Vlax: La línea de sombra; sobre la fotografía de Elsa Medina

La línea de sombra; sobre la fotografía de Elsa Medina

A la vuelta de los años, y paradójicamente desde que entró en funcionamiento el “tratado de libre comercio”, la muralla metálica y electrónica se ha ido ensanchando y alargando no como el proyecto de una arquitectura defensiva -no llega a ser arquitectura- sino como resultado de un constructivismo burdo, pragmático y “estratégico”. Por eso tal vez al poeta catalán Rubén Bonet se le ocurrió pensar que “todo Tijuana es una instalación”, como si fuera una propuesta plástica, refiriéndose a la oxidada valla de lámina -desecho de aeropistas militares- que constituye el muro disuasivo. El impedimento es contundente: por aquí no pasa nadie ni habrá de pasar nadie por la barrera natural e infranqueable del desierto, el sol, la sed, la inanición y la deshidratación. Lo que sí puede pasar -y se deja pasar- son la coca, la mota y la heroína.


30 Años de Generación en Tijuana
Viernes 16, 7pm

Fragmento de La línea de sombra; sobre la fotografía de Elsa Medina
Foto de Elsa Medina
Texto de Federico Campbell
Publicados en el #82 Tijuana, violencia y creación

#revistaGeneración #contracultura #Tijuana #30aniversario

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Informatic school is in southwest Cameroon: A Two Days Workshop with the Advance class of Linux Friends(day two)

Saturday 10/11/18,

In Day two the advance class assemble the parabolic Anthena from scratch.

Next, was a lecture from Mr. YOUMBI and Mr. PAULI on Mesh Network. Then we moved to the practical part of the day. Three routers were installed around the community with a distance of approximately 1km to demonstrate how the Mesh Network works. We also learned to build a repeater.

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At the end of the workshop, the three groups formed (Linux Friends1, LinuxFriends2 and LinuxFriends3) wrote a report on their experience during the workshop. Each participant did a short video on their personal impression of the things they have learned.

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The future goals is to build a web radio, web tv, and a numerical bookshop.

The Association of Linux Friends express their appreciation to Mr. YOUMBI for the gift of Two Anthenas received and for taking out time to share with us his knowledge in WIFI connection.

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Informatic school is in southwest Cameroon: WIFI Extension With the Advance class


Friday 09/11/2018, the Assocation of Linux Friends Limbe was graced with the presence of Mr. Josselen YOUMBI a Wireless network Engineer.

Mr. YOUMBI was invited to the Association by Mr. Pauli Michel for a two days workshop on WiFi extension. This workshop started today Friday 09/11/18 at about 8:35am. The students of the Advance class and the teachers of the Association were all part of this workshop. We had introduction of all the members partaking in the workshop.

The aim for the workshop is:

  • The Advance Class should have the capacity to configure WIFI.
  • To extend network.
  • To choose network materials.
  • To create employment.

Next, the workshop began with the details as follows.

There are three main Architectures in WiFi which are ,

  • Point to Point Connection
  • Point to Multi-point Connection
  • Multi-point to Multi-point Connection

Each Architecture is chosen according to the distance to which you wish to extend the WiFi connection.

Also, materials for the WiFi are bought according to whether you want to extend the connection Indoor or Outdoor. A 5 minutes break was  given for us to rest before we continue with the practical part of the exercise.

In addition, after our 5 mins break we started with Configuring three different routers (TP Link, Nano Network and the LINKSYS). The TP Link and LINKSYS routers are indoor routers while Nano Network is the outdoor router.  We had another break of an hour.

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Informatic school is in southwest Cameroon: Programing a school Register

Programing a school Register

On the 07/11/18 Vegemteh Kuh Shandrine a student at  the Advance Class of the Association of Linux Friends presented a school register made using the Django framework. On this Application, we can register the students of the Association using this Application.

More so, the App had domains such a Description, Contact, Email and so on, in which the information of the students can be recorded on.

To add, the School Register Application has not fully developed but we will  be able to use it practically in recording some of our data in no time.

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Vlax: Un campo de refugiados caminando

Un campo de refugiados caminando

El #éxodo los desposeidos y los hambrientos, llama Alberto Padilla a las miles de mujeres y hombres niños y niñas que migran con la marcha #caravanamigrante, que kilómetros tras kilómetros, cruza #México rumbo a la principal #frontera imperial

Son hombres entrados en años, mujeres solas con su prole, adolescentes, señores en edad de trabajar. Son una masa heterogénea a la que le une una sola cosa: consideran que el lugar de donde vienen es inhabitable, metieron lo poco que tenían en una maleta y siguieron adelante. (…) La caravana se formó como una bola de nieve.

(…) Centroamérica está enferma de #violencia y los integrantes de esta caravana consideran que la mejor vacuna es poner tierra de por medio.


#mundo #migración #USA #Honduras #Guatemala

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n-gate.com. we can’t both be right.: webshit weekly

An annotated digest of the top “Hacker” “News” posts for the first week of November, 2018.

Apple’s New Map
November 01, 2018 (comments)
An Internet cares a lot about every single detail about Apple’s also-ran mapping service. Hackernews bemoans Apple’s inability to display street names, then debates whether streets should even have names. The article author seems to think it extremely praiseworthy that Apple is using satellite surveillance to catalog the contents of our backyards, but Hackernews is mostly focused on trading anecdotes about the hazards of using Google or Apple maps outside of Silicon Valley.

Thelio – System76
November 02, 2018 (comments)
Some strangers on the internet promise to send you a computer one day, if you’ll just give them thousands of dollars now. Hackernews enjoys pretending there are technical advantages to the promised computers, but the real reason everyone is abuzz is much simpler: someone other than Apple has finally envisioned a computer with rounded corners.

An error message, still found in Windows 10, is a mistake from 1974
November 03, 2018 (comments)
An Internet is surprised that nobody fixed some bad software. The error predates most of Hackernews experience with computers, so this is designated the monthly nostalgia depository. As usual, this work includes cataloging every protocol or program Hackernews ever used, then trading recommendations for reimplementations of all of them. Near the end, Hackernews reinvents filenames from first principles, experimenting with the possibility that maybe file systems could be content-aware. The threads containing heresy are truncated and participants are quietly uninvited to the Christmas party.

As women have more equal opportunity, the more their preferences differ from men
November 04, 2018 (comments)
Some academics discover that people assert their desires as they grow less subservient to others. The Hackernews Mens Rights Activists arrive to carefully and thoroughly incorrect actual breathing women about all of their dangerous and wayward misconceptions regarding a wide range of Father Knows Best topics, including feminism, reproductive rights, economics, statistics, and, in a crowning achievement, someone’s direct personal experience. The virtue of manhood is saved, but a few Hackernews are left wondering why chicks get so snippy when you try to explain this stuff.

Programming Paradigms for Dummies: What Every Programmer Should Know (2009) [pdf]
November 05, 2018 (comments)
An academic considers it important for everyone to understand a set of topics that are best exemplified in the weird-ass niche projects the author’s friends are running. Hackernews mostly doesn’t read this, but knows a jumping off point when it shows up, so this thread becomes the Hackernews software-engineering thinkpiece pitch party. The original author cruises past and says hello on the way to the next funding agency.

VirtualBox E1000 Guest-to-Host Escape
November 06, 2018 (comments)
An Internet finds the six millionth bug in the worst virtualization software on the planet, and commendably releases the information immediately, allowing informed users to take protective measures, such as switching to a hypervisor that wasn’t written by complete dipshits. Hackernews mulls it over and decides that Oracle had this coming, because Oracle is generally a pack of assholes, but those Hackernews with a vested interest in Ritualized Disclosure are careful to point out that nobody should release any knowledge without consulting Hackernews first.

The Illustrated TLS 1.3 Connection: Every Byte Explained
November 07, 2018 (comments)
Hackernews was so in love with the last version of this that they made sure to fawn over it again today. Like last time, there are ten votes for every comment, because nobody actually read it, but at least this time the author didn’t have to show up and apologize for this single-page static website falling over under load.

via Dyne.org public news feed http://n-gate.com/hackernews/2018/11/07/0/

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Vlax: ¿Quien sigue en el #exodo migrante?

¿Quien sigue en el #exodo migrante?

#EZLN : (…) que son atacados, hostigados y calumniados por órdenes del Mandón, quien así alimenta el odio hacia la diferencia, y saca todavía más ganancia de la tragedia que provocó. El sistema persigue hoy, lo que provocó ayer. http://enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx/2018/10/26/comunicado-conjunto-del-cni-el-cig-y-el-ezln-en-rechazo-al-megaproyecto-del-naim-y-en-apoyo-y-solidaridad-con-las-poblaciones-migrantes/

(…) Las caravanas de migrantes centroamericanos no son un fenómeno reciente. De hecho, comenzó a tomar importancia en los años ochenta del siglo pasado, lo que coincidió con el apoyo de Estados Unidos a los ejército y fueras represivas de #Centroamérica. - #Honduras es sede de tres bases militares de Estados Unidos, pero es uno de los países más violentos del mundo

-> #Chomsky : (…) atacan a una caravana de gente pobre y miserable que huye de una severa opresión, violencia, terror y extrema pobrez; es gente que viene de tres países bajo fuerte dominación de Estados Unidos, especialmente desde épocas de Reagan en los ochentas - > (ENG) https://diasp.org/posts/10708451

Ríos de personas avanzan hacia EE.UU https://es.rt.com/6a7g

#mundo #migración #migrante #Mexico #USA #economia


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