If you are an organization working in the arts, human rights, civil society, journalism, or democracy, you can apply for Project Galileo to get Cloudflare’s cybersecurity protection, for free

Ensuring that At-Risk Public Interest Groups Stay Online

Founded in 2014, Project Galileo is Cloudflare’s response to cyber attacks launched against important, yet vulnerable targets, like artistic groups, humanitarian organizations, and the voices of political dissent. These attacks have become all too prevalent and powerful in recent years.

The Internet is a powerful tool for spreading and expanding ideas. Cloudflare’s mission to help build a better Internet includes protecting free expression online for vulnerable groups. When journalists, social activists, and minority groups are repeatedly flooded with malicious traffic in an attempt to knock them offline, and keep them offline, the Internet stops fulfilling its promise.

Such organizations often face attacks from powerful and entrenched opponents, yet operate on limited budgets and lack the resources to secure themselves against malicious traffic intended to silence them.

Cloudflare provides robust security to enterprises that are the targets of DDoS and other cyber attacks. Cloudflare’s Project Galileo has made that same security available for at-risk public interest websites at no cost.

We will offer services through Project Galileo to any proposed recipient if brought to us by or approved by any one of our trusted partners. Such inclusion does not require and should not be understood as endorsement by all our diverse partner organizations.

Join the hundreds of voices protected by Project Galileo

bullying canada
womens march
the trevor project
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Project Galileo


Any qualified vulnerable public interest web property can seek participation in Project Galileo. Examples of participants include, but are not limited to: minority rights organizations, human rights organizations, independent media outlets, arts groups, and democracy and voter protection programs.

Many of our Galileo participants are under threat of persecution. In an effort to keep participants safe from potential backlash, Cloudflare will not publicly announce sites involved in Project Galileo without explicit permission. We are grateful the following groups were willing to share their stories.

US Vote Foundation

It is difficult to know how to secure your website for the unexpected, and Project Galileo gave us the ability to focus on our work in providing authoritative information to voters to participate in their democracy.

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VoteAmerica has a simple yet ambitious goal: mobilize record-breaking voter turnout in the United States. Learn how Project Galileo helps.

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Decision Desk HQ

When DDHQ was named by Twitter one of the seven outlets in the world as an authoritative figure in declaring election results, we had to increase our ongoing efforts to ensure that our site was safe and available for those looking for accurate election results.

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Majal’s network of websites offer a rare outlet for self-expression to those who need it most. Learn how they protect their sites with Project Galileo.

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The Trevor Project

The mission of The Trevor Project is to provide this powerful support and end suicide among gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people.

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Vost Portugal

Learn how VOST Portugal managed an influx of traffic during the recent fuel crisis with the help of Project Galileo.

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Diario de Araxa

Unfortunately we work in a country where journalism is always attacked and often censored.

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BullyingCanada works to provide direct services to youths and their families to help them resolve bullying situations.

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Womens March Global

Women’s March Global seeks to empower women to advance women’s rights in their local communities and unite grassroots movements worldwide.

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The biggest threat to Bedayaa is tracking and censorship by the government.

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Editorial cartoonists are like canaries in the press freedom coal mine.

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Truth is a commodity. There are always people wanting to raise or lower the value of that commodity, or get rid of it altogether.

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We run a small, efficient infrastructure footprint, with our website being in the forefront.

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Internet Archive

Information is powerful. The Internet Archive believes that sharing it will provide for a more innovative, more equal future.

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Lake County News

Local Law Enforcement relies upon us to get the word out when they are looking for people and the community relies upon us to keep them informed.

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Put simply, our mission is to set music free.

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Raissa Robles

Raissa Robles’ Challenge: Publishing controversial stories without being taken offline.

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Reporter Taiwan

We aim to build a more open and multicultural media environment to ultimately open up and diversify society as a whole.

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Sarawak Report

We broke the story about the 2 billion USD corruption scandal in April 2015, and that’s been pretty much our work since.

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Interfaith Enlightenment Center

The Interfaith Enlightenment Center set out to help by raising money for building projects and working with local leaders to source building material.

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Sin Embargo

Delivering the truth, when powerful actors don’t want it known.Sin Embargo’s Challenge: Delivering the truth, when powerful actors don’t want it known.

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Veterans Brotherhood

It was necessary to provide a secure environment to website users, and that is what brought us to Project Galileo.

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WUSC looks to improve education, economics, and create opportunities to overcome inequality and exclusion in over 25 countries.

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New Brunswick Today

New Brunswick Today covers community matters, corruption, culture, real estate development and more.

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Switchboard UK

Switchboard is a helpline providing support and information to people of all kinds — but especially those who identify as LGBTQ+

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Unbound has an ambitious goal of bringing people together to challenge poverty in new and innovative ways in 19 countries around the world.

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Cloudflare is a leader in Internet security and performance solutions, but we admittedly lack expertise in matters of geopolitics and human rights. For this reason, we partner with respected free speech, public interest, and civil society organizations to help identify in-need, at-risk websites which are worthy of our pro bono efforts by participation in Project Galileo and to ensure that we do not bring our personal and corporate biases to the decision.

Once identified, Cloudflare extends its Enterprise-class DDoS protection and business-level performance benefits to ensure these websites stay online, protecting their voice from being silenced.

Access Now

Attacks on vulnerable groups at the edge of the internet harm the open internet as a whole.

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Center for Democracy & Technology

At CDT, we believe in the power of the Internet.

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Electronic Frontier Foundation

Corporate censorship might be the most overlooked online threat because so much of our speech is already taking place on these platforms.

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Fourth Estate

Without quality journalism there’s no way to keep those in power honest. People don’t know what’s factual and not factual.

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Visit our partners for sponsorship opportunities

Apply to Project Galileo

If you represent a vulnerable public interest website that wants to participate in Project Galileo, please contact one of our partner organizations and ask them to sponsor you (listed above).

If you are not affiliated with any of our partner organizations, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.