Genetics & Neuroscience

The Genetics and Neuroscience SIG brings together researchers who are broadly involved in the biological science of anxiety and depressive disorders. This includes clinical and basic neuroscience (electrophysiology, imaging, animal models, experimental paradigms) and genetics (twin and family studies, molecular genetics, endophenotypes). The SIG provides ADAA members with opportunities to network, share ideas, form collaborations, and update one another and the broader ADAA community on the state of the genetics and neuroscience field. The group is comprised of a diverse array of clinicians, researchers, and clinician-researchers across the student, postdoctoral scholar/clinical trainee, and faculty/practitioner levels.

If you’re interested in joining this SIG, please login to your member account Please contact ADAA with questions. Please view the ADAA SIG Guidelines

Recent SIG activities include: (1) Establishing a repository of information on measures relevant to the genetics and neuroscience study of anxiety and depression, so that anyone in the ADAA community can learn what measures are out there, how to find them, and how they link to other units of analysis within the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) domain, and (2) Providing monthly updates on articles relevant to the group’s focus.

SIG Co-Chairs:

  • Lynnette A. Averill, PhD, National Center for PTSD
  • Karmel Choi, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Namik Kirlic, PhD, Laureate Institute for Brain Research
  • Daniel Levey, PhD, Yale University/VA Connecticut Healthcare System

Former SIG Co-Chairs:

  • Sanne van Rooij, PhD (2017-2019)
  • Sahib Khalsa, PhD (2017-2019)
  • Karmel Choi, PhD, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2019-2020)

Board Liasion:
Sheila Rauch, PhD, ABPP, Emory University School of Medicine 

Research Resources from the GAN SIG

2021-2022 Annual Report 

The Genetics and Neuroscience SIG has continued to engage the ADAA community in the past year and looks forward to our planned events and updates in the coming year.  

The global pandemic has been disruptive in all of our lives, but we are very much looking forward to meeting in person in Denver. In the 2021-2022 period, the GAN-SIG continued to brainstorm ideas to increase engagement with GAN SIG members as well as seek possible ways to collaborate with other SIGs or other groups within ADAA. At the 2022 conference, we plan on holding an in-person business meeting during which we hope to engage members toward developing a program of activities for the following year.  

We very much look forward to the upcoming in-person conference and the exciting programming overall, with special emphasis on the events related to the genetic and neuroscience underpinnings of comorbid psychopathology.  

We will also announce that two of our co-chairs, Karmel Choi, PhD, and Lynnette Averill, PhD, will be stepping down from their roles, and that we will be seeking to fill these positions over the next months. We are very grateful to Karmel and Lynnette for their contributions to the GAN SIG and look forward to seeing them at events in the future, and inviting them to present at the webinars and/or lunchtime symposiums.  

See you in March!  


The Fantastic Four GAN SIG Co-Chairs  

Dan & Namik (Co-Chairs, 2021-2023)  

Karmel & Nette (Co-Chairs, 2019-2022)