Open by design. Secure by nature.
Now available to order with Ryzen™ 7.


Small size. Big character.

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StarLite Mk IV showing elemenatyOS pre-installed

Now available with coreboot pre-installed.

More than just a licence.

A machine you can craft to suit your workflow with our ever-evolving open-source code, that's upstreamed and tuned to perfection. Combined with our unbeatable support, the experience will exceed expections.

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Your way.

Our hardware and firmware are highly customisable. Your laptop will arrive exactly the way you want it, with your chosen distribution pre-installed.


Laptop with pre-installed Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Ubuntu MATE.

Visit Ubuntu

Laptop with pre-installed elementaryOS

elementary OS 6.1 "Jólnir"

Visit elementary OS

Laptop with pre-installed Linux Mint

Linux Mint 20.3 "Una"
Cinnamon, MATE or Xfce.

Visit Linux Mint

Laptop with pre-installed Manjaro Linux

Manjaro 21.0 "Ornara"
Xfce, KDE Plasma or GNOME.

Visit Manjaro

Laptop with pre-installed MX Linux

MX Linux 21.1 "Wildflower"
Xfce, KDE Plasma or Fluxbox.

Visit MX Linux

Laptop with pre-installed Zorin OS

Zorin OS 16.1 Core or Pro
Core, Education, Lite or Pro.

Visit Zorin OS