
Caregiverslogo_0_0.PNG40%-70% of caregivers

show symptoms of depression with approximately a quarter to half of these caregivers meet the diagnostic criteria for major depression.


Being a caregiver can be physically and emotionally stressful. When taking care of a loved one, caregivers often put other's needs before their own.  Caregivers often sacrifice a lot of time, energy and their own physical and emotional needs which could lead to stress, anxiety, and/or depression.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Caregivers3

  • Avoiding pleasurable or meaningful activities because you feel guilty about taking time off from caretaking
  • Repetitive nightmares or intrusive thoughts about the patient/loved one, including the diagnosis, treatments, or future prognosis
  • Inability to sleep
  • Feelings of exhaustion, severe tiredness
  • Feelings of tension
  • Inability to concentrate or remember details
  • Anxiety attacks about not properly following the medical regimen
  • Inability to talk to others about your experience as a caretaker
  • Anticipatory anxiety about future treatments for the patient/loved one
  • Inability to enjoy activities you once found pleasurable
  • Thoughts of suicide because you feel so overwhelmed, worthless, or inadequate
  • Chronic irritability

If you or someone you know are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, please consult your doctor or contact a mental health provider here.

Click here for more information about depression.


Anxiety disorders are real, serious medical conditions - such as heart disease or diabetes. Anxiety disorders are the most common and pervasive mental disorders in the United States. Loss of control, fear of a loved one's well-being, uncertainty about the future or worrying about healthcare finances can all become extremely overwhelming for caregivers and can result in anxiety and stress.

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety in Caregivers2 

  • Constant fearfulness, worry or impending doom
  • Depression that lasts longer than two weeks
  • Trouble eating
  • Shortness of breath that keeps coming back
  • Sleep problems
  • Heart racing or beating hard in the chest
  • Constant irritability
  • Excessive sweating

If you or someone you know are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, please consult your doctor or contact a mental health provider here.

Click here for tips on managing anxiety and stress.

ADAA Resources

ADAA's Online Support Group

ADAA HU Mobile App_0.jpgADAA’s anonymous peer-to-peer online anxiety and depression support group is a friendly, safe and supportive place for individuals and their families to share information and experiences. As a member you can connect with other people experiencing anxiety and depression and related disorders, contribute to ongoing conversations or start your own conversation with a question or a post about your journey. Click here to learn more. 

Click here to Subscribe Today


ADAA Grupo de Apoyo en Línea

Spanish HU Community iPhone Graphicsmall_0_0_0_1.jpgGrupo anónimo peer-to-peer línea de apoyo ansiedad y la depresión de ADAA es un lugar agradable, seguro y de apoyo para los individuos y sus familias para compartir información y experiencias. Como miembro, usted puede conectar con otras personas que experimentan ansiedad y la depresión y los trastornos relacionados, contribuir a las conversaciones en curso o iniciar su propia conversación con una pregunta o un post acerca de su viaje. Apreta aquí para aprender más.

Haga clic aquí para suscribirse hoy


Trending Articles

  1. Caregiver. 2002. Caregiver Depression: A Silent Health Crisis.
  2. Help for Cancer Caregivers. Anxiety. 
  3. Mayo Clinic. Caregiver Depression: Prevention Counts.
Evidence-based Tips & Strategies from our Member Experts
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