Oxford University Student Union

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Oxford SU
InstitutionUniversity of Oxford
Location4 Worcester Street, Oxford, OX1 2BX
Established1961 (as OUSRC)
1974 (as OUSU)
Sabbatical officers
Anvee Bhutani
VP Access & Academic Affairs
Safa Sadozai
VP Charities & Community
Aleena Waseem
VP Graduates
VP Welfare & Equal Opportunities
Keisha Asare
VP Women
Oluwakemi Agunbiade
Membersc. 22,000
AffiliationsNational Union of Students
Aldwych Group

The Oxford University Student Union is the official students' union of the University of Oxford. It is better known in Oxford under the branding Oxford SU or by its previous name of OUSU. It exists to represent Oxford University students in the university's decision-making, to act as the voice for students in the national higher education policy debate, and to provide direct services to the student body. The president for the 2021–22 academic year is Anvee Bhutani.


In 1961, the University of Oxford Proctors banned the student magazine Isis from publishing reviews of lectures. Students resisted, and legally incorporated the Oxford University Student Representative Council (OUSRC) for the first time. They then agitated for formal university recognition of the OUSRC, and petitioned the United Kingdom's Privy Council, asking the government to amend the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1859. Rather than risk having its hand forced by legislation, the university relented, and formally recognised the OUSRC in 1970.[citation needed]

The OUSRC adopted its contemporary constitution in 1974, changing its name to the Oxford University Student Union, or OUSU.[citation needed] OUSU rebranded itself as Oxford SU in 2017 to improve its image among students at Oxford.[2]



Reflecting the collegiate nature of the University of Oxford itself, Oxford SU is both an association of Oxford's more than 21,000 individual students and a federation of the affiliated Junior Common Rooms (JCRs), Middle Common Rooms (MCRs), Graduate Common Rooms (GCRs), and other affiliated organisations that represent all undergraduate and graduate students at the university's forty-four colleges and Permanent Private Halls.[3]

Individual students can opt out of membership, although this right is rarely exercised. Individual Common Rooms can also disaffiliate, although few have chosen to do so since Oxford SU started being funded from a block grant from the university rather than through affiliation fees.[4][5] Oriel College's JCR disaffiliated itself from 2001 to 2010, while Christ Church's JCR disaffiliated itself from the Student Union in 2021.[6]


OSSL has its own managing director and board of directors, and the corporation's profits are all remanded to Oxford SU. OSSL's primary activities are: Freshers' Fair, the three-day introduction in Oxford's Examination Schools to clubs and societies, held during Freshers' week; publishing, primarily of handbooks for and by students, but also of The Oxford Student newspaper and Oxide Radio, a student radio station.[citation needed][7]


Oxford SU is made up an executive committee, which includes six full-time salaried sabbatical officers, who generally serve in the year following completion of their Final Examinations, although this is not a requirement, and various part-time elected student positions. Also elected are Divisional Board Representatives who represent the students within their Division.[8][9]

Oxford SU Council acts as the sovereign body of the Student Union, and has over 150 eligible voting members, specifically: every Oxford SU Executive Officer; every Divisional Board Representative; three representatives from each affiliated JCR; two or three representatives from each affiliated MCR/GCR; three votes representing each of the five Oxford SU Autonomous Liberation Campaigns and one vote representing each SU affiliated campaign. If a JCR, MCR, or GCR has fewer than 100 members, it receives one fewer Council vote. The Chair of Council is elected by the Council itself in each academic term.[9]

Protests and occupations[edit]

Shortly before the formation of OUSU in 1974, agitation commenced within certain sections of the student body for a Central Students Union building by the Student Representative Council, forerunner of OUSU. The university feared that the existence of such facilities would be used for the promotion of student activism. In 1972, during the miners strike, students had offered their rooms to miners picketing Didcot Power Station and had supported staff who went on strike at St Anne's College.[citation needed]

On 5 November 1973, an open meeting called for direct action against the university on the issue of a Central Students Union building. Later that day students marched to the Examination Schools and commenced a sit in, which lasted seven days. The University Registrar sent an open letter to all Junior Members threatening proceedings in the High Court and disciplinary action against those who could be identified. The occupation was ended by students themselves after the university obtained a writ of possession.[citation needed]

OUSU was recognised by the university in early January 1974, and a meeting was held on 29 January with the Vice-Chancellor and others. The Vice-Chancellor made it clear that the university was facing deep cuts and there was no money for a CSU project.[citation needed]

The university was expecting a second occupation and contingency plans were drawn up. The Bursar of St John's College wrote to the President of the Junior Common Room on 11 February noting, "all the talk that is going on at the present time about occupation", and stating that in future the Bursary would be kept locked.[10] It was reported that over £9,000 worth of damage had been done to the Examination Schools during the occupation the previous November. On 7 February an Extraordinary OUSU Council Meeting was held. Sue Lukes, David Aaronovitch and others attempted to defeat a motion stating that it was the position of OUSU not to support any occupation of university premises in furtherance of the CSU campaign. When this motion was put, Lukes and Aaronovitch resigned, the former making a speech condemning Council.[11][non-primary source needed]

The following day, an anonymous flyer was circulated, headed 'Remember 5 November', it gave warning to the University that "You have had three months and your time is up. Negotiations have failed, talking has failed, OUSU has failed. Come to the Open Meeting on Monday night in the Union Hall. And don't forget your sleeping bag!"[citation needed]

At 9.15 am on Wednesday 13 February approximately 50 or 60 students entered the Indian Institute building in Catte Street shouting that they were occupying it and demanding that the people working there should leave. The 22 staff inside stayed at their desks while the students milled around after first closing the doors. What happened next was the subject of bitter dispute. The university claimed that at around 11.30 am, about 50 volunteers, 'relatively elderly gentlemen' working in the Clarendon Building decided out of concern for their colleagues to enter the building. A secretary let them in through a rear window, and once inside they confronted the intruders, who left in groups through the front door. The spokesman for the university insisted there was no violence, though it was conceded that there was some scrummaging and, 'ears may have been twisted'.[12][non-primary source needed]

Those supporting the occupiers claimed that the university had set the Oxford University Police upon them who, goaded on by the Proctors, perpetrated acts of violence against the students, and encouraged the police, who were outside, to wade in also. The supporters of the occupiers asserted it was a 'pre-planned and ugly piece of violence'. It was alleged that at least one of the 'relatively elderly gentlemen' was in fact a serving police officer out of uniform, who was identified at a subsequent demonstration.[13][non-primary source needed]

The university identified those it believed to have been the ringleaders and moved swiftly against them. Eighteen students were charged with an offence under the University Statutes and were required to attend at the Proctor's Office in cap and gown on 21 February under threat of being rusticated if they did not appear. The eighteen included Sue Lukes and another student from Somerville College, three from Magdalen and two each from Pembroke, St John's and Balliol. They were committed for trial at a Disciplinary Court on 11 March, during the Easter vacation. The chairman of the Court was Barry Nicholas, a Professor of Comparative Law. All who attended agreed that the trial was a travesty of justice. Mike Sullivan wrote an open letter describing how the Court decided every procedural point against the defendants; several were expelled for making objections, including Tariq Ali who was acting as a McKenzie friend to some of the defendants. Gordon Day, President of St John's Junior Common Room reported that even Andrew Turek, an ex-President of the university Monday Club and a virulent supporter of disciplinary action being taken against those who occupied University buildings, described the proceedings as a 'farce' and labelled the University Marshall, Mr Skinner, as 'a maniac who should not be allowed on University property'.[14][non-primary source needed]

On the testimony, mainly, of a University Police Officer, Philip Berry, all of the defendants were convicted of being present at the occupation. It was admitted in Court that the Proctors were present together with other 'employees' of the university and an 'independent contractor' with two of his men. It was conceded that the 'occupation' amounted to nothing more than possession of the stairs and corridors and no violence was at any time offered to University staff. Nevertheless, the eighteen defendants were all sent down with the sentence suspended for one year. A subsequent appeal by thirteen of the defendants failed.[15]

The CSU campaign continued with declining support through the latter half of the 1970s.[citation needed]

Protests and occupations 1990s to date[edit]

Several student groups participated in protests against the introduction of tuition fees from 1998 onwards, with Oxford students playing a major role in the nationwide Campaign for Free Education. Activities included non-payment campaigns, the occupation of Exam Schools in 1998 and of the Development Office in November 1999,[16] several marches and a short-lived blockade of the University Offices. OUSU support for these protests was limited in 1998, but became more formal during the presidency of Anneliese Dodds (1999). Following another occupation of Exam Schools in January 2004, the university pursued disciplinary action against five OUSU sabbatical officers.[17]

In 2001 and 2007, OUSU led protests against speakers at the Oxford Union. In 2001, Kirsty McNeill led a successful protest to stop the visit of Holocaust denier David Irving to the debating society. In 2007, the Oxford Union attracted condemnation again for inviting Irving and BNP leader Nick Griffin to speak at a "free speech forum". The then OUSU President, Martin McCluskey, led a campaign against the visits which attracted attention and support from national anti-fascist organisations, politicians[18][19][20] and media commentators.

Oxford SU has also been mentioned[21] in a Governmental enquiry of freedom of speech in universities due to one of its liberation campaigns disrupting a talk at St John's College organised by a student anti-abortion rights group on abortion in Ireland. A protest started shortly after one of the organisers introduced the speakers and involved chants such as "Pro-life, that’s a lie, you don’t care if women die". The police were called[22][23] after one of the protesters got into a minor altercation with a security guard, although no arrests were made and the talk eventually started after 40 minutes.[citation needed]

Both the SU and the anti-abortion rights group later issued statements about the event with the SU stating that “We do not believe that the speakers invited should be hosted without challenge. We were not protesting Oxford Students for Life or their speakers’ right to free speech” and also that “bodily autonomy is not up for debate”. The anti-abortion rights group called this “a deliberate attempt to shut down discussion and dialogue through harassment and bullying”[24] and later issued a second statement[25] accusing the SU of breaking the law. One of the speakers later wrote an article for the Irish Times on her experiences of the event.[26]

The SU voted on 10 February 2018[27] to support Oxford university staff's strike action against proposed changes to the University Superannuation Scheme (USS). Oxford University staff union members voted[28] to join 60 other universities in the national strike action, coordinated by the University and College Union (UCU) after a breakdown in its negotiations with the university employers' representative, Universities UK (UUK), over UUK's proposals to remove the defined benefit element of the USS pension scheme.[29]

Student groups affiliated with the SU have led repeated environmental protests in recent years at the University of Oxford.[30][31] In 2017, the Paradise Papers showed large Oxford and Cambridge Universities' investments in fossil fuels, prompting student union action, including Cambridge Zero Carbon Society and the Oxford Climate Justice Campaign (an OUSU Environment & Ethics campaign) disrupting the annual Oxford-Cambridge boat race,[32] and the OCJC occupation of St John's College, Oxford, to protest its investments in large multinational fossil fuel companies like BP and Shell.[33]


Rashmi Samant[edit]

In 2021, Rashmi Samant, pursuing MSc in Energy Systems at Linacre College, became the first Indian president-elect of Oxford SU.[34] Shortly, several Oxford societies condemned her social media posts for harboring racially insensitive, anti-Semitic, and transphobic sentiments and asked her to resign; Samant apologized and facing multiple successful no-confidence motions at individual colleges, obliged.[35][36][37]

Afterwards, Abhijit Sarkar, a postdoctoral scholar of history of S. Asia at New College, posted a photo of Samant's parents framed with the slogan of Jai Shri Ram — that has been increasingly used in India, as a nationalistic war-cry to perpetrate communal violence — and claimed them to be celebrating the destruction of a mosque in India; Sarkar also claimed Samant's alumna institution in India to be a hotbed of Islamophobic far-right forces.[36][38] Samant has since alleged that she was "cyber-lynched" into resigning, and that her critics were motivated by racism.[36][39] The Hindu Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party demanded that the University probe into the anti-Hindu atmosphere; Indian Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar supported Samant and even promised to raise the issue with his British counterparts, if required.[38][37][40]

The Oxford Hindu, Indian, and South Asian societies dismissed Samant's allegations as part of a "misleading narrative", that fed into the "fundamentally exclusionary and discriminatory" nature of Hindutva.[36] An Indian-origin Hindu student went on to win the by-election.[41]

List of presidents[edit]

  • 1971 – Emily Wallace (Somerville) was elected OUSRC president, the first president of Oxford students to be officially recognised by the university.[42]
  • 1982 – John Grogan became the first president to succeed in obtaining a seat for students at the university's governing council, in June 1983. He and two other students chosen by OUSU became observers for most of the council's agenda, and this practice was enshrined in the university's Statutes, Decrees, and Regulations.
  • 1993 – Akaash Maharaj became the first ever visible ethnic minority president and also the first president from overseas (Canada). He helped lead a successful national campaign that thwarted a 1994 government bill to restrict the ability of students' unions to comment on public policy issues and that contributed to the ultimate dismissal from Cabinet of the then Secretary of State for Education, John Patten.[43]
  • 2003 – Will Straw carried out protests against the government's introduction of tuition fees for students, despite his father Jack Straw being a senior member of the government of the day.[44]
  • 2020 – Nikita Ma (Trinity) is the first East Asian president and the first president from Asia.[45]
  • 2021 – Anvee Bhutani (Magdalen) led the first all women of colour SU sabbatical officer team. [46]


  1. ^ "Oxford SU". www.oxfordsu.org.
  2. ^ Pope, Felix (19 August 2017). "'Oxford Student Union' rebrand cost over £17,000". Cherwell. Archived from the original on 18 December 2017. Retrieved 28 December 2017.
  3. ^ "Articles of Association" (PDF). Oxford University Student Union.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ Rowley, Tom (10 June 2010). "From OUSU to Number 10". The Oxford Student. Retrieved 11 April 2021.
  5. ^ Hodges, Esther (15 February 2014). "What does OUSU really do for Oxford students?". Cherwell. Retrieved 11 April 2021.
  6. ^ "Christ Church JCR disaffiliates from Student Union". The Oxford Blue. 1 March 2021. Retrieved 8 July 2021.
  7. ^ "About". The Oxford Student. Retrieved 11 April 2021.
  8. ^ "Who we are". www.oxfordsu.org. Retrieved 11 April 2021.
  9. ^ a b "BYE-LAWS HT 2020" (PDF). Oxford University Student Union.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  10. ^ Letter from H Kidd to G C Day 11 February 1974
  11. ^ Minutes of Extraordinary Council Meeting 7 February 1974 Gill Green Secretary
  12. ^ Open letter from Geoffrey Caston 14 February 1974
  13. ^ The University's Reply (Anon) 14 February 1974, No Victimisation (CSU Campaign) undated
  14. ^ University Disciplinary Court (Gordon Day) undated
  15. ^ Oxford University Gazette, 19 April 1974
  16. ^ Adam Fleming (11 November 1999). "Who Wants To Be Arrested?". Oxford Student.[permanent dead link]
  17. ^ Patrick Foster (3 April 2004). "Sabs Proctorised". Oxford Student. Archived from the original on 18 November 2005.
  18. ^ "Early Day Motion 358". House of Commons. Archived from the original on 22 June 2018. Retrieved 1 March 2011.
  19. ^ "MP Quits Union over BNP Speaker". BBC News. 25 November 2007.
  20. ^ McSmith, Andy (26 November 2007). "Critics line up to attack Oxford Union over 'free speech' debate". Independent. London. Archived from the original on 24 May 2022.
  21. ^ "Freedom of Speech - Joint Committee on Human Rights - House of Commons". publications.parliament.uk. Retrieved 27 April 2018.
  22. ^ Education Correspondent, Nicola Woolcock (4 November 2017). "Police called as Oxford students jeer anti-abortion speakers". The Times. ISSN 0140-0460. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
  23. ^ Pope, Felix. "Police break up Oxford SU pro-choice protest". Cherwell. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
  24. ^ "Press Release: Oxford Students for Life Expresses Sadness and Anger at Disruptive Protest by Oxford SU WomCam". Oxford Students for Life. 2 November 2017. Archived from the original on 21 June 2018. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
  25. ^ "Statement from Oxford Students for Life Responding to Oxford SU's "Right to protest, Right to choose" statement". Oxford Students for Life. 3 November 2017. Archived from the original on 21 June 2018. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
  26. ^ "Breda O'Brien: I was shouted down for 40 minutes at Oxford University". The Irish Times. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
  27. ^ Ritchie, Greg (11 February 2018). "Oxford SU votes to support UCU strike". Cherwell. OSPL. Retrieved 29 May 2021.
  28. ^ Ritchie, Greg (26 January 2018). "Oxford votes to strike". Cherwell. Retrieved 29 May 2021.
  29. ^ "UCU announces 14 strike dates at 61 universities in pensions row". www.ucu.org.uk. Retrieved 29 May 2021.
  30. ^ "Students occupy Oxford university in fossil fuel divestment protest". the Guardian. 17 March 2015. Retrieved 2 June 2021.
  31. ^ "Oxford students and alumni to protest over Shell Earth sciences funding". the Guardian. 9 May 2013. Retrieved 2 June 2021.
  32. ^ "Boat Race disrupted by protesters demanding Oxford and Cambridge divest from fossil fuels". The Independent. 25 March 2018. Archived from the original on 24 May 2022. Retrieved 2 June 2021.
  33. ^ "Oxford alumni threaten to withhold donations to college amid row over fossil fuels". The Independent. 4 February 2020. Archived from the original on 24 May 2022. Retrieved 2 June 2021.
  34. ^ Fleming·, Issy (11 February 2021). "Rashmi Samant wins Oxford SU Pres in highest ever turnout". The Oxford Student. Retrieved 11 April 2022.
  35. ^ Macilraith, Robert (16 February 2021). "SU President-Elect resigns following growing pressure from students". The Oxford Student. Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  36. ^ a b c d Boddington, Josh (21 March 2021). "'Misleading Narrative': Oxford Indian, Hindu, and South Asian societies release statement on Ex SU President-Elect". The Oxford Student. Retrieved 18 April 2021.
  37. ^ a b Turner, Camilla (15 March 2021). "Indian foreign minister suggests ousting of Oxford student union president was due to racism". The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Retrieved 11 April 2022.
  38. ^ a b Ross·, Madeleine (28 March 2021). "Petition demands Oxford apologise for 'Hinduphobic' staff member amidst investigation". The Oxford Student. Retrieved 11 April 2022.
  39. ^ "No one was ready to listen to me: Udupi 22-yr-old forced to quit as Oxford students' union president". The Indian Express. 12 March 2021. Retrieved 29 March 2021.
  40. ^ Tomlinson, Hugh. "Oxford students union president 'lynched' over old posts". ISSN 0140-0460. Retrieved 11 April 2022.
  41. ^ May 24, NAOMI CANTON | TNN | Updated; 2021; Ist, 14:08. "Anvee Bhutani Oxford: PIO woman elected president of Oxford student union | - Times of India". The Times of India. Retrieved 27 October 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  42. ^ "Student Representative Council". Oxford University Gazette. 1 March 1971.
  43. ^ "Alumni Profile" (PDF). Oxford Department of Politics and International Relations Newswire. Oxford: University of Oxford. 2016. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
  44. ^ Pidd, Helen (4 May 2004). "Will Straw: 'I don't want special treatment. I want to prove myself'". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
  45. ^ "Ma Makes It To Oxford SU Presidency". The Oxford Blue. Retrieved 13 November 2020.
  46. ^ "Anvee Bhutani Wins SU Presidency". Oxford SU. Retrieved 26 October 2021.

External links[edit]