
Make WordPress Themes

Change History (10)

#1 @sixhours
3 years ago

  • Owner set to sixhours
  • Status changed from new to assigned

#2 @sixhours
3 years ago

  • Resolution set to approved
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

Previous Issues

  • FIXED: As you are supporting 'automatic-feed-links', the inclusion of the RSS feed in document head is redundant. bloghead.php still includes an unnecessary RSS feed link.
  • FIXED: page-sidebar.php contains a function_exists check around dynamic_sidebar... there may be others. Backward compatibility is intended for new WordPress?? functionality introduced in the two versions prior to WP3.4. There is no need to perform function_exists() checks for register_sidebar(), add_theme_support() and dynamic_sidebar().
  • FIXED: Lots of styles/scripts being enqueued in header.php, these need to move to functions.php or similar. Styles and scripts should not be hard-coded in header/footer templates. Scripts should not be enqueued in the header/footer templates. Only the theme's style.css may be hard-coded. All other styles and scripts should be placed in a callback function attached to the appropriate hook e.g. wp_enqueue_scripts, wp_head.
  • FIXED functions.php, line 9 -- home_url() must be escaped with esc_url()
  • FIXED (almost, see below): functions.php, line 10 -- value variable must be escaped with esc_attr_e().
  • FIXED License/copyright information for bundled resources (like the default header image, permalink icon, etc.) must be declared somewhere in the documentation, like style.css header or readme
  • FIXED header.php, line 83 -- home_url() must be escaped with esc_url()
  • FIXED 404.php, line 10 -- also needs to be escaped
  • FIXED $content_width is set to 867, actual content area width appears to be 860
  • FIXED Next/Previous? post links on single post view will not work for posts that have no title; see the Theme Unit Test.
  • NOT-FIXED: Wide images resized in editor should be appear according to the resized dimensions.

This happens when an image is set to full size, but is then resized in the editor, because line 573 in style.css sets width: auto on img.size-full. If you use the test data from the Theme Unit Test (http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test) it will fail.



  • functions.php, line 29 -- Theme Check returns:

Possible variable $s found in translation function in functions.php. Translation function calls must NOT contain PHP variables.
Line 29: if(!empty($s)) $svalue = esc_attr_e($s, 1);

The text to translate must be passed as a string, not a variable.


Thanks for your submission! Review based on Diff and a quick check. Two minor Required issues noted above can be addressed in the next theme revision. Marking as Approved.

#3 @deanoakley
3 years ago


Will the theme be added automatically now?

#4 @sixhours
3 years ago

It will be added the next time the admins sync to /extend -- if it hasn't been synced within 7 days of approval, please ping the mailing list to remind them.

#5 @deanoakley
3 years ago

Sorry I'm a bit stuck trying to update my theme via SVN.

I'm using the same login and system for my plugins but not having any luck with the theme.

I get this error:

Commit failed (details follow):
access to '/!svn/act/64a260e0-1305-4797-853a-658f588dfff7' forbidden

Location is set to:

Can you check If have access?
Any help would be great!

#6 @sixhours
3 years ago

You can't connect to SVN directly to upload new versions of your theme -- you need to upload through the Theme Authors page on /extend: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/upload/

#7 @deanoakley
3 years ago

OK thanks.

#8 @cais
3 years ago

"If you would like to remove our attribution link. You need to donate. This helps fund future theme development."

This statement found on the THEME URI must be removed or changed to language that is 100% GPL-compatible, as it it written it is not. If this statement is not addressed immediately the theme will be suspended until such time that it is.

Please note that change in this ticket as well as the next submission.

Last edited 3 years ago by cais (previous) (diff)

#9 @deanoakley
3 years ago

I've updated that statement.

#10 @cais
3 years ago

Thanks! I like the new verbiage, too.

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