Get Involved

Welcome to the HER Foundation Volunteer area where you can find peer support in our Volunteer Nework or join #TeamHER to become part of HG Progress!

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is more than a pregnancy illness that impacts women and their families. HG impacts society. If you are reading this, you likely faced HG or a loved one did. Millions of women have HG across the globe each year and rely on resources and support from the HER Foundation to make it through their pregnancy.

HER Foundation is leading the efforts globally to educate doctors, increase awareness, and improve the management of HG, so mothers and babies can have a healthy future. We have helped over two million people since we came online in 2000 thanks to hundreds of volunteers.

We are donor-funded and largely volunteer-run. Grant funding for HG research is extremely rare, as is funding for program support. So we need your help!! Get involved! Have fun! You'll find that volunteering helps you heal and find #HGsisters for life!

How will you change HG history? If you want to help others, spread awareness, and have at least 2 hours each month to offer, volunteering with the HER Foundation may be for you. Sign up here.


How can you make HG history? Supporting policies, reaching out to the media, writing to your representatives, and raising awareness are all ways you can create HG progress. Will you join us?

Share your story

Who needs to hear your story? Writing your story can bring healing for you. Sharing your story can bring healing for others. Advocating with your story can change people.

Volunteers In Action

HER volunteers are amazing people, and we are thankful for every single individual. We could not do what we do as a Foundation without all of them. We established the monthly Volunteers in Action award to honor those volunteer(s) who distinguish themselves in their work and commitment to our mission. Let us know if you would like to nominate someone!

Volunteer in action (2)

June 2022: Shayna

IG - volunteers in action (41)-min

March 2022: Kari

Volunteer in action (2)

May 2022: Sarah and Elizabeth

Volunteer in action (2)

February 2022: Tali

IG - volunteers in action (40)-min

April 2022: Kelly

IG - volunteers in action (39)-min

January 2022: Amie

Untitled design (59)-min

December 2021: Chandler

Untitled design (60)-min

November 2021: Michelle

Volunteer in action (2)

July 2020

IG - volunteers in action (3)-min

June 2020: Lisa

site IG size pics (27)

May 2020: Marlena


April 2020: Vérénice

blog and site pics-min

February 2020: Nikki

site IG size pics (17)-min

January 2020: Lyle

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December 2019: Shazmin

Courtney (Volunteer) & Kimber

October 2019: Courtney


September 2019: Kate