
Sorry, but there are currently no tickets for sale. Please try again later.

Sponsors, Organizers & Volunteers: Your tickets are being held in reserve and your event contact will help you claim them.

WordCamp US 2022 is now sold out

To allow for adequate social distancing and to give our organizing team the flexibility to make quick changes as needed, WordCamp US has been designed as a smaller event than it has been in recent years.

Demand was extremely high for tickets this year, and all available General Admission tickets and micro-sponsor tickets have been sold.

Tickets are refundable, so consider checking this page periodically to see if any become available in the days and weeks to come.

If you weren’t able to purchase a ticket we’ll be very sorry to miss you this year, but glad to welcome you in 2023!

What’s Included With Your Ticket

Tickets provide entrance to three days of programming, including:

  • Over 30 speaker presentations
  • Over half a dozen workshops
  • Lunch!  Two days of it!
  • Contributor Day (Sunday,) where users of all skill sets and backgrounds will have an opportunity to contribute to the WordPress Open Source Project
  • Access to the After Party, a Saturday night party for all attendees
  • An official WordCamp US 2022 t-shirt
  • The opportunity to mix and mingle with over 30 sponsors offering hosting, plugins, themes, and more
  • Countless opportunities to meet and network with the members of the WordPress community

Simply put, without the generous support of our sponsors, WordCamp US would not be affordable to the vast majority of the WordPress community. Thank you, sponsors.