This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

BuddyPress Message Attachment


Extend BuddyPress’ private message feature by enabling attachments. This plugin enables users to send attachments in private messages. The type of file types allowed and maximum size of the attachment can be controlled by admin.


  • Compose message screen ( with an uploaded attachment ).
  • Thread details screen, with attachment displayed.
  • Plugin settings screen.


You can download and install this plugin using the built in WordPress plugin installer. If you download it manually, make sure it is uploaded to “/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-message-attachment/”.

If you are running a multisite installation, you can activate this plugin network wide or on individual sites. This plugin should work nicely irrespective of buddypress activated network wide or on individual sites.

After activating, make sure you change settings according to your liking/requirement. Settings can be found under Settings>Message Attachment in wp-admin or, on network admin screen if you have activated it network wide.


May 30, 2017
It works the way it is supposed to, but I was expecting more. Users can attach/upload files, but the recipient has to download the file in order to view it, even an image. Please make it work like Facebook or Whatsapp, so when the file is attached it gets instantly displayed on the screen. This will also serve as a preview for the user to consider sending the file or not.
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Contributors & Developers

“BuddyPress Message Attachment” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Added ‘archive’ file formats (e.g: zip, rar) on settings screen.
  • Added zip and rar into default file types allowed.


  • Hide file upload interface, when sending a notice to all users instead of private message.


  • Complete rewrite of plugin.
  • Made it multisite compatible.
  • Removed unnecessary custom post type.

Updating from 1.1 to 2.0
Plugin has been completely rewritten. Data structure where attachment details were saved is changed. Unnecessary custom post type has been removed. This means that you’ll loose all previous attachments data. There was no good way to continue supporting previous version. Plugin was not working with latest versions of wordpress and buddypress in almost all cases. But in case if your site had this plugin working, you shouldn’t update the plugin right away. Please contact me, i plan on writing a separate importer to import old data into new data structure.


  • Small Bug fixes


  • Initial release