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Part 3: Advanced Site Design with Full Site Editing: Site Editor, Templates and Template Parts

Let’s explore how you can use templates and template parts to edit your entire site’s design.

Here’s what you’ll learn by the end of this course:

  • Difference between the Site Editor and Template Editor
  • The function of templates and template parts
  • How to confidently use the Site Editor and Template Editor
  • How to create a personalized site design using templates and template parts
  • Lessons: 7

Part 2: Personalized Site Design with Full Site Editing and Theme Blocks

Let’s dive into theme blocks! Now that you know about full site editing, you can take advantage of your familiar experience with blocks to customize and build all parts of your site.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • What theme blocks are, along with their benefits
  • How to create a personalized site design using theme blocks
  • Lessons: 7

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