A WordPress podcast packed full of things that you either don't want to know or are clever enough to work out that we just made up!

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The Launch - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #291

291 – The launch

So the moment has arrived. You've busted a jut and got the website finished. It's 100% ready to roll. Now what? Well, you've got to launch it and let the world see the great work that you've done! So what's involved in that? What do you typically need to do to make that happen? This is the subject that we explore on the podcast today and it's one where David and Nathan have different approaches. David is going agile and is likely to ship it as soon as the first page is ready, whereas Nathan is waiting until the entire site is completed. What steps do you need to follow on our launch checklist, and what things can go wrong?
Using no code solutions as your superpower - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast

290 – Using no code solutions as your superpower

On the podcast today we have Raitis Sevelis from Visual Composer, and he's here today to talk about the how you should use your WordPress page builder with pride and explain to your clients the many benefits that it brings to your workflow. There was a time when page builders first came around that they were somewhat spurned in the community. Not by all, and not for long. They were doing things in a new way, and sometimes new hurts. Gone were many of the technical barriers to creating sites. No more need to be wrangling template files and inserting shortcodes here there and everywhere. Page builders allowed a whole new audience to come to WordPress and build site for themselves as well as for their clients. Raitis thinks that sometimes we hide our page builder skills a little; assume that clients will think that less of us for using them. He has the opinion that we ought to be talking about how we use them more with our clients, and explaining how their use us making websites faster, cheaper and more easy for non-technical users to maintain and amend.
Legal Stuff - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #289

289 – Legal stuff

Welcome to another in the Business Bootcamp series where we relearn everything we know about building WordPress sites and running a web design business from start to finish. And today we are discussing 'Legal stuff'. So this is about what we know (which is coming from our perspective, not that of a lawyer) about what responsibilities we have as the builders of WordPress websites for clients. Some of the decisions made when building a site potentially have legal consequences. GDPR, accessibility and those connected to rights and copyright. Lots of advice can be found in the WordPress Community, but like elsewhere, much could be profit motivated. So, having a sensible conversation about expectations and responsibilities seems the obvious thing to do?
The importance of making your website accessible - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #288

288 – The importance of making your website accessible

So on the podcast today we have Amber Hinds and she's here to use her expertise to explain how and why WordPress websites need to be accessible. It's a really important topic at the moment. There seems to be a groundswell of understanding that the web really does need to be made available to all, and that means thinking about all the people who might be visiting your site. So that's people who are using screen readers, people consuming videos who are hard of hearing, and so much more. We talk about what accessibility is and what comes under its purview. Is it something that you need to do under law or is it something that you can leave until later? There's a lot more to this than meets to eye, and it's well worth a listen if you're new to all this, or if you've already started your accessibility journey.


Chopped up like you would chop up a carrot, or perhaps a turnip... but not with a knife, because we, erm... chop things up with our podcast. So, WP Builds is like a big choppy, podcasty knife with lovely hexagons.


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This Week in WordPress #219 - WP Builds WordPress Podcast

This Week in WordPress #219

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 25th July 2022.
This Week in WordPress #218 - WP Builds

This Week in WordPress #218

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 18th July 2022.
This Week in WordPress #217 - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast

This Week in WordPress #217

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 11th July 2022.
This Week in WordPress #216 - WP Builds

This Week in WordPress #216

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 4th July 2022.


Nathan Wrigley


WordPress web site builder.

I run a web agency in the UK called Picture and Word. We work almost exclusively with WordPress, but have been know to use Drupal and Magento in the past.

I cannot spell the words, thepis, rangotls, or dufmertin.

David Waumsley


Lion tamer and liar.

I travel, help people make websites and bang on about Beaver Builder on YouTube. I got a silver badge for swimming aged 11.

The designer in me says there should be more words here.


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