Ukraine at war

All of our coverage of the war in one place

With Russian attacks now focused on the east of the country, the war in Ukraine has entered a new phase. Responses in the rest of the world range from hesitancy in Germany, fear in Taiwan—of China doing something similar—and ambivalence in wider Asia.

The Economist is following the conflict closely. Our coverage includes our recent face-to-face interview in Kyiv with Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, as well as asking prominent thinkers for their opinions on the conflict.

Latest analysis

Will the Ukraine war ring the knell for nuclear arms control?

America offers to resume nuclear talks with Russia, and calls for China to join. But the outlook is dark

Explainer: Why isn’t Russia blocking GPS in Ukraine?

It is capable of drowning out Ukrainian signals—or even striking satellites

The EU agrees on an energy diet to fight Russian gas cuts

Vladimir Putin wants to blackmail Europe into dropping sanctions

Ukraine is gathering strength for an assault on Kherson

Russia might destroy the city rather than lose it

How heavy are Russian casualties in Ukraine?

The CIA and MI6 say 15,000 Russians have died. Estimating such things involves a lot of guesswork

Explainer: How crowdfunding is shaping the war in Ukraine

The military campaigns

Software developers aspire to forecast who will win a battle

Conflict in Ukraine and tension elsewhere means demand is high

Ukraine’s new rockets are wreaking havoc on Russia’s army

The American-supplied HIMARS is wiping out arms dumps and command posts

The war is forcing Ukraine’s energy planners to be creative

As Russia bombs power plants, Ukrainians find alternatives

PodcastHow has Ukraine changed warfare?

As Vladimir Putin’s war grinds on, we ask Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the head of the UK’s armed forces, how to deal with the longer-term threat from Russia

How to win Ukraine’s long war

After doing well early in the war, Ukraine is losing ground. What next?

The impact on Ukraine

Russia is disappearing vast numbers of Ukrainians

Thousands have vanished into exile, prison or death

A Ukrainian ballerina goes to war

Olesia Vorotnyk danced with the national ballet. Then Russia invaded

Explainer: Where will Ukraine store its grain?

It is hard to export in a war—and there is nowhere to put it

Roman Ratushny believed in a better, purer Ukraine

The civic and environmental activist was killed near Izyum on June 9th, aged 24

Reverberations abroad

A sleepy Greek port has become vital to the war in Ukraine

American ships dock there. A firm with Russian ties wants to buy it

Is America growing weary of the long war in Ukraine?

Inflation, wayward allies and venomous politics at home are eroding support for the proxy conflict against Russia

Europe’s winter of discontent

Even as temperatures soar Europe faces a bitter energy crisis later this year

The British Army has a new focus and outdated equipment

Its top general sets his sights on Russia. But his forces desperately need investment

The impact on Russia

Why the West should be wary of permanently seizing Russian assets

It is a seductive idea, but would also be a mistake

The Putin show

How the war in Ukraine appears to Russians

Anonymous tipsters, angry at Russia, help detect sanctions-busters

A “whole of society” approach to intelligence is paying off

Russia is on track for a record trade surplus

Imports have collapsed, but exports are holding up

Ukraine spoils Vladimir Putin’s May 9th parade

Russia’s army is struggling and Volodymyr Zelensky is the better showman

By Invitation: guest essays on the crisis

By InvitationAllowing Ukraine into the EU is not the right move for now, say Luuk van Middelaar and Hans Kribbe

Instead, a new security league should forge closer links between Europe’s countries, argue two former Brussels insiders

By InvitationThe German chancellor may be turning a corner, says Thorsten Benner

The analyst says Olaf Scholz has got the big calls right, but has not communicated his policies well

Charts and explainers

Most of the world’s grain is not eaten by humans

Nearly half of all grain is either burned as fuel or eaten by animals

Explainer: Why are pilots in Ukraine firing rockets so clumsily?

“Lofting”, which dates back to the 1940s, suggests both sides lack modern weaponry

The UN says more than 4,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine

The true death count is almost certainly much higher

Explainer: Why is Severodonetsk important?

The town has become a key battleground in the fight for Ukraine’s Donbas region

The crisis in historical context


FilmThe Economist interviews Tony Blair

The former British prime minister on the third incarnation of Vladimir Putin

1843 magazine | What Vladimir Putin misunderstood about Ukrainians

Russia’s president thought Ukraine would fold when invaded. History shows its people come together in adversity

Writers have grappled with Vladimir Putin for two decades

Greyness, greed and grievance have been the dominant themes

Six books that explain the history and culture of Ukraine

From gangsters in Odessa to paramilitaries in the Donbas