Advertising policy

BabyCenter is committed to providing parents and parents-to-be with the best, most helpful, and most trustworthy content possible. Revenue from advertising allows us to pursue our mission to create a world of healthy pregnancies, thriving children, and confident parents.

We believe you should always know the source of what you're reading or seeing. When it comes to advertising:

  • We adhere to a strict policy of separation between editorial and advertising content.
  • We never allow our advertisers to influence editorial content.
BabyCenter's editorial content is created solely by our editorial team, working with qualified freelance writers, editors, and healthcare professionals. Advertisers can purchase ads that appear alongside BabyCenter's editorial content, but have no control over the content.

Advertisements that appear on our pages are clearly labelled "advertisement", "from our sponsors" or "ad content".

BabyCenter also creates branded content in collaboration with advertisers. Branded content is created by our partner agency, and is always clearly identified as advertising content created in collaboration with advertisers. In branded articles and videos, the advertiser's brand or product name is woven into the experiences. For this type of content, it's important to know:

  • Specific claims about the brand or product come from the advertiser.
  • The content's accuracy is the responsibility of the advertiser.
Again, whether advertising appears on BabyCenter as ads or branded content, it will always be clearly labelled to distinguish it from editorial content. This is an essential part of our commitment to providing readers with trustworthy, medically reviewed content such as articles, videos and newsletters.

Advertisements allow us to create these experiences and provide free essential pregnancy and parenting information to our users.

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