Clicking publish again

There is a certain poetry in the last post on this blog being my celebration of Click Publish and this one being about diving into it again. Whilst I did actually achieve creating something every day, I over the weeks dropped away from writing and that is one thing I want to get back to, so here I am again; jumping in.

I have learnt I really value the structure of these types of challenges and in fact, have been doing the same for myself around learning new things like generative art. Creating something every day or doing a little piece of a course each day, then posting to even a private repo has the benefit of holding myself accountable.

This time I have a variation to the plan with a few one/day projects I will mix in and also I want to embrace some longer form, but more to come on that as I dive into it again. I actually found the break very beneficial to me for focusing on some other creative aspects, so I am jumping into this incredibly refreshed and with a new look to my sites too. Thanks again Cory for suggesting in Post Status we all get started again – come join us!

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