Seven surprising things about fever in babies: photos

Seeing your baby suffer with a fever can be frustrating, even upsetting. Save yourself some worry by learning some lesser known facts about a fever.
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    Seven things you might not know about fever in babies

    It's difficult to see your baby in any kind of discomfort, but there's something about a fever that's particularly unsettling. The fear it creates in parents is so well known that health care professionals call it: "fever phobia."

    Do you have a touch of fever phobia? Arm yourself with the facts, and you'll rest much easier.
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    1. Fever starts at 38 degrees C

    Your baby wakes up with flushed cheeks, and their forehead feels hotter than usual. Then the rectal thermometer reads 37.7 degrees C. Should you reach for the medicine, or the phone?

    Nope. In fact, your baby doesn't even have a fever. Even for the youngest infants, a rectal temperature below 38 degrees C is simply in the normal range.

    According to the Canadian Paediatric Society, the normal range for a rectal temperature is 36.6 degrees to 38 degrees. For temperature taken under the armpit, the normal range is 36.5 to 37.5, and for the ear, it’s 35.8 to 38 degrees C.

    Babies' temperatures, like adults' temperatures, can rise slightly for many reasons, from having a warm bath to being overdressed. Plus, body temperatures tend to rise in the late afternoon and drop in the early morning.

    So unless the rectal thermometer reads more than 38 degrees C, consider your little one fever-free.
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    2. A rectal temperature is the most accurate

    You may be reluctant to take your baby's temperature this way, but using a rectal thermometer is the best way to get an accurate measurement.

    Underarm, forehead, and ear thermometers aren't nearly as accurate.

    Because some non-rectal thermometers read too high, using them can lead to unnecessary stress and wasted emergency room visits.

    Watch our video: A pediatrician demonstrates how to take a rectal, armpit, ear, or forehead temperature reading.
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    3. Fever caused by a virus is different from a fever caused by bacteria

    A fever can occur when the body fights off an illness caused by a virus, such as a respiratory tract infection (RTI), an infection of the nose, throat, airways or lungs, the flu, or a cold. Fevers caused by a virus tend to subside within three days. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses and shouldn't be used.

    A fever can also occur when the body fights off infection caused by bacteria, such as an ear infection (which can be bacterial or viral), a urinary tract infection, or bacterial pneumonia. Infections caused by bacteria are less common than those caused by a virus, but more concerning, because they can lead to serious illness. Antibiotics are usually needed to treat them.

    It's time to see the doctor if your baby has a fever that lasts longer than three days. If your baby is in distress or is overly sleepy, weak or does not respond to you, go to the emergency department.
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    4. For babies under 3 months, fever is urgent

    If your baby is under 3 months old and has a temperature over 38 degrees C, go to the emergency department. If your baby is between three and six months, see your doctor.

    Don't treat a fever with medicine unless your doctor advises it. This may mask symptoms that are important to your baby’s diagnosis.

    Why the urgency? Young babies don't show signs of severe infection like older babies do. It's scary to think about, but a young baby can develop a blood infection and not show the typical symptoms.

    Young babies with fevers may need blood and urine tests to find out if there's a bacterial infection. If your doctor suspects meningitis, they may recommend doing a spinal tap.
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    5. Treat the symptoms, not the number

    Many parents believe that the higher the fever, the sicker the child, but that's not the case. A baby with a temperature of 39 degrees C may appear perfectly comfortable, while a baby with a temperature of 38.3 degrees C may be fussy, tired, and need constant holding.

    Does this mean that if your feverish baby is comfortable, they don't need medicine to lower their fever? That's right.

    Instead of focusing on the thermometer, pay attention to other signs, such as tiredness or fussiness, to determine how sick your child is.
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    6. Use medications wisely

    Before getting out the medicine, try bringing the fever down by removing extra clothing. Be sure not to remove all clothing in case your baby becomes too cold and starts shivering. This can cause a rise in temperature. Light cotton pajamas are a good choice so heat can leave their body.

    If your baby seems very uncomfortable, fever-reducing medicine is a good way to go - with some important caveats:

    • Talk to your doctor first if your baby is under three months if giving acetaminophen and under six months if giving ibuprofen.
    • Work out the dosage of the medicine by your baby’s weight, not their age.
    • Never give aspirin to a child. Aspirin can cause a serious and sometimes fatal condition called Reye's syndrome.
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    7. Fever is a healthy response

    Despite what you may have heard, fever will not injure your child's brain.

    Even the febrile seizures that some children have in response to fever have not been shown to be damaging.

    And don't worry, your baby's fever won't climb indefinitely. Under normal circumstances, the body automatically begins to cool off at 41 degrees C. And a fever usually goes away after three days.

    A rising temperature is the body's natural way of fighting off illness and is actually a sign of health. It may not be enjoyable, but your baby's immune system is doing exactly what it's supposed to do.
Lynda Cranston
Lynda has been a health and medical writer for 20-plus years. She has extensive experience in re-framing and streamlining complex medical information so it is easily digestible and actionable for family physicians, patients, and consumers. 

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