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A broken idea

ESG investing

The environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach to investment is broken. It needs to be streamlined and stripped of sanctimoniousness, argues Henry Tricks


Special reports

Latin America

Latin America is stuck between stagnation and street protest, argues Michael Reid

Special reports

China in Africa

To counter China’s growing role in Africa the West must first understand it, say Gady Epstein and John McDermott

Special reports

Central banks

Central banks are under attack for failing to stop inflation. That partly reflects being given too many other jobs to do, argues Rachana Shanbhogue

Special reports


Florida is booming and becoming more important, with big consequences for America, says Alexandra Suich Bass

Special reports

Private markets

The past decade has been a golden one for private financial markets. As they become bigger they are being dramatically reshaped, says Matthew Valencia

Special reports

The new interventionism

After a long liberalising era, the state has bounced back. That is not a good thing, argues Jan Piotrowski


Special reports


Japan offers the world examples to follow as well as ones not to. It is as relevant as ever, argues Noah Sneider

Special reports

Stabilising the climate

There has never been a collective human endeavour more ambitious than stabilising the climate. In this special report our journalists assess what it will take to meet the historic goals agreed on in Paris six years ago

Special reports

World trade

Trade has been about growth and efficiency. Now other goals are competing for attention, says Soumaya Keynes

Special reports


Angela Merkel’s departure will leave a big hole in Germany—and much for her successor to do, says Tom Nuttall

Special reports

The Arab world

The Middle East is mired in conflict and collapse, but it also has an identity crisis, says Gregg Carlstrom

Special reports

The Chinese Communist Party

The world’s most powerful political party was founded a century ago. James Miles says it is projecting ever greater confidence, while fortifying itself against collapse

Special reports


Brazil is backsliding. Politicians, businesses and voters must act before it is too late, says Sarah Maslin

Special reports

Race in America

How it confronts ethnic divisions matters to multiracial democracies everywhere

Special reports

The future of banking

Imagining a world without banks

Special reports

The future of work

Workers the world over have had a torrid year. But the future is bright, argues Callum Williams

Special reports

The future of shopping

Not since the Industrial Revolution has shopping been in such upheaval, writes Henry Tricks

Special reports

The future of travel

Covid-19 has brought international travel to a standstill. But it will recover and may even become a better experience, says Simon Wright

Special reports

Generation Xi

Young Chinese are both patriotic and socially progressive. That mix is already changing their country, says Stephanie Studer, our China correspondent