Ensuring a Safe and Sound Federal Banking System for All Americans

Ensuring a Safe and Sound Federal Banking System for All Americans

Ensuring a Safe and Sound Federal Banking System for All Americans


Institution Search

Find Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), enforcement, and institution data for OCC-regulated banks, federal savings associations, and federal banks and agencies.


Supervision & Examination

The OCC examines the condition of the banks it supervises and their compliance with laws and regulations.

Charters & Licensing

The OCC's chartering and licensing activities ensure that the corporate structures of banks are safe and sound.


The OCC's economists support the OCC mission through economic thought leadership, analysis, and research to aid bank supervision and policy development.

Laws & Regulations

The OCC issues rules and regulations and takes enforcement actions against banks that don't comply.

Consumers & Communities

The OCC safeguards a diverse banking system that makes financial services accessible to underserved consumers and communities.

OCC Topics Index

View a list of all OCC topics sorted alphabetically and by subject area.