
15 Month Old: Milestones and development

Whirlwind. It's a word that aptly describes a typical 15-month-old, and life with a toddler this age is never dull. Your little one craves your attention, so make sure to lavish it when your toddler does something you like. Sidestep power struggles when you can, and save your energy for dealing with the big stuff, like hitting and biting. Your toddler may love to copy your activities and play with "real" objects, like plastic keys or a toy phone. Encourage her imagination by playing pretend.

little girl walking from mom to dad
Photo credit: / SanyaSM

Physical development

Moving forward

Every day you watch your toddler attempt and accomplish something new, but the 15th month is one that pediatricians and developmental experts consider a "milestone" period. Most children (around 90 percent) are walking by now, and it may seem like with her first steps, your baby walked right out of babyhood.

Suddenly she wants to sit at the dinner table – or stand on a chair at the table – instead of stay in her highchair; she also wants to talk on the telephone, push the vacuum cleaner, and do anything she can do to help you. Even if she's not totally confident on her feet, she's still very keen to experiment with different ways of moving: climbing, trotting, running, jumping, and ... dawdling.

Shopping can be challenging during these early stages of toddlerhood, because your mini explorer is much too curious to be strapped into a grocery cart or stroller – she'd much rather stand or walk. She also wants to pull things off of shelves and then try to carry the objects while she walks around. While this can be frustrating for you, she's not intentionally trying to cause trouble – she's just putting her new physical skills to the test.

If your child is walking with confidence, it won't take much encouragement from you to get her to take bigger steps. For a safe, fun outing, get a large, lightweight ball – such as a beach ball – and head to a grassy place where there's a gentle slope. Toss the ball up the slope, and when it rolls back toward you, show your toddler how to catch it. She may not catch it very often, but she will have a great time trying to chase it down.

If your toddler is still wobbly on her feet, she may enjoy pushing a walker toy around. She'll soon build up the confidence to walk freely on her own.

Language and cognitive development

Getting into books

Your child may love books … pulling them off the shelf, gnawing on them, stacking them, or flipping through them. Or he may actually sit calmly and happily with you and look at the pictures. (Starting at about 15 months, many children become interested in looking at picture books, either with a parent or alone.) But don't give up hope if your toddler is too wiggly to settle in for a reading session just yet.

Be persistent. Keep introducing your child to books, and eventually he'll love sitting and listening to stories. In the long run, reading is likely to be one of the most rewarding activities the two of you share. Reading aloud to kids expands their vocabulary and lets them experience the joy of telling and hearing stories. It teaches them how the world around them works, and helps them develop a love of learning.

Board books are perfect because the pages are sturdy and easy for small hands to turn. Choose picture books with big, bright, clear images, and ask questions as you read: Can you find the dog? What does the dog say? Where is the mommy? You may see your toddler pat the pictures, and books with different textures, like the classic Pat the Bunny, are often favorites at this age.

If your child seems to be losing interest in one book, pick up a different book – perhaps one with catchy rhymes, such as something by Dr. Seuss or Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Let him help you turn the pages. And your toddler doesn't have to be sitting in your lap to enjoy a story; you can read to him while he's playing on the floor, too.

If your child doesn't want to look at books right now, try again another time. Bedtime or before a nap, when he's already wound down and ready to cuddle, is ideal. It's no coincidence that so many great kids' books – like Goodnight Moon – end with the main character fast asleep.

Often, toddlers want to hear the same story again and again. Repetition helps them learn the words, and familiarity with the story – "Aha! I knew that would happen!" – is reassuring.

Beginning speech

Worried because your child isn't speaking much yet? Don't be. Chances are good that your 15-month-old understands a great deal of what you say. So keep speaking and reading to your toddler, but don't try to coax or drill him.

By 15 months, the majority (about 75 percent) of children have a vocabulary that consists of "Mama" and "Dada" plus at least three other words – usually nouns, such as "cookie," "ball," and "dog." "More," and of course the all-time toddler favorite, "No!" are also common early words. A typical 15-month-old can also follow simple commands, such as "Bring me your shoes," or "Put the book down." He also understands the meaning of phrases such as "No," "Come here," "Show me," and "Look." By 18 months, he should be able to say at least 15 words.

Besides talking with him, one of the best ways you can encourage your chatterbox is to listen. Even if you don't understand everything he's saying or asking, make eye contact when he's trying to communicate with you, and acknowledge or respond to his comments and questions whenever possible, which will motivate him to keep trying.

If your child is taking his time learning to talk, spend a lot of time together reading. Even looking at picture books and pointing out familiar objects will help him store the information for future use. Try to avoid using baby talk, because it can be confusing. If your little one says "goggy" rather than doggy, simply say, "Yes, that's a doggy," rather than repeating his version of the word.

Do pay attention to your child's ability to hear, as poor hearing can cause speech delays. Report any concerns to his doctor. The sooner a hearing problem is treated, the better the outcome is likely to be.

Behavioral health and development

Hard goodbyes

How can you make saying bye-bye easier when your child is in the throes of separation anxiety? Sneaking off may seem to make the task less daunting, but can actually feed her anxiety. If your child thinks you might disappear at any time without notice, she's not going to let you out of her sight. Always say goodbye when you leave.

Make your goodbyes matter-of-fact, not emotional, even if your child is crying. Your child will probably get over the pang of separating more quickly than you do!


No doubt about it, biting is uncivilized behavior. But your toddler is still a bit uncivilized. When 15-month-olds bite, it's usually because they lack the language skills to express themselves. If they feel threatened, sometimes all they can think of to do is chomp.

Here's a good strategy for preventing biting from becoming a habit: First, turn your attention to the child who was bitten and make sure he's okay. Stay calm with both children. There's little to be gained by yelling at or punishing the biter, who was likely overwhelmed by emotions he found hard to control.

In fact, the biter may be crying harder than the child who was bitten. Simply say, "no biting" and redirect him. Take note of what was happening at the time of the incident. Was your child being threatened or was his space being invaded? Is it close to nap time? You may be able to head off trouble if you know what the triggers are.

Never try to teach your child how biting feels by doing it to him. That only suggests that biting is sometimes okay.

Being the center of attention

Whirlwind. It's a word that aptly describes a typical 15-month-old, and life with a toddler this age is never dull. His attention is equally divided between his toys and you. Children thrive on their parents' attention, and if you leave the area where he's playing, he'll come looking for you within a few minutes because he wants to know that you're paying attention to him. "See! See!" is probably a common refrain in your house as your child tries to balance his drive to be more independent with his need to know he can depend on you.

Until now, your toddler has been preoccupied with checking out his surroundings and the objects in his world. Now he's just as curious about the effects of his behavior on other people, and his connection with you is vital to his confidence. During this period of social exploration, you may see him trying to get your attention any way he can. He'll shout, imitate gestures he sees you and other adults make, pinch, poke, shove, whine, and cry – all in an attempt to see how you react and what it takes for him to get what he wants.

Once he recognizes that a certain behavior – like dancing or crawling like a baby – gets a positive response from you, he'll do it over and over, not just because he can but because he loves to be the center of attention. After a silly dance performance, for instance, he'll look around the room just to see what kind of effect his moves had on the audience, and if he has everyone's attention, he'll offer an encore.

He will quickly realize that various behaviors get different results from the adults around him. He may learn that he'll get what he wants faster if he laughs instead of whines. Or that whining will get him what he wants from his grandfather, but not from his parents. This experimentation is all part of socialization, and if you are consistent with enforcing limits, he'll soon learn which behaviors are acceptable and which aren't.

The wilder things your child does to maintain his connection with you and your attention on him may be more annoying and frustrating for you than for your toddler. Really listening when your toddler is trying to tell you something and giving him as much attention as you can may head off a great deal of whining and screaming, but when you've reached your limit you may simply need to remove yourself from the room. Put your toddler in his crib or playpen and step out for a few minutes, take a few deep breaths, and take a moment to remind yourself that he's going through a phase. Once you're calm, come back and reconnect.

Don't be surprised if your toddler already seems to treat you and your partner differently. Whichever parent he spends the most time with will be the one he demands more of and is hardest on. If you're around more, his other parent will be treated like someone special, and vice versa. While this may make one of you feel jealous, know that it's normal and is your child's way of testing out his relationship with each of you. Family dynamics, and your child's shifting loyalties, will be more and more evident during the next few months as he becomes increasingly independent. Be sure to get on the same page with your partner around family routines and discipline.

Power struggles and meltdowns

Where there's a will, there's a won't. And your toddler is discovering that will, big time. The generally agreeable nature of a 12-month-old can morph overnight into something more exhausting. "No" will soon become one of her favorite words.

Rigid, contrarian behavior shows that your child is beginning to understand a huge concept: She's a separate person from you. (It's the seeds of the you-are-not-the-boss-of-me syndrome.) Power struggles when children are this age are likely to be over things like diaper changes, brushing his teeth, and getting into the stroller or car seat.

Your best bet is to sidestep power struggles when you can. Offer choices or let things go if they don't really matter (say, changing a shirt that has gotten dirty). Save your energy and follow through for the big stuff (no hitting, for example).

Sometimes there's no avoiding a battle, though, and the end result of a power struggle (and feelings of anger or frustration) is a full-fledged meltdown. Tantrums are inevitable – every child has to blow off steam at some point. And children struggling through the peaks and valleys of physical and emotional development may need to blow off steam constantly.

The good news is that meltdowns are generally short-lived. Of course, it may seem like your child picks the absolute worst times to throw fits – in the middle of the grocery store, at the airport in front of your mother-in-law – and it's up to you to experiment with ways to handle the flare-ups.

One reason that children seem to fall apart in public is simply that they're overstimulated: Unfamiliar people, bright lights, and loud noises all at once can be too much for your child to handle. When you're out and about trying to run errands, your toddler knows he doesn't have your full attention, which is what he wants more than anything else ­and will do just about anything to get.

You can often head off meltdowns during errands by staying emotionally connected to your child as best you can despite all you have to do,­ which will make errands more fun for both of you. Making up a game like, "I see cornflakes, I see ... you!" and then giving him a big nuzzle as you put the box in the shopping cart will head off his frantic feeling that you're directing your attention everywhere but at him.

You may have to try several tactics until you find a way of to deal with unavoidable tantrums that works for you. Try picking up your child and holding him quietly until he settles down – don't yell at him or try to pin his arms down; these reactions will only make him more frustrated. Pick him up and move him to a spot where he can safely have his fit on the ground or in the car while you sit by, reassuring him. You can say, "I see you are really upset right now. I understand. I am here to help you calm down."

If you're at home and it's too hard for you to stay and listen to him cry, simply leave the room. Take a moment to calm yourself by taking a few deep breaths or getting a glass of water. Then return to your child and let her know that you are there to help her calm down and keep her safe.

If your toddler's fit attracts attention from other adults in the vicinity, you're likely to be embarrassed, but your child will pick up on that too, and may increase the intensity of his tantrum. Your best bet in a public setting is to grit your teeth and smile while you take your child away from the scene.

One of your most important jobs as a parent is setting limits for your child. At times you may feel like a broken record, but the next time you see your toddler starting to do something you've asked him not to, watch the process. For instance, he'll start to climb onto the dishwasher, which you've asked him not to do several times, but will keep an eye on you the whole time. While you may think he's simply being defiant, he's actually testing you and waiting for you to step in and say, "Stop, that's far enough."

Try to remember that many of your 15-month-old's seemingly defiant and destructive behaviors are related to his overall development. When he uses a crayon to scribble on the coffee table, he doesn't know that he's ruining a piece of furniture; he's just enjoying his budding fine-motor skills. And when he refuses to go to bed, he's simply feeling that being with you is so exciting that he doesn't want to go sleep and miss something. Establishing routines, like a bath and reading a book before bed, and giving him ample opportunities to test out skills like drawing, will help make this period less frustrating for you.

Social development

Busy hands and imaginary play

A 12- or 13-month-old will finger and then chew on a spoon or use it to bang on the floor or a pan. But a 15-month-old understands that a spoon is for stirring or eating and will try to use it for its intended purpose, stirring her oatmeal at mealtime. Rather than just drag a broom behind her, she'll try to sweep the floor with it. And when you hand your toddler a hairbrush, she'll attempt to brush her own hair, or a doll's or stuffed animal's.

Copying you is key. That's why pencils, lipstick, phones, and keys are fascinating to your toddler. These objects are fun to look at and manipulate, and when your toddler sees you using them, she wants to do the same. Pretend play is crucial for development. It builds social, emotional, cognitive, and language skills. So "get in the game" and act out pretend or imaginary scenarious as much as possible.

The problem is you might not want her demolishing your lipstick! (Also, many of these items, including lipstick, can be toxic or pose a choking hazard.) Your challenge is to find things your child can safely use to satisfy her need to mimic ­– like a set of plastic keys, or an old purse of yours with a hairbrush, a comb, and a cheap wallet.

There are plenty of other ways to keep your toddler's hands occupied for more than a minute or two. For example, fill a laundry basket with safe odds and ends, such as plastic containers and lids, paper towel or toilet paper cores, empty cereal boxes (with plastic liners removed), scarves, hats, and wooden spoons and other big utensils. She'll love getting her hands on objects that look like they have a purpose and trying to figure out how to use them.

Understanding how objects are used correlates with a child's ability to both use words and express ideas. She's starting to be able to think ahead about how things work, and what the result of her actions will be. Using language also gives her the ability to pretend.

By playing out a familiar scenario, such as mealtime, you'll encourage your toddler to use her imagination. Let your child be the chef, and give her a plastic mixing bowl, a manual eggbeater, spoon, and strainer. When she's finished "cooking" something yummy for you, have her help you set a pretend table so you can enjoy a pretend meal together.

Most of your 15-month-old's imaginative play will revolve around her own behaviors. She'll pick up a spoon and pretend to eat from it. Or she'll put her head on your lap and feign sleep. She's using symbols to express her ideas, but at this stage, pretending closely mirrors normal behavior. In the coming months and years, you'll notice your child making leaps in her ability to think outside reality. She'll pick up a stick and wave it in front of you you, saying it's an airplane flying in the clouds, or pretend to be something she isn't, such as a firefighter.

While your child might be able to actually pretend to be someone else until after her second birthday, you can still experiment with role play. For instance, you pretend to be a dog and suggest that your toddler is a cat. You bark; she meows, and you both have a great laugh. For even more fun, she pretends to be a big dog and you pretend to be a little kitten. Children derive a lot of satisfaction and confidence from this sort of role-reversal, where they get to be the big, strong one for a change and an adult pretends to be small and helpless.

Safe spaces

One way to handle discipline with a rambunctious toddler us to avoid situations in which you're likely to have to dole it out. Minimize how often you have to say "no" by childproofing at least a part of your home where your toddler can be contained.

It's not always easy to create a childproof area in your home, especially if your child is a determined explorer who's into everything. But if you can manage it, a safe space gives your child a chance to explore freely without being constantly redirected or told "no," and it gives you a bit of a break. You still need to supervise, but it's a lot more relaxed if sharp objects, breakable things, plants, electric cords, trash cans, and other temptations are removed from his reach.


If your child has a reserved personality, resist labeling her "shy." She may be slow to warm to others, but most toddlers sometimes act shy, especially in new situations.

Separation anxiety can afflict the sociable and bold as well as their more timid peers. If your child seems generally introverted, give her extra TLC. In stressful social situations, let her know you understand. Hold her hand and say, "It's noisy at this party, isn't it?" Give her extra time to warm up without pushing, and praise her when she's sociable rather than pointing out times when she's reserved.


Consider getting involved in a playgroup that includes some children who are slightly older than yours. Preschool-age children are capable of engaging their younger friends in pretend play, and yours may enjoy being with kids who are willing to take a leadership role in play. Playing with a mixed-age group can also be a great way for the younger ones to learn about cooperation.

If your child is reluctant to let you out of her sight, a small group of two or three children who are your child's age will probably suit your toddler best, and once she's gotten used to playing with one or two other children her own age, it will be easier for her to be away from you.


As toddlers begin to experiment with imaginative play, they also sometimes start to have nightmares. A 15-month-old is reaching an age where he can start to think on a symbolic level and is able to transform reality into fantasy (not that he could explain this to you!). It will be several years before your child can distinguish between dreams and reality. Since he probably can't use words to tell you about his dreams, you'll have to rely on unusual behaviors to alert you.

Children who are stressed or anxious (usually related to tension in the family or problems with daycare or preschool) are prone to having nightmares. But nightmares can happen for any child for no particular reason as well. If your usually sound sleeper awakens crying in the night and can't tell you why he's upset, try talking to him in a soothing voice and rubbing his back until he settles down.

At this age, all you can do is comfort your child and perhaps establish some sort of routine to banish the "monsters" from his room. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests you read your toddler stories about dreams and sleep to help him understand that bad dreams nothing to be afraid of.

Look ahead to 16 months

Follow your baby's amazing development


BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

AAP. 2018. Aggressive behavior. American Academy of Pediatrics. [Accessed October 2020]

AAP. 2016. Feeding and nutrition: Your one-year-old. American Academy of Pediatrics. [Accessed October 2020]

AAP. 2015. Sample menu for a one-year-old. American Academy of Pediatrics. [Accessed October 2020]

AAP. 2009. Continuing breastfeeding beyond the first year. American Academy of Pediatrics. [Accessed October 2020]

La Leche League International. Not dated. Breastfeeding info: Length of time. [Accessed October 2020]

MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2019. Feeding patterns and diet — children 6 months to 2 years. [Accessed October 2020]

Nemours Foundation. 2015. Safe exploring for toddlers.[Accessed October 2020]

Nemours Foundation. 2018. Disciplining your toddler.[Accessed October 2020]

Zero to Three. 2016a. Aggressive behavior in toddlers. [Accessed October 2020]

Zero to Three. 2016b. Coping with defiance: Birth to three years. [Accessed October 2020]

Zero to Three. 2016c. Toddlers and challenging behavior: Why they do it and how to respond. [Accessed October 2020]

Dana Sullivan Kilroy
Dana Sullivan Kilroy has been writing about health, fitness, travel, and business for more than 20 years. She lives in Reno, Nevada, and enjoys skiing, golf, and hiking with her family.