Mental Health Apps

Apps are reviewed on three metrics: Credibility, User Experience, and Data Transparency.

  • Credibility:
    • The Credibility Score is a measure of the research support and clinical expertise backing an app or digital tool. This measure aims to give users an idea of how likely it is that it will work and lead to mental health benefits.
    • Apps are scored based on the level of research support they have, the level of expert clinical input in their development, and how specific the intervention the app proposes is.
  • User Experience:
    • “User Experience”, sometimes referred to as just UX, is the overall experience of using an app in terms of how easy and engaging it is to use.
    • The Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) is used to assess the quality of the user experience of apps on engagement, functionality, aesthetics, and information.
  • Data Transparency:
    • Transparency scores relate to information regarding an apps’ data storage and collection policies and how readily available this information is to users. We believe that developers should be as transparent as possible with privacy information so that users can be fully informed of how their data is used and stored.

More information on these rating scales can be found on the One Mind PsyberGuide website

Additional App Review Resources: is an online database that offers interactive searching across 105 data elements for each app, and currently features over 600 mental health related apps. MindApps does not recommend but rather is designed to offer information towards informed decision making.

    App Developers:
  • Interested in advertising your app on this page? Please email: Lise Bram
  • Interested in being reviewed by One Mind PsyberGuide? Please email: Martha Neary

ADAA is delighted to partner with OneMind PsyberGuide.

OneMind PsyberGuide is a non-profit website reviewing smartphone applications and other digital mental health products. One Mind PsyberGuide provides accurate and reliable information about digital products designed to address depression and anxiety disorders, as well as other mental health issues. Its goal is to help consumers make responsible and informed decisions about the technologies they use for the management of mental health. One Mind PsyberGuide is committed to ensuring that this information is available to all, and that it is free of preference, bias, or endorsement.  One Mind PsyberGuide is also intended for professionals and researchers seeking to enhance their knowledge in this area.  Learn more about our partnership.

Additional App Review Resources is an online database that offers interactive searching across 105 data elements for each app, and currently features over 600 mental health-related apps. MindApps does not recommend any app but rather is designed to offer information for informed decision-making.

Mental Health App News

App Developers:

  • Interested in being reviewed by One Mind PsyberGuide? Please email: Kristina Palomores.

Disclaimer: ADAA does not recommend or endorse any clinicians, counselors, psychiatrists, social workers, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the website. Reliance on any information provided by ADAA, ADAA employees, others appearing on the website at the invitation of ADAA, or other visitors to the website is solely at your own risk.

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