EFF’s team of technologists and computer scientists engineers solutions to the problems of sneaky tracking, inconsistent encryption, and more. Where users face threats to their privacy and security online, EFF’s technology tools are there to defend them.
For those with design, programming, and/or security skills, volunteering to dig into the code is an even more direct way to contribute to these projects.
Even with invaluable volunteer help, keeping EFF’s tech projects running smoothly for the millions of users who rely on them requires serious development and maintenance. Please consider making a donation to support our technology projects work:
HTTPS Everywhere
HTTPS Everywhere, Tor Project ve Electronic Frontier Foundation'ın ortaklaşa çalışmasıyla ortaya çıkmış bir projedir. İnternetteki birçok site sınırlı bir şekilde HTTPS üzerinden şifreleme desteği sunar, ancak bu desteği kullanmayı zorlaştırırlar. Örneğin, bağlantıyı varsayılan olarak HTTP üzerinden kabul edebilirler ya da şifrelenmiş sayfaları sizi şifrelenmemiş sayfalara götürecek bağlantılarla doldurabilirler.