Executive Director's Corner

Susan Gurley, JD
Executive Director


BIPOC Mental Health Trends and Disparities - April 2022 Blog

Many members of BIPOC communities deal with stress and trauma that can stem from specific socioeconomic struggles that consciously and subconsciously impact the everyday lives of the community. Even though mental health experiences are unique to each person, there are a few trends within the BIPOC community that highlight similar disparities and barriers throughout each ethnic group. Read more.

Redefine and Unlearn: BIPOC Youth Destigmatize Mental Health in their Community - April 2022 Blog

In a world that is constantly evolving, BIPOC youth are actively working to change the way their communities acknowledge and embrace mental health. Youth (defined here as those between the ages of 15 to 24) are redefining what mental health means and are trying to “unlearn” some of the negative stigmas that have been taught or demonstrated by older generations. Read the full blog.

ADAA Announces Early Career Board Member - Mbemba Jabbi, PhD - February 28, 2022

ADAA is pleased to announce that Mbemba Jabbi, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Dell Medical School, has been selected to join the ADAA board for a two-year term. The Early Career Board member works with early-career professionals and students to ensure that the early career voice of ADAA’s membership is fully represented. Read the full announcement.

Celebrating BIPOC Mental Health Trailblazers

Too often, mental health trailblazers within BIPOC communities are overlooked and underappreciated for their contribution to psychology, health and medicine. Let’s take the time to celebrate these trailblazers and their endless work and legacies throughout the mental health industry. Read the blog post.

ADAA Welcomes New Board President Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD - January 1, 2022

ADAA is pleased to announce that Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD has assumed the role of President of the ADAA Board of Directors (BOD) effective January 1, 2022. Dr. Nemeroff will serve a two-year term. Dr. Nemeroff succeeds Luana Marques, PhD who served as ADAA BOD President from 2019-2021. Dr. Marques will now serve as Immediate Past Board Chair.  Read the full press release.

ADAA Announces Several New Board Appointments for 2022 - January 1, 2022

We enthusiastically share the news that Helen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD has been appointed Board President-Elect effective January 1, 2022. Dr. Simpson will take over as ADAA’s President in 2024.

We are also pleased to announce the appointment of three new board members whose tenure began January 1, 2022. Please join us in welcoming:

A special thank you to ADAA members Carmela Alcántara, PhD and Mbemba Jabbi, PhD for serving on the ADAA board seat nominating committee. We very much appreciate their time and thoughtful participation.

The ADAA Board and staff also extend their sincere appreciation to the following board members whose terms ended December 31.

Many thanks to Beth Salcedo, MD, Scott Rauch, MD and Risa Weisberg, PhD for their board service and commitment.  Read the full press release here.

Setting New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Health - January 2022 Blog

Many of us struggle with perfectionism and deciding on New Year’s resolutions can add stress to a process that’s supposed to be helpful. Fortunately, evidence shows that optimal goal setting promotes mental health when the goals are measurable, obtainable, psychologically safe, and prioritize health and wellness.  Read more.

The Science of Gratitude: 5 Easy Practices for November - Blog Post - November 9, 2021

While the pressure of the month of November might cause anxiety, there actually might be something to those outpourings of gratitude. Science supports how consciously practicing gratitude can help you feel better, attain stronger mental health outcomes, and even curb anxiety. Read More.

Depression Across the Lifespan: Depression⁠—and its Treatments⁠—are Different for Each Life Stage - Blog Post - October 18, 2021

The concept of “depression across the lifespan” means that depression affects people differently depending on their life stage. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is hosting a professional continuing education Fall Forum on depression across the lifespan on October 21, 2021.  Read more.

ADAA Board of Directors Seeks Applications For Three Open Board Seats - September 9, 2021

Help Lead ADAA into the Future!

The ADAA Board of Directors, the governing body of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), is a volunteer group of members who are clinicians, researchers, and others with a commitment to advancing treatment, research, training, and education about anxiety disorders and depression.

The ADAA Board of Directors has three open board seats and will be selecting three candidates to serve on the Board effective January 1, 2022. Board terms are 2 years each. Applicants must be members in good standing. The deadline to apply is midnight EST, Wednesday, October 13, 2021.  Learn more and apply.

ADAA Depression and Anxiety Journal 2020 Impact Factor Released

ADAA is delighted to announce that its professional journal, Depression and Anxiety, received a 6.5 Impact Factor for 2020 per the ISI Journal Citation Reports. This is a 38 percent increase from the previous Impact Factor. Additionally, the journal ranks 22 of 156 in psychiatry journals; 8 of 77 in psychology journals; 10 of 131 for psychology clinical journals, and 15 of 143 for psychiatry social science journals. Read the full press release.

ADAA Opens it's 2022 Denver Annual Conference Submissions Portal - July 2021

ADAA is now accepting submissions for Master Clinicians, Roundtables, Symposia, Workshops, Posters, the Donald F. Klein Early Career Investigator Award, and the Career Development Leadership Program (CDLP). Submit today and join us March 17-21 in Denver.

It's Official - ADAA's New Website Has Launched! - March 2021

Last year we set out to make a better experience for anyone needing information and support for anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, depression, and co-occurring disorders. After a lot of work behind the scenes, including feedback from you, we’re excited to reveal our new website and brand refresh. Read more.

HealthWell Foundation on Launch of Behavioral Health Fund to Assist COVID-19 Frontline Health Care Workers

"...We applaud the HealthWell Foundation for recognizing the paramount need for frontline health care workers who are going to heroic measures to save the lives of those impacted by COVID-19 by providing a vital financial resource that will enable them to obtain critical behavioral health services..." Susan Gurley, ADAA Executive Director, February 10, 2021. Read the full press release.

February 2021

“Train lay people to be the frontline — give people someone to talk to,” Gurley says. “Just someone who says, ‘How are you?’ is worth so much. People can become self-absorbed, and we have to mitigate against that. One has an obligation to reach out and check on people and be really present and mindful..." Susan Gurley, ADAA Executive Director -  Bracing for the Next Wave, Medium.com, February 2021

A Message from the ADAA Board of Directors

January 1, 2020

ADAA is pleased to announce that Krystal Lewis, PhD has joined the ADAA Board of Directors (BOD) effective January 1, 2021. Dr. Lewis will serve a two-year term. As the ADAA BOD wishes to enhance its engagement with early career professionals and seeks to have the early career voice fully represented and involved, Dr. Lewis assumes the board seat designated for an early career professional. Read the full news release here.


October 27, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of a donor-funded, diversity membership scholarship for ADAA that will run through December 31, 2021. More than 30 applications were received and 10 candidates were selected.  We extend special thanks to ADAA member Krystal Lewis, PhD and the ADAA Board for funding these scholarships. 

  • Matthew Brown, MS 
  • Terence Ching, MS, PhD Candidate 
  • Christy DaBreo-Otero, MA 
  • Jenny Jung-Mi Kim Goebel, MS, LCSW
  • Tamela Hughes, BS 
  • Dominique Luisa La Barrie
  • Kevin Narine, BA
  • Stephanie Ortiz Domenech, PhD Candidate
  • Eve Rosenfeld, MA 
  • Margaret White, MS, PhD Candidate

A Message from the ADAA Board of Directors

ADAA Stands Against Racism

June 4, 2020

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s (ADAA) mission is more critical than ever. Since ADAA’s founding 40 years ago, we have been committed to ensuring that everyone who struggles with an anxiety disorder, depression or PTSD can obtain the resources they need to live healthier and more productive lives. 
Over the last few months, we have seen that many of our poorest neighborhoods and communities of color have suffered disproportionately from the spread of COVID-19. Many of these same marginalized communities are also grappling with economic uncertainty, and now with the recent killing of George Floyd following so many other killings of African Americans, with increased mental health issues. ADAA’s mental health experts understand that exposure to these pervasive racial traumas and stressors are detrimental to one’s mental health. We also know that many people of color who suffer from mental health issues also experience less access to care and services.  Read the full statement here.


ADAA Names New Board President

ADAA is pleased to announce that Luana Marques, PhD has assumed the role of President of the ADAA Board of Directors (BOD) effective January 1, 2020. Dr. Marques will serve a two-year term. Dr. Marques succeeds Beth Salcedo, MD, who served as ADAA BOD President from 2017-2019. Dr. Salcedo will now serve as Immediate Past Board Chair. Dr. Marques has been an active member of ADAA since 2008 and has served on the Board since 2016. Dr. Marques is an ADAA Clinical Fellow, serves as the Board Liaison to the ADAA Annual Conference Committee, the Professional Education Committee, the PTSD Special Interest Group and the Multicultural Advances Special Interest Group. Read more.

ADAA Congratulates Scott Rauch, MD on Election to National Academy of Medicine

On October 23, 2019 ADAA Board Secretary Scott Rauch, MD of McLean Hospital was elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).

Offered to approximately 80 professionals in the fields of health and medicine a year, election to the NAM is considered one of the highest honors recognizing individuals who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement.

In the announcement, NAM President, Victor J. Dzau, stated, "These newly elected members represent the most exceptional scholars and leaders whose remarkable work has advanced science, medicine, and health in the U.S. and around the globe. Their expertise will be vital to addressing today's most pressing health and scientific challenges and informing the future of health and medicine for the benefit of us all."


ADAA also recognizes its other members elected to the NAM:

  • Larry Culpepper, MD
  • Judy Garber, PhD
  • Ned Kalin, MD
  • Ronald Kessler, PhD
  • David Kupfer, PhD
  • Charlie Nemeroff, MD, CMO and ADAA board member
  • Daniel Pine, MD
  • Kerry Ressler, PhD
  • Alan Schatzberg, MD
  • Myrna Weissman, PhD


Venable Grant Awarded to ADAA

VEN-Foundation_Logo_RGB_slider.jpgThe Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a 2018 grant from the Venable Foundation

Immigrant and refugee families in the US face significant barriers in accessing mental health care services. Some of these barriers include: higher levels of stigma, misinformation about mental health, language differences and stressors associated with migration and resettlement. Funding from the Venable grant will allow ADAA to enhance our diversity focused mental health resources that specifically target the immigrant/refugee population. These resources include consumer webinars, blog posts, online support groups and more for immigrant and refugee families. Click here to learn more.

KidGuard Grant Awarded to ADAA

kidguard_1_0.pngADAA is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a 2018 Nonprofit grant from KidGuard. KidGuard is a technology services company that provides information & tools for parents to keep their kids safe online. KidGuard awards annual grants to registered 501(c) nonprofit organizations that have a mission to protect, support, or advocate for the benefit of family and children. 
Over the last several years, rates of childhood depression have continued to rise. Yet, information and awareness about childhood depression has not kept pace with this alarming trend. With increased exposure to social media, children are at greater risk of experiencing cyberbullying and negative situations that can increase their anxiety, put them at risk for depression and in more severe cases, suicide. Funding from the KidGuard grant, will allow ADAA to enhance our current educational content and mental health resources for children and teens. These resources include consumer webinars, child-friendly infographics, blog posts and educational videos covering topics such as childhood depression and anxiety, how to identify symptoms and where to find effective and suitable treatment options. Click here to learn more. 

Child Mind Logo.jpgUnderstanding Anxiety in Children and Teens

ADAA Board President, Beth Salcedo, MD, and Child Mind Institute President, Harold S. Koplewicz, MD, co-authored this essay as a companion to “Understanding Anxiety,” the Child Mind Institute’s 2018 Children’s Mental Health Report. Read more.

ADAA Statement on PTSD, Panic, and Sexual Assault 

As clinicians, scientists, and professors who are experts in the fields of anxiety, depression, and trauma, the recent media coverage of trauma and sexual assault have moved us to comment, not on the particulars discussed, but on the potential impact on the patients to whom we have committed our careers to help. Read more.

Thank you to our Facebook Fundraisers!

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Since November of 2017 when Facebook launched its new fundraising program, ADAA has been extremely fortunate to receive many generous donations through Facebook fundraisers. These fundraisers are created by Facebook members celebrating birthdays and choosing - in lieu of gifts - to have their friends and family make donations to a nonprofit of their choice. We wanted to extend a huge thank you to those who choose to fundraise on behalf of ADAA - your generosity makes a critical difference! Read more. 

LuanaMarques56_2.jpgADAA Welcomes Luana Marques, PhD as President-Elect

ADAA is pleased to announce that Luana Marques, PhD has been elected President-Elect of the ADAA Board of Directors and will assume the Board Presidency in January of 2020. Dr. Marques has been an active member of ADAA since 2008 and has served on the board since 2016. Dr. Marques is an ADAA Clinical Fellow, serves as the board liaison to the ADAA Annual Conference Committee, the Professional Education Committee, the PTSD Special Interest Group and the Multicultural Advances Special Interest Group. Read more. 


ADAA Selected As Top Finalist for “Outstanding Organization Award” from the Child Mind Institute

We are proud to announce that the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) has been chosen from among hundreds of organizations as one of five finalists for the 2018 Outstanding Organization Award from the Child Mind Institute! The winner will be decided as a result of online voting which is open to the public as of today through March 23. We would really appreciate your support for us by voting for us today and spreading the word! Please note: one vote per email address per day may be entered. Read more.

Spanish HU Community iPhone Graphicsmall_1.jpg

Estamos emocionados a introducir el inicio de la comunidad de ADAA’s HealthUnlocked en Español! Este anónimo miembro-a-miembro grupo de apoyo para ansiedad y depresión servirá como un espacio seguro y de apoyo para que gente pueda compartir información y experiencias, y para unirse con otra gente sufriendo de ansiedad, depresión, o trastornos relacionados. Suscríbase hoy a la Comunidad HealthUnlocked en Español! https://healthunlocked.com/ansiedad-depresion-apoyo


Hope and Grace Fund Grant Awarded to ADAA

ADAA is delighted to announce that we have received a grant from the hope & grace fund, a project of New Venture Fund in partnership with philosophy, inc.” The grant allows ADAA to launch an exciting new initiative “Turning a Laser-Focus on Women’s Issues in the Treatment of Anxiety, Depression and Related Disorders.” 

Through this new project, ADAA will form a Women’s Special Interest Group to design women-focused programming for mental health professionals. It will also develop programming for its 2018 annual conference that focuses on evidence-based gender research and treatment options for women. Finally, ADAA will create women-focused webinars and outreach to educate the public about mental health treatment options for women and to decrease the stigma of mental illness. This project will educate at least 100 clinical researchers and clinicians on female-focused mental health research and treatment trends, while also disseminating educational information about mental health to more than a million women of all ages. Through this initiative, ADAA will reduce the stigma of mental illness, connect women to specialized treatment, and foster dialogue between women’s mental health researchers, clinicians, patients, and the public at large. Interested in learning more about how can become involved in this exciting new project? Please contact Lise Bram.
