Welcome to the new website from the Student Council Physics/Astronomy to the new summer semester 2022 at the University in Bonn!

Information concerning your studies, current offers and events we organise as well as important news will be published here.

Your Student Council

Current events

Student Council Meeting

Weekly meetings from the Student Council. Everyone is welcome here.

Student Council Representation Meeting

The next FSV Meetings are planed for 16.08. and 13.09.2022.

Student council general meeting

The next FSVV Meeting is not scheduled yet.

Student Council Physics/Astronomy

What is the Student Council? Many people don't know that when coming to the university for the first time. Just browse the internet or take a look at the links beneath or in the overview About us. If you want to find out how to become an active part of the Student Council, just come over here. We are always looking for new motivated people, thus: Don't ask, how the Student Council can help you, rather ask, how you can help the Student Council.
Apart from that, information concerning events and offers from the Student Council can be found as well. Just browse through our datapool, there will be surely something fitting for you.

Feel free to swing by the Student Council's Room and say Hi!

Student Council

The Student Council is the executive committee responsible for daily tasks.

Student Council Representation

The Student Council Representation is the elected committee determining the official business.

Offers from the Student Council

The Student Council offers many opportunities varying from study support to organised events.

Important Links

Here are some referenced pages from the university and physics student organisation, which might be useful or rather important for your future studies.

Announcements from the Examination Office

The Examination Office publishes relevant and important information as well as documents concerning studies here.

Course catalog physics

You can find the course catalog with descriptions here

Overview over the current exam dates

You will find all dates and deadlines for all the upcoming exams in this overview.

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