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Pasuckuakohowog is a Native American game similar to football.

The term literally translates to "they gather to play ball with the foot" and was described by Roger Williams.[1]

There are records that show it was played in the 17th century. The game was played on beaches with goals about a half-mile-wide and set one mile apart.[citation needed] Up to 500 people usually played Pasuckuakohowog at one time, while many games had up to 1000 players.[citation needed]

Pasuckuakohowog was a dangerous game and was played almost like a war.[citation needed] Players would often have to quit due to broken bones or other serious injuries.[citation needed] Pasuckuakohowog players wore ornaments and war paint to disguise themselves from retaliation after the game.[citation needed] The game would often last for hours and sometimes carry over to the next day.[citation needed] After each match there would be a large celebratory feast, including both teams.[citation needed]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Roberts, Mike. "Little Brothers of War Ball games in Pre-Colombian North America". The same old game: the true story of the ancient origins of football. Barcelona. ISBN 978-1-4610-9319-0. OCLC 1022073321.

External links[edit]