Family life forums

Welcome to all our family life groups! Sometimes everything seems to be about baby, but it’s important not to forget yourself in all that family planning and parenting. Here is a great place to come to speak about your life and find other women sharing your joys and challenges. Browse through the descriptions and join the groups that best suit you.

Groups (54)
Baby names
4,490 members

What's in a name? Everything!! There is a story behind every name and we would love to hear all about it. Here's a place you can share...
Fitness and weight-loss after a baby
4,350 members

Losing weight after having your baby can be tough -- more so when your mum or your mother-in-law insists on a daily dose of 'panjiri',...
Working parents
3,836 members

Being a working mum is not easy. Whether you are juggling with the organisation it requires or the emotions of leaving your little one behind with...
Family and you
1,181 members

As you grow from bride to mother, there are many changes for you and in your relationships with family members. Here is a great place to talk about...
The Vent Room
1,036 members

This is where you come to vent your frustrations, release your stress or just let off steam, without being judged by anyone. Feel free to describe...
Facebook/WhatsApp Groups
577 members

Members who want to chat in a private setting can do so by forming a private group in the community.  If you want to talk about your Facebook or...
Shopping for your baby
445 members

Whether you are an expecting mum-to-be or you are already a parent - shopping for your baby is always fun. This group is all about shopping for your...
Fun Activity - Photo of the Month
263 members

This is a just-for-fun group where every month you can share a great picture related to your pregnancy or child. Everyone will then choose their...
The "HAPPY" Room
251 members

This is where we share our day to day happiness. We dwell too much on the negative, and yet when we get a bit of happiness, we don't really...
Cooking for your family
233 members

This is a group to share and support each others cooking adventures. A place to share your favorite recipes, post pictures of your amazing edible...

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