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Terms of use

The current regulations determine the terms and conditions (hereinafter – the Terms and Conditions) of use of text, graphic, video, audio and other materials published on the “Daryo” website ( (hereinafter – the Website), as well as through its special projects and social network pages (hereinafter – Publisher’s social networks). “Daryo” ( website is a private online edition of Simple Networking Solutions, LLC. The use of the Website constitutes your consent to the Terms and Conditions, as well as to any changes and additions to it.

Any material published on the Website and through Publisher’s social networks is subject to copyright. The rights of the Website to its own materials are protected by the law governing intellectual property rights.

1. Copying information

1.1. The publication, copying, reproduction, distribution and other use of information, contained on the “Daryo” ( website, is allowed only with the written permission of the editorial staff.

1.2. Inquiries are to be sent to the e-mail address

2. Use of photographs, illustrations and videos

2.1. Graphic and video images, with the “Daryo” ( watermark (logo) attached to it, sourced from the Website and Publisher’s social networks may only be used with the prior written permission of the editorial staff.

2.2. If permission is granted, when posting a photo or video, their author's name and surname, as well as the name of the Website must be indicated. The watermark contained in the photo must be preserved.

2.3. It is prohibited to change or edit photos and videos, create any works on their basis, falsify them, or use them in commercial purposes or otherwise modify them.

2.4. All images that do not contain the “Daryo” ( watermark (logo) belong to the rightsholders indicated next to them.

3. Quoting

When quoting, it is obligatory to indicate a hyperlink to the relevant page, from which “Daryo”’s quote is taken. At the same time the hyperlink should be placed in the first or second paragraph of the material.

4. Communication with the editorial staff

The editorial staff have no means or possibility to exchange messages and correspond with virtually all users.

If the editorial staff does not respond to a request for permission to use this or that material within 2 working days, it means that the request for permission has been rejected.