jQuery maintainers continue modernization initiative with deprecation of jQuery Mobile

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By: Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, Felix Nagel, and the jQuery team

Editor’s Note: the following blog post was originally published to the OpenJS Foundation Blog.

jQuery maintainers are continuing to modernize its overall project that still is one of the most widely deployed JavaScript libraries today. The team announced that the cross-platform jQuery Mobile project under its umbrella will be fully deprecated as of October 7, 2021. New technologies for mobile app development have evolved since this project was launched in 2010, so we’re encouraging developers to plan for this jQuery Mobile transition.

Please note that:

  • The Download Builder will remain available.
  • Mobile 1.4 is not compatible with the new jQuery Core.
  • Issues will be turned off. Please report critical security bugs via email to security@jquery.com. 

Celebrating jQuery Mobile’s History

jQuery Mobile was conceived and announced in 2010, three years after the launch of jQuery.  The project was exciting and ambitious. At announcement, jQuery Mobile promised compatibility across multiple platforms, browsers, and versions. Several mobile browser vendors, including Palm and Mozilla, signed on to sponsor the project: 

“The jQuery community has focused on making the Web as productive and fun as possible. When we heard the mission behind jQuery Mobile, we wanted to help. With webOS we have shown that the Web platform is fantastic for developers, so we are excited to help make jQuery Mobile as good as it can be.” -Dion Almaer – Palm

At the time, the mobile web was desperately in need of a framework capable of working across all browsers, allowing developers to build truly mobile web applications. jQuery had already changed the way developers were building on the web, making it easier (and faster) to create secure, compliant applications. 

With jQuery Mobile, the project’s goals were to bring the ease-of-use of jQuery to HTML-capable mobile device browsers and to make it easier for developers to build progressively enhanced web applications. Led by Todd Parker of Filament Group, a development studio known for their work on cross platform and accessibility-first applications, jQuery Mobile launched its alpha release in October 2010. 

Alpha features included several components, layouts and theming tools that simplified the process of building a mobile web application. Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation, which were hot (and tricky) topics in web development at the time, featured heavily: jQuery Mobile promised developers and users the best possible experience their platform could handle. Accessibility was another key feature, with Mobile promising a user experience that could be navigated by touch, keyboard, or screen reader via ARIA compatible components. Additional features such as simplicity, file size, and the ability to deploy jQuery Mobile applications through an app store drove further excitement. 

Over the next year, the jQuery Mobile team continued to add compatible platforms and browsers, new components and themes, and eventually a themeroller tool that allowed developers to configure and download themes without writing any CSS. 

The community response was overwhelming – by the time 1.0 was released in November 2011, jQuery Mobile had gathered over 125 contributors, dozens of articles, tutorials and demos, 8 published books, and a gallery of sites, plugins and extensions to welcome and introduce new developers to the project. 

jQuery Mobile continued to make monthly releases throughout 2012 and 2013, regularly adding and improving components, resolving compatibility issues with mobile browsers, and making performance improvements to speed up page rendering times. The development team also continued to prioritize and highlight the importance of responsive web design and accessibility principles with each new release. 

As the number of components and widgets swelled – both those that were officially supported or widely adopted in the community, performance and compatibility issues with mobile platforms, browsers, and jQuery core were also exacerbated. Though the project did have some automated tests, there were still a number of items that needed to be tested manually, which slowed down the development process. 

In mid 2013, Jasper de Groot became the project lead and announced tighter development collaboration between jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile teams, sharing goals, roadmaps and code in order to ease the workload for both groups. The team continued to provide maintenance releases and support, but progress continued to slow under the burden of testing and supporting such a large community. 

Alex Schmitz took over the lead in July 2014, but by that time the size of the project, combined with the pace and availability of new mobile browser features, made finding a viable path forward for the project increasingly difficult. 

The latest stable version was released October 2014. Alex and team made a big push to update jQuery Mobile again in 2017 with the release of an alpha version of 1.5; this version would see compatibility with jQuery 3.0 and npm support among other things.

jQuery Mobile became an OpenJS Foundation Emeritus project in 2018, signifying that the goals of the project had been achieved.

jQuery modernization initiative

The depreciation of jQuery mobile follows the careful transition of another project under the jQuery project umbrella, jQuery UI.

jQuery Core is still actively maintained and widely implemented. As part of its modernization initiative, the team also has been making a series of updates this year to its infrastructure, including migrating and improving its CDN.

Celebrating jQuery Mobile Maintainers and Contributors

The contributions to jQuery Mobile opened up opportunities for people and organizations around the world, and we are thankful for all the contributions over the years. We would like to give an extra shout out of gratitude to the past maintainers of jQuery Mobile: Alexander Schmitz, Jasper de Groot, and Todd Parker.

jQuery maintainers update and transition jQuery UI as part of overall modernization efforts

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By: Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, Felix Nagel, and the jQuery team

Editor’s Note: the following blog post was originally published to the OpenJS Foundation Blog.

The jQuery project is actively maintained and widely implemented — it’s used by 73% of 10 million most popular websites. As part of its ongoing effort to modernize the project, jQuery maintainers have taken steps to wind down one of its projects under the jQuery umbrella through a careful transition. 

Today, jQuery UI announced version 1.13 — its first release in 5 years and the project’s final planned release. Perhaps the most important update is that jQuery UI 1.13 now runs on the latest version of jQuery Core, providing a number of browser compatibility and security updates that have been missing from previous releases, in addition to community fixes and improvements. The jQuery UI Download Builder has also been restored and updated so developers can continue to download UI along with their favorite themes. The release is part of an ongoing series of updates across all jQuery projects.

jQuery UI is in maintenance-only mode. Users should not expect any new releases, though patches may be issued to resolve critical security, interoperability, or regression bugs. Trac, the project’s bug-tracking tool, has been put in read-only mode and developers are asked to file any critical issues on the project’s GitHub repository

jQuery UI was first launched in September 2007 as a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery library. It quickly gained popularity because it was one of the best tested and most accessible UI frameworks of its time. The tool helped developers build UI components such as form controls and date pickers using the best practices back then. In its heyday, jQuery UI was adopted by a broad set of enterprises including Pinterest, PayPal, IMDB, Huffington Post, and Netflix. 

Today, jQuery UI continues to be an important testbed for jQuery Core updates, helping the maintainer team spot bugs and interoperability issues that arise as the web platform evolves. 

Celebrating jQuery UI’s History

With the launch of jQuery in 2006, web developers were able to access and manipulate DOM and CSS faster and easier than ever before. Thousands of open source jQuery widgets and plugins were created to handle previously tricky problems, like showing and hiding elements, rotating through image carousels, or picking dates on a calendar. The jQuery ecosystem became a playground full of tools for making new and interesting interactions possible on the web. 

‘New and interesting’ doesn’t always translate to ‘good and useful’ — though there were many good plugins available, it was not always easy to tell which would be the most performant or provide the best user experience. Developers might have to go searching for the right tools or worse, spend significant time swapping through several plugins to figure out which one worked best. Further, there were few examples of best practices in user experience on the web, so visitors to one website could have vastly different (and thus confusing) interactions when they performed a similar task on another website. 

Members of the jQuery Core team wanted to help developers write performant, high-quality, and reusable jQuery components for their sites and applications. After some discussion, the idea for a second library with strict standards for coding, documentation, and theming was born. The project’s vision and goals included: developing a collaborative design process; providing flexible styling and themes; creating elegant visual and interaction design; providing a robust API; and prioritizing progressive enhancement, accessibility, internationalization and localization support.

In September 2007, jQuery UI officially launched as a set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of jQuery. Soon after, the team shifted their focus to provide a full set of APIs and methods to allow developers to create flexible, full-featured widgets that met high standards of quality. CSS effects such as easing and animation were added in and helped developers create more modern, enhanced experiences. The team at Filament Group later added a ThemeRoller, allowing developers to get started quickly by providing customizable theme boilerplate. ThemeRoller is still operational today.  

By the end of 2008, jQuery UI had an exploding community of users, developers, and interaction designers regularly providing updates and improvements to the project as best practices and style preferences evolved. Between 2009 and 2016, the community provided a variety of new official and unofficial themes and plugins, interoperability and other bug fixes, robust testing processes, and support for multiple versions of jQuery. 

jQuery UI’s prior official release came in September 2016, nearly a decade after it started. In that timeframe, the jQuery community had helped inspire dozens of other open source projects, pattern and component libraries. But newer CSS frameworks and approaches were taking hold, and slowly the community moved on to other projects. The UI team and jQuery Mobile teams merged, and the group focused more on maintenance and compatibility with jQuery Core.  

jQuery UI became an OpenJS Foundation Emeritus project in 2018, recognizing that it was winding down while noting the significance it had for the JavaScript ecosystem.

Celebrating jQuery UI Maintainers and Contributors

The scope of the project and the inclusiveness of the community was responsible for helping countless web makers develop a love and appreciation for user experience, localization, internationalization, accessibility, and clean, reusable code. Though many hours of work and contribution went into making jQuery UI a successful library, the jQuery UI core team deserves extra recognition for more than a decade of hard work shepherding the work and the community throughout the project’s lifecycle. Alex Schmitz, Jörn Zaefferer, Felix Nagel, Mike Sherov, Rafael Xavier de Souza, and Scott González led a team of many core contributors and more than 300 additional authors.

Additional gratitude is owed to Micha? Go??biowski-Owczarek for preparing the 1.13 release and stewarding the repository for the past year. 

OpenJS Foundation will forever be grateful for the work of these open source developers and the impact they had on the ecosystem through their work. Please join us in celebrating these developers and jQuery UI!

jQuery project updates addressing temporary CDN issues

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As part of its ongoing infrastructure updates, the jQuery infrastructure team is making configuration and deployment changes to address intermittent outages reported by some users. The issue is the result of faulty IP allowlisting which affects users downloading jQuery project assets from certain IP addresses.

This issue is expected to be resolved in the next few weeks. In the interim, users can mitigate the issue by downloading and serving the files they need.

CDN migration is part of a package of infrastructure improvement projects the project has been undertaking this year. The infrastructure team plans to provide a full overview of these improvements, which will help support the long-term maintenance of jQuery and its related projects, later this summer.

jQuery continues to be a widely-used open source project with active maintainers. While many sites host jQuery locally, others rely upon the jQuery CDN to deliver the library on demand. On average, the jQuery CDN delivers over 2 petabytes of code per month. The project is hosted at the OpenJS Foundation, the vendor-neutral organization to grow and sustain the JavaScript and web ecosystem.

jQuery 3.6.0 Released!

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jQuery 3.6.0 has been released! In jQuery 3.5.0, the major change was a security fix for the html prefilter. This release does not include a security fix, but does have some good bug fixes and improvements. We still have our eyes on a jQuery 4.0 release, but until then we will continue to support the 3.x branch and address important issues.

As usual, the release is available on our cdn and the npm package manager. Other third party CDNs will probably have it soon as well, but remember that we don’t control their release schedules and they will need some time. Here are the highlights for jQuery 3.6.0:

Returning JSON even for JSONP errors

You may have guessed from the minor version that a feature snuck into this release. In previous versions, when a JSONP request responded with an error, often the response was still an executable script. We’ve changed the default behavior to try and execute the response in this situation. Normal scripts will still be skipped when an error is encountered. See gh-4771 for more information.


One bug worth highlighting has to do with redirecting focus to another element in a focus handler. Take this example where a focus handler is triggered inside another focus handler:

elem1.on( "focus", function() {
  elem2.trigger( "focus" );
} );

Due to their synchronous nature everywhere outside of IE, a fix added in 3.4.0 to leverage native events caused the native .focus() method to be called last for the initial element, making it steal the focus back. While the code continues to leverage native focus and blur events, we were able to fix this by aligning even more with native methods and only propagating the last focus event up the DOM tree.

Other bug fixes and improvements include a fix for retrieving dimensions on table rows in Firefox, a fix for a crash in Chrome when a focusout event was triggered on a removed element, several improvements to some tests, and more. You’ll find the full changelog below.


Aside from the change to no longer ensure XHTML-compliant tags for you, we do not expect other compatibility issues when upgrading from a jQuery 3.0+ version. To upgrade, have a look at the new 3.5 Upgrade Guide. If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 3+, first have a look at the 3.0 Upgrade Guide.

The jQuery Migrate plugin will help you to identify compatibility issues in your code. Please try out this new release and let us know about any issues you experienced.

If you can’t yet upgrade to 3.5+, Daniel Ruf has kindly provided patches for previous jQuery versions.


You can get the files from the jQuery CDN, or link to them directly:



You can also get this release from npm:

npm install jquery@3.6.0

Slim build

Sometimes you don’t need ajax, or you prefer to use one of the many standalone libraries that focus on ajax requests. And often it is simpler to use a combination of CSS and class manipulation for web animations. Along with the regular version of jQuery that includes the ajax and effects modules, we’ve released a “slim” version that excludes these modules. The size of jQuery is very rarely a load performance concern these days, but the slim build is about 6k gzipped bytes smaller than the regular version. These files are also available in the npm package and on the CDN:



These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at https://jquery.com/download/. Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.


Thank you to all of you who participated in this release by submitting patches, reporting bugs, or testing, including Dallas Fraser, Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, Wonseop Kim, Wonhyoung Park, Beatriz Rezener, Natalia Sroka, and the whole jQuery team.


Full changelog: 3.6.0





  • Modify reliableTrDimensions support test to account for FF (#4529, bcd40aa7)


  • Change JS Foundation mentions to OpenJS Foundation (db43ef0b)




  • ensure display is set to block for the support div (#4844) (#4832, f8bdb127)


  • Fix tests for not auto-executing scripts without dataType (7298e04f)
  • Skip the jQuery.parseXML error reporting test in Legacy Edge (bf06dd47)
  • Fix the jQuery.parseXML error reporting test (1ec36332)
  • Recognize callbacks with dots in the Node.js mock server (4c572a7f)
  • Skip the “jQuery.ajax() on unload” test in Safari (4f016c64)
  • Remove an unused local variable (beea433d)
  • Remove remaining obsolete jQuery.cache references (5e028c76)
  • Remove obsolete jQuery data tests (8ad78cdb)

jQuery 3.5.1 Released: Fixing a Regression

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I’ve never gotten to say this on a jQuery release, but May the 4th be with you! A short time ago in a galaxy exactly like this one, we released jQuery 3.5.0. We have a quick fix for a regression in that release.

Specifically, we had changed our internal data object to use Object.create( null ) instead of a plain object ({}). We did that to prevent collisions with keys on Object.prototype properties. However, this also meant that users (especially plugins) could no longer check what was in jQuery data with the native .hasOwnProperty() method, and it broke some code. We’ve reverted that change, but plan to put it back in jQuery 4.0. This change is the only code change in this release. Other changes include some minor updates to our docs and build system.

Security fixes in 3.5.0

jQuery 3.5.0 included fixes for two security issues in jQuery’s DOM manipulation methods, as in .html(), .append(), and the others. Security advisories for both of these issues have been published on GitHub. While we provided all of the details on the first issue in the jQuery 3.5.0 blog post, we did not provide all of the details on the second and would like to do that in this post.

The second issue was very similar to the first. It was an XSS vulnerability that had to do with passing <option> elements to jQuery’s DOM manipulation methods. Essentially, we’re using a regex to wrap <option> elements with <select> elements to ensure those elements get parsed correctly in old IE (IE <= 9 replaces any <option> tags with their contents when inserted outside of a <select> element).

Our fix is to only apply this code where it is needed. Fortunately, because of the different parsing behavior in IE9, we can keep the fix in IE9 without exposing it to the same vulnerability as other browsers. Please upgrade when you get a chance to avoid these vulnerabilities.


If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 3.5, have a look at the 3.5 Upgrade Guide. If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 3+, first have a look at the 3.0 Upgrade Guide. Also, the jQuery Migrate plugin will help you to identify compatibility issues in your code.

If you can’t yet upgrade to 3.5+, Daniel Ruf has kindly provided patches for previous jQuery versions. Please try out this new release and let us know about any issues you experienced.


You can get the files from the jQuery CDN, or link to them directly:



You can also get this release from npm:

npm install jquery@3.5.1

Slim build

Sometimes you don’t need ajax, or you prefer to use one of the many standalone libraries that focus on ajax requests. And often it is simpler to use a combination of CSS and class manipulation for web animations. Along with the regular version of jQuery that includes the ajax and effects modules, we’ve released a “slim” version that excludes these modules. The size of jQuery is very rarely a load performance concern these days, but the slim build is about 6k gzipped bytes smaller than the regular version. These files are also available in the npm package and on the CDN:



These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at https://jquery.com/download/. Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.


Thank you to all of you who participated in this release by submitting patches, reporting bugs, or testing, including Pierre Grimaud, Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, Ed S, vanillajonathan, and the whole jQuery team.


Full changelog: 3.5.1


  • Test on Node.js 14, stop testing on Node.js 8 & 13 (205dd134)
  • Enable reportUnusedDisableDirectives in ESLint (b21d6710)
  • Updating the 3.x-stable version to 3.5.1-pre. (898784ab)




  • Workaround failures in recent XSS tests in iOS 8 – 12 (ea2d0d50)
  • Add tests for recently fixed manipulation XSS issues (58a8e879)
  • Cleanup `window` & `document` handlers in a new event test (c1c0598d)
  • Fix flakiness in the “jQuery.ajax() – JSONP – Same Domain” test (46ba70c5)

jQuery 3.5.0 Released!

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jQuery 3.5.0 has been released! As usual, the release is available on our cdn and the npm package manager. Other third party CDNs will probably have it soon as well, but remember that we don’t control their release schedules and they will need some time.

We hope you’re staying healthy and safe while so many of us are stuck at home. With a virus ravaging the planet, we realize that jQuery may not be a high priority for you or the sites you manage. When you do have a moment, we recommend that you review this new version and upgrade.

Security Fix

The main change in this release is a security fix, and it’s possible you will need to change your own code to adapt. Here’s why: jQuery used a regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter method to ensure that all closing tags were XHTML-compliant when passed to methods. For example, this prefilter ensured that a call like jQuery("<div class='hot' />") is actually converted to jQuery("<div class='hot'></div>"). Recently, an issue was reported that demonstrated the regex could introduce a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

The HTML parser in jQuery <=3.4.1 usually did the right thing, but there were edge cases where parsing would have unintended consequences. The jQuery team agreed it was necessary to fix this in a minor release, even though some code relies on the previous behavior and may break. The jQuery.htmlPrefilter function does not use a regex in 3.5.0 and passes the string through unchanged.

If you absolutely need the old behavior, using the latest version of the jQuery migrate plugin provides a function to restore the old jQuery.htmlPrefilter. After including the plugin you can call jQuery.UNSAFE_restoreLegacyHtmlPrefilter() and jQuery will again ensure XHTML-compliant closing tags.

However, to sanitize user input properly, we also recommend using dompurify with the SAFE_FOR_JQUERY option to sanitize HTML from a user. If you don’t need the old behavior, but would still like to sanitize HTML from a user, dompurify should be used without the SAFE_FOR_JQUERY option, starting in jQuery 3.5.0. For more details, please see the 3.5 Upgrade Guide.


With what we call “positional selectors” being deprecated and slated for removal in jQuery 4.0, we’ve added the last two necessary replacement methods. Specifically, we’ve added the .even() and .odd() methods to replace the :even and :odd selectors. With these methods in place, we can safely remove these overly complicated selectors in jQuery 4.0.

Another small feature that we’ve added to this release is the ability to add a context to jQuery.globalEval. This was done as part of fixing a bug with script execution in iframes.


One bug worth highlighting is a bug we fixed in the Ajax script transport. jQuery used to evaluate any response to a request for a script as a script, which is not always the desired behavior. This is different than other data types where such a convention was fine (e.g. in the case of JSON). jQuery 3.5.0 will now only evaluate successful HTTP responses.

Other bug fixes and improvements include performance improvements in Sizzle, support for massive arrays in jQuery.map, using the native .flat() method where supported, a fix for syntax errors in the AMD modules, several improvements to our testing infrastructure, and more. You’ll find the full changelog below.


It wouldn’t be a jQuery release without some deprecations. In jQuery 3.5.0, we’ve put jQuery.trim on the list. JavaScript’s own String.prototype.trim() is an easy replacement for it.

We’ve also put AJAX event aliases on the list, they can be replaced by .on("ajaxStart", …) and the like. jQuery Migrate will warn about these now-deprecated methods, but they’ll stick around until jQuery 4.0.


Aside from the change to no longer ensure XHTML-compliant tags for you, we do not expect other compatibility issues when upgrading from a jQuery 3.0+ version. To upgrade, have a look at the new 3.5 Upgrade Guide. If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 3+, first have a look at the 3.0 Upgrade Guide.

The jQuery Migrate plugin will help you to identify compatibility issues in your code. Please try out this new release and let us know about any issues you experienced.

If you can’t yet upgrade to 3.5+, Daniel Ruf has kindly provided patches for previous jQuery versions.


You can get the files from the jQuery CDN, or link to them directly:



You can also get this release from npm:

npm install jquery@3.5.0

Slim build

Sometimes you don’t need ajax, or you prefer to use one of the many standalone libraries that focus on ajax requests. And often it is simpler to use a combination of CSS and class manipulation for web animations. Along with the regular version of jQuery that includes the ajax and effects modules, we’ve released a “slim” version that excludes these modules. The size of jQuery is very rarely a load performance concern these days, but the slim build is about 6k gzipped bytes smaller than the regular version. These files are also available in the npm package and on the CDN:



These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at https://jquery.com/download/. Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.


Thank you to all of you who participated in this release by submitting patches, reporting bugs, or testing, including Ahmed S. El-Afifi, Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, Wonseop Kim, Dave Methvin, Shashanka Nataraj, Pat O’Callaghan, Sean Robinson, Christian Oliff, Christian Wenz, and the whole jQuery team.

We also would like to thank Masato Kinugawa for helping us identify and fix the security-related issues in this release.


Full changelog: 3.5.0


  • Do not execute scripts for unsuccessful HTTP responses (#4250, #4655, da3dd85b)
  • Overwrite s.contentType with content-type header value, if any (#4119, 065143c2)
  • Deprecate AJAX event aliases, inline event/alias into deprecated (7a3cf9c0)


  • Resolve Travis config warnings (7506c9ca)
  • Enable ESLint one-var rule for var declarations in browser code (0fdfdd82)
  • Test the no-Sizzle build on Travis (362075ae)
  • Update .mailmap & AUTHORS.txt (19f2dcba)
  • Tests: Fix custom build tests, verify on Travis; name Travis jobs (d525ae34)
  • Lint the minified jQuery file as well (#3075, 37df5cdf)
  • Make Karma work in AMD mode (46c284b1)
  • Create a `grunt custom:slim` alias for the Slim build (4cbdc745)
  • Run tests on Travis only on browsers defined in the config (471b0043)
  • Run tests on Firefox ESR as well (0a73b94a)
  • Run tests on Node.js 13 in addition to 8, 10 & 12 (64c1fcc1)
  • Drop workarounds for Node.js 6 in Gruntfile.js (9f4204ec)
  • Run tests on Travis on FirefoxHeadless as well (ad3c2efa)
  • Require strict mode in Node.js scripts via ESLint (ac2da4e6)
  • Support jquery-release –dry-run flag (c7a5e1bd)
  • Stop copying src/core.js to dist on release (#4489, 279d2e97)
  • ESLint: forbid unused function parameters (d7e13f12)
  • Fix the regex parsing AMD var-modules (#4389) (36b59c96)


  • Ajax: Align nonce & global with master, fix an AMD issue (22bf701f)
  • Fire iframe script in its context, add doc param in globalEval (#4518, 3dedc3f2)
  • Deprecate jQuery.trim (#4363, 56e73e0c)
  • Use Array.prototype.flat where supported (#4320, 2f666c1d)
  • Implement .even() & .odd() to replace POS :even & :odd (409cbda7)


  • Workaround buggy getComputedStyle on table rows in IE/Edge (#4490, 6d31477a)


  • Event:Manipulation: Prevent collisions with Object.prototype (#3256, 413ff796)


  • Update links to EdgeHTML issues to go through Web Archive (d72faced)
  • Convert link to Homebrew from HTTP to HTTPS (ff5a43eb)


  • Fix a unnecessary conditional statement in .stop() (#4374, 30f5c6c3)


  • Use only one focusin/out handler per matching window & document (#4652, 9e15d6b4)
  • Only attach events to objects that accept data – for real (#4397, f36f6abb)


  • Skip the select wrapper for option elements
  • Make jQuery.htmlPrefilter an identity function (1d61fd94)




  • Blacklist one focusin test in IE (1a4f10dd)
  • Pass a number of necessary done() calls to assert.async() (5ea844f6)
  • Make the support tests pass on Firefox 4x/5x/60 (f0d5ec62)
  • Skip a “width/height on a table row with phantom borders” test in Firefox (c79e1d5f)
  • Don’t test synchronous XHR on unload in Chrome (c5b48c8c)
  • Fix offset fractions tests in Chrome for Android (0c67da4b)
  • Move Android user agent detection above iOS, put Safari last (6276cb2e)
  • Make support tests accept Safari 13 & newer (8167327f)
  • update npo.js and include unminified source instead (3654bc83)


  • Fix contents() on object elements with children in IE (90f78b9a)
  • Fix contents() on object elements with children (#4384, 42badf34)

jQuery 3.4.1: triggering focus events in IE and finding root elements in iOS 10

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Hello again! jQuery 3.4.0 was released just three weeks ago, but we’ve had a few issues reported that warranted a patch release. Thank you to everyone that reported issues and helped us get these fixed quickly. Here are the changes:

Triggering focus or blur more than once in IE

jQuery 3.4.0 came with some changes to the way the event handler triggered native events such focus and blur. These changes caused a regression that sometimes resulted in an enigmatic error being thrown in the form of "saved.shift is not a function". This is now fixed.


// Error thrown in IE10-11
// after clicking #test-element twice
jQuery("#test-element").click(function() {

Checking element attachment in iOS 10.0-10.2

When releasing 3.4.0, we ran our tests in several versions of iOS, including iOS 10.3 but not 10.0-10.2. Those versions do not support a native function we use to determine whether an element is attached to the DOM. Other versions of iOS were not affected. We added a guard to ensure that this method exists and fall back to other options if necessary.

Loading jQuery with AMD

A small module was added in jQuery 3.4.0 that used the global jQuery rather than the local jQuery loaded with AMD. This resulted in "jQuery is undefined" errors when loading with AMD, but this should now be fixed.



There should be no compatibility issues if upgrading from jQuery 3.0+. If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 3+, please have a look at the 3.0 Upgrade Guide. The jQuery Migrate 3.0 plugin will help you to identify compatibility issues in your code.

Please try out this new release and let us know about any issues you experienced.


You can get the files from the jQuery CDN, or link to them directly:



You can also get this release from npm:

npm install jquery@3.4.1

Slim build

Sometimes you don’t need ajax, or you prefer to use one of the many standalone libraries that focus on ajax requests. And often it is simpler to use a combination of CSS and class manipulation for web animations. Along with the regular version of jQuery that includes the ajax and effects modules, we’ve released a “slim” version that excludes these modules. The size of jQuery is very rarely a load performance concern these days, but the slim build is about 6k gzipped bytes smaller than the regular version. These files are also available in the npm package and on the CDN:



These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at https://jquery.com/download/. Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.


Thank you to all of you who participated in this release by submitting patches, reporting bugs, or testing, including Richard Gibson, Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, and the whole jQuery team.


GitHub changelog: Issues fixed in 3.4.1 | All changes


  • Fix unresolved jQuery reference in finalPropName (#4358, 0d4af529)



  • Prevent leverageNative from registering duplicate dummy handlers (6c1e7dbf)
  • Fix handling of multiple async focus events (#4350, 24d71ac7)

jQuery 3.4.0 Released

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jQuery has a new release! It’s been a while since our last release, but we expect this to be the last minor release in the 3.x branch, and then we will move on to the overhaul that will be jQuery 4.0. But before we get to 4.0, we’re excited to share the bug fixes and improvements included in jQuery 3.4.0. Here are some of the highlights:

Performance improvement in .width and .height

When getting and setting dimensions, there were certain cases where this could cause layout thrashing, which basically means that the browser calculated layout more times than necessary. We fixed this in all browsers except IE, where it can’t be avoided.

nonce and nomodule support

To support adding script elements through methods like .html and .append, jQuery separates them and appends new script tags to load and execute the remote content. During this process, attributes such as nonce and nomodule were ignored, but jQuery 3.4.0 now hangs onto them.

Radio elements: expected state in event handlers

We had already fixed the same issue with checkboxes, but accidentally left out radio inputs. In the following example, true was logged the first time the element was clicked. We fixed it so that the checked property is updated before the event handler is executed.


var $radios = jQuery(".example");
var $firstRadio = $radios.first();
var firstCheckedState = $firstRadio.prop("checked");
$radio.on("click", function() {
  // true in <3.4.0
  console.log($firstRadio.prop("checked") === firstCheckedState);

Minor vulnerability fix: Object.prototype pollution

jQuery 3.4.0 includes a fix for some unintended behavior when using jQuery.extend(true, {}, ...). If an unsanitized source object contained an enumerable __proto__ property, it could extend the native Object.prototype. This fix is included in jQuery 3.4.0, but patch diffs exist to patch previous jQuery versions.


jQuery.extend(true, {},
  JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"test": true}}')
console.log( "test" in {} ); // true

Note that while jQuery does its best to protect users from security vulnerabilities, jQuery is a DOM manipulation library that will generally do what you tell it to do. In this case, the behavior was likely unexpected, so jQuery.extend will no longer write any properties named __proto__. But guards such as this one are not replacements for good security practices such as user input sanitization.

Deprecating positional selectors and the sunset of Sizzle

The basic API of jQuery is to select something and then do something with what was selected. Sizzle, the selector engine in jQuery, handles the first half. It’s been a fast and efficient little engine that has paved the way for native selector APIs like querySelectorAll and additional native JavaScript and CSS selectors. Now that many of these selectors have made their way into modern browsers, it’s almost time to say goodbye to Sizzle. But in order to remove Sizzle in jQuery 4.0, we will also need to remove what we refer to as positional selectors, which are non-standard selectors.

Specifically, jQuery 3.4.0 is deprecating :first, :last, :eq, :even, :odd, :lt, :gt, and :nth. When we remove Sizzle, we’ll replace it with a small wrapper around querySelectorAll, and it would be almost impossible to reimplement these selectors without a larger selector engine.

We think this trade-off is worth it. Keep in mind we will still support the positional methods, such as .first, .last, and .eq. Anything you can do with positional selectors, you can do with positional methods instead. They perform better anyway.


There should be no compatibility issues if upgrading from jQuery 3.0+. If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 3+, please have a look at the 3.0 Upgrade Guide. The jQuery Migrate 3.0 plugin will help you to identify compatibility issues in your code.

Please try out this new release and let us know about any issues you experienced.


You can get the files from the jQuery CDN, or link to them directly:



You can also get this release from npm:

npm install jquery@3.4.0

Slim build

Sometimes you don’t need ajax, or you prefer to use one of the many standalone libraries that focus on ajax requests. And often it is simpler to use a combination of CSS and class manipulation for web animations. Along with the regular version of jQuery that includes the ajax and effects modules, we’ve released a “slim” version that excludes these modules. The size of jQuery is very rarely a load performance concern these days, but the slim build is about 6k gzipped bytes smaller than the regular version. These files are also available in the npm package and on the CDN:



These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at https://jquery.com/download/. Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.


Thank you to all of you who participated in this release by submitting patches, reporting bugs, or testing, including abnud1, Jason Bedard, buddh4, Kris Borchers, Andrei Fangli, Oleg Gaidarenko, Richard Gibson, Michal Golebiowski-Owczarek, Marja Hölttä, Dave Methvin, Ed S, Luis Emilio Velasco Sanchez, Saptak Sengupta, tmybr11, Bert Zhang, and the whole jQuery team.


GitHub changelog: Issues fixed in 3.4.0 | All changes



  • Use isAttached to check for attachment of element (662083ed)
  • Tiny efficiency fix to jQuery.extend / jQuery.fn.extend (#4246) (#4245, 4ffb1df8)
  • Preserve CSP nonce on scripts with src attribute in DOM manipulation (#4323, 00504037)
  • Preserve CSP nonce on scripts in DOM manipulation (#3541, c7c2855e)
  • Support passing nonce through jQuery.globalEval (#4278, 5bdc85b8)
  • Recognize Shadow DOM in attachment checks (#3504, 9b77def5)
  • Prevent Object.prototype pollution for $.extend( true, … ) (753d591a)


  • Ensure camel- vs kebab-cased names are not collapsed for CSS vars (f8c1e902)
  • Avoid filling jQuery.cssProps (#3986, 2b5f5d5e)
  • Correctly detect scrollbox support with non-default zoom (#4029, 821bf343)
  • Don’t auto-append “px” to CSS variables (#4064) (#4063, 75b77b48)
  • Skip the px-appending logic for animations of non-element props (f5e36bd8)
  • Avoid forcing a reflow in width/height getters unless necessary (#4322, a0abd15b)
  • Don’t read styles.position in the width/height cssHook unless necessary (#4185, 354f6036)
  • Don’t auto-append “px” to possibly-unitless CSS grid properties (#4007, f997241f)


  • fix computing outerWidth on SVGs (#3964, e743cbd2)
  • avoid fetching boxSizing when setting width/height – this avoids forcing a reflow in some cases (#3991, 73d7e625)
  • fall back to offsetWidth/Height for border-box in IE (#4102, 315199c1)


  • Prevent leverageNative from double-firing focusin (fe5f04de)
  • Add “code” property to Event object (#3978, 899c56f6)
  • Leverage native events for focus/blur/click; propagate additional data (#1741, #3423, #3751, #4139, 669f720e)
  • Respect script nomodule attribute in DOM manipulation (#4281, e4de8b46)
  • Restore _evalUrl jQuery.ajax calls to dataType: script (13de7c9e)
  • Only evaluate HTTP-successful script src (#4126, c2026b11)


  • Properly detect HTML elements with single-character names (#4124, 979809c5)


  • Add config for lockbot (2348f399)
  • Update license prolog/epilog to placate Github checker (29e76e25)


  • add gitter badge to README.md (7869f83d)
  • Add FOSSA license scan status badge (45f08588)



  • jQuery.param: return empty string when given null/undefined (#2633, 0645099e)



  • Seasonal update of uglify and its options (09684ba3)
  • Remove unnecessary ESLint exception (dc05f3c1)
  • Run the basic test suite in jsdom (0ec25abb)
  • Remove manual QUnit fixture resetting (84b6a0be)
  • Make Promises/A+ tests use the dot reporter instead of the default (ca9356ec)
  • Update QUnit from 1.23.1 to 2.9.2 (6ced2639)
  • Run Karma browser tests on Node.js 10 instead of 8 (16ad9889)
  • Update jsdom; migrate a test with Symbol polyfill to an iframe test (9cb124ed)
  • Remove obsolete globals from ESLint configuration (c10945d0)
  • Update most dependencies (8751e9ef)
  • Update test code for compatibility with QUnit 2.x (#4297) (c3498187)
  • Advise to create test cases on JS Bin or CodePen, drop JSFiddle (da44ff39)

Bad map file for jQuery 1.9.1 in the jQuery CDN

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Quite a while back, Mike Taylor pointed out that the jQuery CDN has a minified copy of jQuery 1.9.1 with an incorrect map file reference. Basically, it refers to the map for jQuery 1.11.1, and that’s just wrong. If you are trying to debug a site that uses the minified jQuery 1.9.1 file, dev tools will get very confused and make a hard job even harder.

You might think that we could just edit the https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js file to point to the correct map file, which does exist as https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.map. There are at least two problems with doing that. The first is that the file is heavily cached across the internet, since it’s been assumed for years that it will never change once the release occurs. Even if we edited the file, both the JavaScript and map file might never actually update at the point where they’re being used.

A second problem is even more serious. We’ve been advocating that developers use the script’s integrity attribute to ensure that the file you are including has not been modified since you originally wrote the script tag. If we modify the contents of the file this attribute will be wrong and the page will no longer include the file. This is likely to completely break the page! Given the age of jQuery 1.9.1 it is possible that many of the pages including this file are not being actively maintained. Thus, we can’t seriously consider changing the JavaScript file in any way, not even one byte.

The least disruptive option is to remove the jquery.min.map file that the jQuery 1.9.1 minified file references. It does not affect whether jQuery runs correctly for the visitors of a site. It only has the effect of disabling the source map. Because of these pitfalls of including the sourceMappingURL map reference in CDN JavaScript files that are often copied elsewhere, we no longer include it.

If you need to debug a site using one of these minified files, it is possible to manually associate a map file in Chrome. Open the minified source file, right click over the area of the minified source, and select “Add source map…”.

The incorrect jquery.min.map file has been removed from the jQuery CDN. We expect that there won’t be any observable change from removing this file, other than restoring sanity to debugging a site that uses jQuery 1.9.1. The jQuery 1.11.1 minified file does not reference its map, so it will continue to work fine and you can associate a map file as mentioned above.

Because caches are so aggressive on CDNs and across the internet, it’s possible that you may still see this map file for a while. If you see some unusual behavior that you think is related to the missing jquery.min.map file you can open a ticket on the CDN issue tracker.

jQuery 3.3.1 – fixed dependencies in release tag

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We encountered an issue in the release for jQuery 3.3.0, so we’ve immediately released another tag. The code itself is identical, but our release dependencies (only used during release) were added to the dependencies of the jQuery package itself due to the new behavior of npm in version 5+.

jQuery 3.3.1 is now recommended if installing from npm or GitHub. If using jQuery on any CDN, the built file only differs in the version number.

We apologize for any inconvenience and have updated our release script to account for this issue.

Please see the jQuery 3.3.0 blog post for all relevant code changes in this release.


You can get the files from the jQuery CDN, or link to them directly:



You can also get this release from npm:

npm install jquery@3.3.1

Slim build

Sometimes you don’t need ajax, or you prefer to use one of the many standalone libraries that focus on ajax requests. And often it is simpler to use a combination of CSS and class manipulation for all your web animations. Along with the regular version of jQuery that includes the ajax and effects modules, we’ve released a “slim” version that excludes these modules. The size of jQuery is very rarely a load performance concern these days, but the slim build is about 6k gzipped bytes smaller than the regular version – 24k vs 30k. These files are also available in the npm package and on the CDN:


These updates are already available as the current versions on npm and Bower. Information on all the ways to get jQuery is available at https://jquery.com/download/. Public CDNs receive their copies today, please give them a few days to post the files. If you’re anxious to get a quick start, use the files on our CDN until they have a chance to update.