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S* (pronounced "S Star") is the diminutive for the S* Life Science Informatics Alliance, a collaboration between seven universities and the Karolinska Institutet of Sweden, and its course, the S-Star Bioinformatics Online course. The goal is to provide course material for training in bioinformatics and genomics.[1][2]

Member institutions[edit]

The following institutions are members of the S* Life Science Informatics Alliance:


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Yun Ping Lim; Jan-Olov Höög; Phyllis Gardner; Shoba Ranganathan; Siv Andersson; Subramanian Subbiah; Tan Tin Wee; Winston Hide; Anthony S. Weiss (2002). "International online education: the S-Star trial bioinformatics course". International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education. 8 (1). Retrieved 12 February 2017.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Yun Ping Lim; Jan-Olov Höög; Phyllis Gardner; Shoba Ranganathan; Siv Andersson; Subramanian Subbiah; Tan Tin Wee; Winston Hide; Anthony S. Weiss (2003). "International online education: the S-Star trial Bioinformatics course". Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. Retrieved 12 February 2017.
  3. ^ Tin Wee Tan, Shoba Ranganathan, Victor Joo Chuan Tong, Justin Khar Heng Choo, Richard Tan, Guan Sin Ong, Simon See (20 May 2016). "Towards an Educational Grid for Promoting Bioinformatics Competency in the Asia Pacific". Media Asia. 32 (3): 128–134. doi:10.1080/01296612.2005.11726785.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)

Further reading[edit]