VideoLAN, Un projecte i un organització sense ànim de lucre.
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VLC media player

VLC és un reproductor multimèdia multi-plataforma, gratuït i de codi font obert. Reprodueix la majoria de fitxers multimèdia així com protocols diversos de transmissió de dades.

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  • Donate to VLC
    VideoLAN és una organtizació sense ànim de lucre.
    Totes les despeses les cobrim amb els donatius que rebem dels nostres usuaris. Si gaudiu usant un producte VideoLAN, feu un donatiu per donar-nos suport.
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  • Contribute Work to VLC
    VideoLAN és programari de codi obert.
    Això significa que si teniu la capacitat i el desig de millorar algun dels nostres productes, la vostra col·laboració és benvinguda
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  • Spread VLC
    Creiem que el VideoLAN és el millor programa de vídeo disponible i al millor preu: gratuït. Si hi esteu d'acord, ajudeu-nos a difondre'l.
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Notícies i actualitzacions


VideoLAN is proud to release the new major version of VLC for Android. It comes with new widgets, network media indexation, a better tablet and foldable support, design improvements in the audio screen, improved accessibility and performance improvements.


Today, VideoLAN is publishing the 3.0.17 release of VLC, which adds support for a few formats, improves adaptive streaming support, fixes some crashes and updates many third party libraries. More details on the release page.


We are happy to announce a major update of VLC for iOS, iPadOS and tvOS adding a new video playback interface, support for NFS and SFTP network shares and major improvements to the media handling especially for audio. See the press release.


libbluray and related libraries, libaacs and libbdplus, have new releases, focused on maintenance, minor improvements, and notably new OSes and new java versions compatibility. See libbluray, libaacs and libbdplus pages.


Since its very early days in 1996, VideoLAN software is written in programming languages of the C family (mostly plain C with additions in C++ and Objective-C) with the notable exception of its port to Android, which was started in Java and recently transitioned to Kotlin. VLC does not use the log4j library on any platform and is therefore unaffected by any related security implications.

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