Budget Recap

WordCamp Vancouver 2018 was another successful event thanks to the efforts of many people.

We’d like to start by thanking our generous sponsors whose financial support made this event possible:

Sky Sponsors: Bluehost, BuddyBoss, Jetpack, WooCommerce, WordFence
Summit Sponsors: DreamHost, Go Daddy
Land Sponsors: Affinity Bridge, BoldGrid
Sand Sponsors: GreenGeeks, GTA, MajorTom, RED Academy, SitePatrol
Sea Sponsors: Swanton Design

We would also like to thank all the wonderful volunteers and speakers who gave their time to ensure a successful event.

Since WordCamp Vancouver is run as a non-profit event under the WordPress foundation’s umbrella, we’d like to share our final budget numbers with the community. This is just another step by which the WordPress community demonstrates its openness and transparency:

3 Replies to “Budget Recap”

  1. What’s the deal with $1,492.39 for the after party?
    I didn’t see anything there that would have cost anything, since everyone paid for their own food and drinks.
    Unless there was another secret after party…………

  2. My bad, I know I read Vancouver, but in my head it came out Seattle. I went to both WCs close together 🙂 I actually wasn’t even able to make the WC Vancouver afterparty because I had to catch a plane 🙁
    Hope it was fun.

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