
16 Month Old: Milestones and development

Your 16-month-old may love physical challenges. He knows he can walk, so he wants to try to carry a heavy load, like a box of blocks, while he's at it. His fine-motor skills may also be taking off, and he'll want to turn the pages of books you're reading, stack blocks to make a tower, and scribble on everything he can reach. Your toddler can understand much more than he can say, and you can encourage his language development by narrating your days together and listening to your toddler's attempts at conversation.

smiling little girl up close
Photo credit: / eli_asenova

Physical development

Testing physical limits

Your toddler is still likely to explore her surroundings the way she has for the last few months –grabbing random objects, inspecting them closely, putting them to her mouth, and banging them on the floor.

But you'll also notice that he likes to challenge his physical limits. He knows he can walk, so he wants to try to carry a heavy load, like a box of blocks, while he's at it. He's confident that he can climb up onto the sofa, so he'll want to push a chair to the kitchen counter to climb higher and investigate what's on the counter tops.

If you haven't already done so, it's now essential that you childproof your home. The kitchen can be a particularly dangerous spot, so get into the habit of cooking on the back burners of the stove, turning pot handles inward and out of reach of groping hands, and locking up any dangerous cleaning products and medicines.

If your toddler is willing, try this silly game, recommended by child development expert Marilyn Segal, author of Your Child at Play: One to Two Years: Hold her hands and show her how to squat. While you're moving up and down, chant:

"Bend our knees, and down we go
All the way to the floor.
Up, up, up, we stand up tall,
And now we squat some more."

If your child isn't walking with ease, or is hardly walking at all, try this activity, which developmental experts use to help children gain confidence on their feet. First, have your child stand with his back to a wall, then move back so you're about 3 feet away from him. Hold out a hand and have him reach for it, taking one or two steps to get to you. Guide him back to the wall and do it over and over again, occasionally stepping back so he has to take more steps to reach you.

Stacking, drawing, and painting

Your 16-month-old is becoming more adept at using her hands and fingers. She may be able to stack two or three blocks to make a tower and then will delight in immediately knocking it down. When you read books, she'll insist on turning the pages for you, and by now may be capable of turning one or two pages at a time instead of simply flipping from front to back.

If you hand him a crayon, he'll know exactly what to do with it, but will probably scribble on anything that's in front of him – books, furniture, and walls included – so coloring is an activity that you'll probably want to monitor closely. He may even be able to insert a round block into the proper hole on a board with various shapes.

This is a great time to introduce finger painting. You can make your own finger paints by mixing 2 tablespoons of white flour with a little water to make a thin paste and then adding a few drops of food coloring. To make finger painting extra easy for a young child, have her paint on waxed paper taped to a table in the kitchen or outdoors. Put a blob of paint down on the paper and show her how to slide her fingers around. If you want to save her creation, press a piece of regular paper over the waxed paper and gently peel it away; hang it up to dry.

Language and cognitive development

Language comprehension, vocabulary building, and reading

You've seen your child testing her independence during the last few weeks and months, but experts say that once a child can talk, she knows, finally, that she is her own person. Your 16-month-old may be able to say as many as seven words ­– or even more – clearly. But she will still rely mostly on nonverbal communication, pointing and gesturing to tell you what she wants or what she wants you to see.

Your toddler understands much more than he can say, too. (The challenge for toddlers is not understanding speech, but coordinating their lips, tongue, and breath well enough to make themselves understandable.) You may discover this accidentally one day when, for instance, you're asking the family dog where you possibly could have put your car keys – only to have your child point to the hook where they're hanging. Or you may ask your child to go get his shoes from his closet and watch in amazement as he trots down the hall and returns with them a minute later. You're not imagining it – he really does know what you're saying.

Her ability to comprehend more than she can communicate means it's important for you to speak slowly and clearly to your toddler. You've probably stopped much of the singsongy speech that you used instinctively when your child was a baby, but now you can use simple words and phrases to get and hold her attention.

Using the correct words for objects will cut down on his confusion as he learns to use words. Listening to your child without interruption is also essential at this stage. The toddler who is listened to – especially by his parents and caregivers – is a better listener, which in turn will enhance his speaking skills.

Help your toddler build her vocabulary by talking with her about what she's experiencing. Name the sounds that surround you when you're outside: "Do you hear that bird? Can you hear the sprinklers that are watering the grass?" for instance, or challenge her to find something particular: "Help me find a rock that feels smooth." Learning to observe, listen, and investigate will help her develop important sensory skills.

Though your 16-month-old may not want to sit still for more than a few minutes, he is probably showing a little more interest in having stories read to him. Don't be frustrated if he seems to prefer pointing at specific pictures and having you tell him about them rather than listening to you read the text.

One of your child's favorite things to do when looking at books may be to point to objects she has words for – such as ball, cat, dog, etc., and say them (over and over). But if you ask her to "Find the ... chicken (or the moon, or a car)," she'll enthusiastically do that, too. She is also probably very adamant about wanting to help you turn the pages, a sign of her increasing autonomy.

Behavioral health and development

Temperament and scary sounds

You've been picking up clues about your child's temperament from the day he was born. The way your 16-month-old interacts with the world around him will tell you a lot about how he'll probably respond to different situations, people, places, and things as he gets older.

Your child might be flexible and adapt easily to change, or she may need a more predictable schedule and plenty of warning before transitions. Pay attention to what works best for her. You know your child better than any book does.

With his temperament in mind, you can sometimes modify your child's environment in small ways to help him stay engaged and avoid meltdowns. For example, if your child functions best on a solid afternoon nap, try to make sure he gets one. If he's reserved in new situations, give him extra time to warm up rather than insisting that he hug people he meets. He's depending on you to help him feel comfortable. By respecting his needs, you can help him learn to deal with the world.

That said, it's not your job to make life fun and free of frustration. Your child will get upset and dissolve into tears and tantrums. It's all a normal part of how kids learn and grow, so don't take it personally!

But do offer kind, validating responses such as, "I see how mad and upset you are. It's ok to be mad. I understand. I'm here to help you calm down." Statements that invalidate your child's feelings such as "don't cry, there's nothing to be upset about" not only aren't helpful but they can lead to greater difficulties with emotional regulation down the line.

Fear of loud noises sometimes surfaces unexpectedly. Your 16-month-old may cower, cry, and act downright terrified at the sound of a vacuum cleaner, a thunderstorm, a siren, fireworks, or a popping balloon.

Offer calm reassurance. A hug and an acknowledgement of his feelings – "Wow, that was a scary surprise, wasn't it?" – may be sufficient. Show your child how he can cover his ears to give him some control. Your toddler will eventually outgrow a fear of noises as he gains an understanding of where they come from and that they're harmless.

Impulsive behavior, discipline, and manners

Your toddler is beginning to develop a sense of what's okay and what's not. Much of his behavior is not intentional defiance. He's curious, and he's testing your limits to better understand what they are. "Mommy said not to play with the drawer – did she really mean it?" Or: "I'm not allowed to throw peas off the highchair, but what about crackers? What about milk?"

At the same time, a toddler still acts on nearly every impulse, and it will take years of guidance from you before she has enough self-control to behave appropriately in every – or almost every – situation. At this age, your toddler's impulses may result in tantrums or aggressive behavior, such as hitting. If you understand that such impulses are healthy and normal, it may help you deal with her negative behavior. It's human to have feelings of aggression and even anger, but the difference between you and your toddler is that you've learned to pull your punches – at least most of the time.

Be calm and matter-of-fact as you guide behavior, but don't look the other way when you disapprove. If you make your expectations are clear and consistent now, your child will grow up more secure, obedient, and happy.

You may be wondering when to step in and discipline your child. It may be helpful to remember that "discipline" means to teach. You are your child's teacher and helper. Say "I can't let you hit. HItting hurts. You have two great choices, do you want to rip up paper or squish the Play-Doh?" 

Your toddler is ready to learn to say the magic words – "please" and "thank you" – at least some of the time. You don't have to push him to say them in every instance; he's noticing when other people use them and the pleased reactions of grownups when children use them.

While it's unreasonable to expect your 16-month-old to say "please" and "thank you" all the time, if you set a good example, your child will follow. If you recognize that much of what children learn they learn through imitation, it makes sense that your child will do as you do when it comes to etiquette.

Setting limits

Toddlers are funny – even when they're doing something they shouldn't. It's hard not to laugh, but your smile sends a message that you don't really mind your child bouncing on the sofa with her shoes on or taking every tissue out of the box, one by one. Kids this age understand far more words than they can speak, but the language they know best of all is body language. A smile cancels out a "don't do that" every time.

When your child does something you don't like, be sure your face and voice convey your displeasure. Don't yell, but do frown and use a disapproving tone to set limits. Be consistent, too. If you correct a transgression once but ignore it the next time, you send confusing signals about your expectations.

Car seat battles

Strapping a 16-month-old into a car seat is a lot like strapping in a cat. She'll yowl and fuss (and maybe claw, too). A busy toddler doesn't like to be restrained. Of course, for safety's sake she must be, every time. You can also enlist your little one to help you. Have her hold on to one strap while you latch the buckle.

Or use distraction to make the task easier. Stash a special toy or book in the car to pull out only during drives. Sing a silly song or do something goofy, such as closing your eyes and pretending you can't see him while you're fastening the straps and buckle. Tickling might work, too.

Social development

Your toddler, the individual

Even at this young age, your toddler is learning that she is rewarded with positive attention – hugs, laughter, and praise – when she behaves in ways that people around her think are right, and that she is met with disapproval when her behavior is wrong. (What may really amaze you is how quickly your intuitive toddler learns that right and wrong mean things to different people. A behavior that might elicit a frown from you, i.e., pounding a toy on the coffee table or pulling the dog's tail, draws peals of laughter from an older sibling.)

The social interactions you're most likely to witness now are basic – waving, smiling, playing peekaboo, and following simple instructions – but these are all first steps in establishing his personal social style. A 16-month-old is also able to initiate displays of affection, and he'll give back what he receives. If you show affection with hugs and kisses, he will likely do it too.

A newborn isn't able to differentiate between herself and her mother or between herself and any object she sees. Tasting, touching, smelling, and hearing what's in the world around her are ultimately what help her understand that she is a separate being.

At about 16 months, your toddler understands that he is his own person, but can use you as an extension of himself. For instance, if he sees a toy that he wants but can't reach, he may make eye contact and gesture until you know he wants you to hand it to him. Or he may not feel comfortable walking up a flight of stairs, but since he's determined to do it anyway, he'll grasp your hand so you can help him.

At this stage, your toddler also knows she is powerful, and she is the center of her world. She uses your attention, amazement, and appreciation of her accomplishments as motivation to attempt even more. She wants to succeed at everything she tries, though she often won't. You'll catch her attempting to carry objects that are far too heavy or unwieldy for her to handle, but she'll be adamant about trying.

Help him by breaking down the task into manageable bits. You can let him know you admire how hard he is working to accomplish something and empathize with his frustration. "That basket of laundry is so heavy. It is hard to carry. It is frustrating to try to lift it. Here let me help you. I'll take half into my basket and you can carry the other half in yours."


Using her senses

Daily life is one big adventure for a newly mobile toddler. You've witnessed yours touching, smelling, examining, and at least trying to taste nearly everything that he finds. By fully investigating objects this way, children learn to distinguish the qualities of various things. He'll probably find tools – a whisk from the kitchen cupboard – and creatures such as an earthworm that creeps along the gutter after a rainstorm especially fascinating.

Imitating you through play

Giving your toddler opportunities to imitate you, such as cooking in a play kitchen, will help cut down on the frustration she feels about being too little to do some of the things she wants to do. Toddler-sized tool sets, little play kitchens, or grocery carts are great fun for 16-month-olds.


Gentle bedtime routines

Bedtime will go more smoothly if you establish a routine your child can count on. A good bedtime routine is long enough to ease your child into a relaxed state, but not so long or complicated that it's a chore for you – or impossible for a babysitter to duplicate. Twenty to 30 minutes is a good length of time.

Include more or less the same elements in roughly the same order every night. For example: A small snack, a bath or a quick cleaning of the hands and face, getting into pajamas, brushing teeth, and reading a book or two. A cuddle and a kiss and you're done. Other options include saying goodnight to a few stuffed animals or singing a lullaby. Ideally, you'll find a routine that works for your child (and you) – and stick to it.

Goodbye to the morning nap

Sometime between 15 and 18 months, your toddler's likely to drop the morning nap. One midday or afternoon nap will be enough. At first, that one nap may be longer than it was previously. Many parents prefer the one-nap phase because it's easier to plan your day around. But it can be a bit tricky to time it right. Make sure that the nap doesn't happen so late in the day that your child isn't sleepy at bedtime. You may need to cut short afternoon naps that last too long.

A good rule of thumb is that bedtime should be no later than 4 hours after the child wakes from the afternoon nap. So if the nap happens from 1 to 3 pm, start the bedtime routine by 6:30 at the latest. Often bedtime will move earlier once the child is only taking 1 nap.

Your child may still need a rest break around the time she use to take her morning nap. Serve a snack and plan a quiet activity, such as listening to soothing music, looking at books, or resting on a blanket on the sofa (rather than in bed, which has a strong sleep association). Avoid car rides during the former nap time – your child may fall asleep, skip the afternoon nap, and be cranky in the evening.

Look ahead to 17 months

Follow your baby's amazing development


BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2020. Toddler development. [Accessed October 2020]

Nemours Foundation. 2018. Reading milestones. [Accessed October2020]

NIH. 2017. Speech and language developmental milestones. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health. [Accessed October 2020]

Zero to Three. Undated. How to introduce toddlers and babies to books. [Accessed October 2020]

Zero to Three. 2016. 12–15 months: Your child’s development. National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. [Accessed October 2020]

Dana Sullivan Kilroy
Dana Sullivan Kilroy has been writing about health, fitness, travel, and business for more than 20 years. She lives in Reno, Nevada, and enjoys skiing, golf, and hiking with her family.