the Media/Wawa Line to reflect the new terminus of service.
The plan focuses on improving social equity by increasing access to jobs and housing, reducing commute times, and increasing service frequency and overnight service, while also contributing to a cleaner environment and a more vibrant economy.