Newborn care

More Newborn care

First 24 hours with your baby

First 24 hours: newborn breathing

Your newborn has spent the past nine months bathed in amniotic fluid in your uterus. So she'll have plenty of adjustments to make now that she's in the outside world.

First 24 hours: newborn feeding

First 24 hours: newborn pee and poo

See all in First 24 hours with your baby

Health and safety

What are the soft spots on my newborn's head?

The soft spots are known as fontanelles. There are two of them and they may vary in size slightly.

We have a newborn. How will we know when to call the doctor?

When can I let my visitors hold my baby?

When can I leave my baby unattended?

When can I let my baby sleep alone?

See all in Health and safety

Daily care and routine

Bathing your newborn

For the first week or so, you may find it easier to stick to sponge baths, with a clean, warm, wet sponge or wash cloth.

Caring for your baby's umbilical stump

What a newborn looks like

Connecting with baby: video

Funny-looking newborns: photos

See all in Daily care and routine

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