Matt on Tumblr — How the Snowflakes Won

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I suppose this is a good opportunity to let people know that I’ll be running Tumblr personally for a while, and it will be my top priority within Automattic. There is a ton of opportunity for improvements the community has asked for and deserves, and I’m excited to work on it.

automattic tumblr new beginnings
  1. li4lo reblogged this from photomatt
  2. blue-mystique reblogged this from actualtruthmatters
  3. jerkyhooves said: @kobithedragon yeah haha i guess people were right to freak out about the yahoo buyout back when David sold Tumblr to Yahoo, except that Yahoo was just the poison and not its grim deliver. I believe tumblr will one day become just the way myspace turned out to be, just this time it will take longer because unlike myspace, tumblr is a very unique platform you dont see anywhere else, unlike myspace’s competitors that lurked all around. rip tumblr in the future
  4. kobithedragon said: @jerkyhooves instagram in particular without relying on the algorithm to find similar blogs or whatever because there is no other option, theres no user curated way to connect creators besides like story reshares but thats just not the same….
  5. kobithedragon said: @jerkyhooves just wanna add i do love tumblr and flickr way more than the mainstream sites because theres far less focus on an algorithm. flickr has wonderful features like galleries and groups and albums for finding stuff if ur into visuals and literally all tumblr blogs are interconnected by reblogs so u have a 0% reliance on any algorithm for finding anything. I never use tumblr’s “explore” section or “for you” section or even the dashboard. and its impossible to use
  6. kobithedragon said: @jerkyhooves …they really weren’t doing well AT ALL. they had been struggling a tonne even before they bought Flickr which was way before the Tumblr acquisition in 2013… So idk, the sale really just messed everything up. Twitter was never sold and I’m seriously wondering why tumblr didn’t just stay as its own company. Idk much about business but the moment it was sold the userbase started going down…..
  7. kobithedragon said: @jerkyhooves You know, people don’t seem to miss reblogs or customisation too much, and evidently barely anyone even knows about the Api allowing for 3rd party apps. I guess this platform feels less important to society because there isn’t anyone famous or “important” on it. Like Obama used it back in the day but he was still primarily on twitter. I think it’s easy to see why it just keeps getting nuked over time. Like I watched this documentary on yahoo the other day and…
  8. kobithedragon said: @jerkyhooves but you’ve gotta consider why so many people did actually leave even though the platform is still pretty much functional. Like it isn’t in a MySpace-like state of barely usable. It gets a tonne of updates twice every week and feels very much alive on the transmitting end. But on the recieving end so many people just left and they’re presumably just FINE using Twitter or Instagram or whatever. Or like wattpad or even wordpress.
  9. kobithedragon said: @jerkyhooves yea Ur totally right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess the only reason why twitter still survives with adult content allowed is because uhhh it’s far too important to kill. Like EVERYONE uses twitter. Tumblr dies and nothing fundamentally changes because it’s used recreationally. Twitter dies and where does everyone go? Facebook? Where’s the twitter alternative? I guess it’s why so many people were so comfortable to just leave tumblr. It’s brilliant don’t get me wrong, and very unique.
  10. professors-pet reblogged this from jv
  11. photomatt posted this
    The soft, sad freaks on an unprofitable website claimed victory in the battle for the internet’s soul and defined the...

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