Board of Directors


Current Board Members


Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD
Matthew P. Nemeroff Professor and Chair
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Mulva Clinic for the Neurosciences
Director, Institute of Early Life Adversity Research
Dell Medical School, The University of Texas, Austin


Helen Blair Simpson 2018 _0.jpgHelen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center/New York State Psychiatric Institute



Sanjay Mathew_0.jpgSanjay Mathew, MD
Chief Medical Officer and Secretary
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Baylor College of Medicine



Jovanovic_Tanja.jpgTanja Jovanovic, PhD
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Wayne State University




Mbemba Jabbi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Dell Medical School




Jill Emanuele, PhD
Vice-President, Clinical Training
Child Mind Institute




Ken Goodman, LCSW
Private Practice - Los Angeles, CA




Paul Holtzheimer High Res 2018_1_0.JPGPaul Holtzheimer, MD
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
White River Junction VA Medical Center




Krystal Lewis, PhD
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)





LuanaMarques56_3_2.jpg Luana Marques, PhD
 Immediate Past President
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Clinical Psychologist, Massachusetts General Hospital



Martin P. Paulus, MD Laureate Institute for Brain Research





Victoria Risbrough, PhD
University of California San Diego
ex-officio and Scientific Council Chair



Sheila Rauch, PhD
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta VA Medical Center





Current Honorary Board Member

Michael Gleason
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Consumer Brands, LLC

Past Honorary Board Members

Executive Committee

Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD
Professor and Chair of Psychiatry
Director, Institute for Early Life Adversity Research
Dell Medical School, The University of Texas at Austin

Helen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center/New York State Psychiatric Institute

Sanjay Mathew, MD
Chief Medical Officer and Secretary
Harvard Medical School

Luana Marques, PhD
Immediate Past President
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Tanja Jovanovic, PhD
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Wayne State University


Past Board Presidents

LuanaMarques56_3_2.jpg Luana Marques, PhD
 ADAA President
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Clinical Psychologist, Massachusetts General Hospital



Mary E. (Beth) Salcedo, MD
The Ross Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders




Karen L. Cassiday, PhD - Clinical Director and Owner, The Anxiety Treatment Center





mark-pollack-psychiatry (1)_0.jpgMark H. Pollack, MD - Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Rush University Medical Center




Terence Keane Oct 2018 (002)_0.jpgTerrence M. Keane, PhD - Director, Behavior Science Division, National Center for PTSD




rosenbarum-150x150_0.jpgJerry Rosenbaum, MD - Chief of Psychiatry at MGH, Stanley Cobb Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School




Jerilyn Ross_recent photo (2)_0.jpgJerilyn Ross, LCSW - Founder of ADAA
Tribute to Jerilyn Ross




Robert Dupont, MD - 1st President of ADAA
Institute for Behavior and Health, Maryland










Meet Our ADAA Board Members

ADAA Announces New Early Career Board Member - Mbemba Jabbi, PhD

ADAA is pleased to announce that Mbemba Jabbi, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Dell Medical School, has been selected to join the ADAA board for a two-year term. The Early Career Board member works with early career professionals and students to ensure that the early career voice of ADAA’s membership is fully represented. Read the full announcement.

ADAA Announces Early Career Professional Open Board Seat

The ADAA Board of Directors seeks applicants for one Early Career Professional open board seat to join the Board for a two-year term. The Early Career Board Professional serves as a full voting member of the board and must be an ADAA professional member in good standing. 
ADAA seeks to enhance its engagement with early career professionals and to have the early career voice fully represented and involved on the ADAA Board. Early career is defined as a professional who has completed their terminal degree or postdoctoral fellowship/medical/clinical residency (or the equivalent) within the past 10 years. Deadline to apply is Wednesday January 26, 2022. Download the application and read the full announcement.

ADAA Welcomes New Board President Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD - January 1, 2022

ADAA is pleased to announce that Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD has assumed the role of President of the ADAA Board of Directors (BOD) effective January 1, 2022. Dr. Nemeroff will serve a two-year term. Dr. Nemeroff succeeds Luana Marques, PhD who served as ADAA BOD President from 2019-2021. Dr. Marques will now serve as Immediate Past Board Chair.  Read the full press release.

ADAA Announces Several New Board Appointments for 2022 - January 1, 2022

We enthusiastically share the news that Helen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD has been appointed Board President-Elect effective January 1, 2022. Dr. Simpson will take over as ADAA’s President in 2024.

We are also pleased to announce the appointment of three new board members whose tenure began January 1, 2022. Please join us in welcoming:

A special thank you to ADAA members Carmela Alcántara, PhD and Mbemba Jabbi, PhD for serving on the ADAA board seat nominating committee. We very much appreciate their time and thoughtful participation.

The ADAA Board and staff also extend their sincere appreciation to the following board members whose terms ended December 31.

Many thanks to Beth Salcedo, MD, Scott Rauch, MD and Risa Weisberg, PhD for their board service and commitment.  Read the full press release here.

About the Board

ADAA’s Board of Directors, comprised of volunteers, oversees the long-term strategic plan for ADAA, enabling the organization to advance its mission, vision, and strategic objectives. The Board of Directors actively helps guide, support, and oversee ADAA’s activities — setting long-term goals and priorities for the Association and monitoring ADAA’s strategic direction and fiscal health.

ADAA’s leadership donates their time and expertise to help with programming for both ADAA’s professional membership and the public.  ADAA’s leadership embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a core value for all members, staff, and volunteers and is committed to ensuring that all of ADAA’s programming supports cultural equity.  

ADAA is governed by Bylaws, most recently updated in 2018. The Bylaws allow for not  less than 13 and not more than 17 ADAA Board members, and up to five honorary Board Members. Board members can serve up to three two- year terms. The Bylaws detail the Board selection processes. All individual ADAA board members provide financial support to the ADAA on an annual basis.

The Executive Committee (EC)  is comprised of the Board Chair (Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD), the President Elect (Helen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD), a Treasurer (TBD), the Past President (Luana Marques, PhD), and a Secretary (Sanjay Mathew, MD).

All EC members are members of the current ADAA Board and are elected by the Board. The President presides over all meetings of the board.
