Páigina percipal

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This page is a translated version of the page Main Page and the translation is 88% complete.


Bienbenido(a) al Meta-Wiki, l sítio dedicado a la cordenaçon global de ls porjetos Wikimedia i de l mobimiento Wikimedia an giral, que angloba zde la cordenaçon i decumentaçon até l planeamiento i análeze destes porjetos.

Outras wikis de cordenaçon, cumo l Wikimedia Outreach, son porjetos Wikimedia specializados que ténen las sues raízes ne l Meta-Wiki. Cumbersas relacionadas tamien ocorren nas lhistas de cumbersa de la Wikimedia (particularmente wikimedia-l, que cunta cula sue eiquibalente de baixo tráfego WikimediaAnnounce), canhales de IRC ne l Libera, nas wikis andebiduales de ls capítulos lhocales i outros lhugares.

Redadeiras amboras

Júlio 2022

Wikimedia-logo.svg July 14: Conversation with Trustees hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation Community Affairs Committee
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg July 12: Open meeting with the Web team about the new interface (12:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC).
Wikimedia-logo.svg July 2 – July 3: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meeting

Júnio 2022

OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg June 28: Open meeting with the Web team about the new interface (12:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC).
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg June 24 – June 26: Global Conversations event on Regional and Thematic Hubs with a focus on the proposed Minimum Criteria for Hubs Pilots
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg May 25 – June 25: Comment about revisions to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement guidelines and updating the UCoC policy
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg June 23: Conversation with the Wikimedia Enterprise API project team @ 17:00 UTC
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg June 13: Open meeting with the Web team about the new interface (12:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC).
Wikimedia-logo.svg June 4 – June 5: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meeting
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg June 2: Conversation with Maggie Dennis on Community Resilience & Sustainability at 17:00 UTC

Maio 2022

OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg May 17: Open meeting with the Web team about the new interface (12:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC).
Wikimedia-logo.svg May 7 – May 8: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meeting

Abril 2022

OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg April 29: Open meeting with the Web team about the new interface (13:00 UTC and 18:00 UTC).
Echo feedback.svg April 22: WikiAfrica Hour episode 12 is happening today 22nd April 2022 at 16:00 UTC
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg April 21 – April 28: The Wikimedia Foundation invites feedback on the 2022-2023 Annual plan draft with many online conversations
Echo feedback.svg April 13: Wiki Loves Africa 2022 new deadline is 30th April 2022
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg April 21: Conversation with Trustees hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation Community Affairs Committee
Wikimedia-logo.svg April 11: There is a new public status page at www.wikimediastatus.net. You can read more (in English).
OOjs UI icon newspaper-rtl-progressive.svg April: Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 6: Read the full newsletter
OOjs UI icon articleCheck-ltr-progressive.svg April 5: Results from the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement guidelines ratification vote published
Wikimedia-logo.svg April 2–April 3: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meeting

Quemunidade i quemunicaçon
Fundaçon Wikimedia, Meta-Wiki i porjetos armanos
La Fundaçon Wikimedia ye ua ourganizaçon sin fines lhucratibos que oupera ls serbidores de la Wikimedia i tamien ls nomes de domínio, logótipos i marcas registradas pa todos ls porjetos Wikimedia i MediaWiki. Meta-Wiki ye ua wiki de cordenaçon pa ls bários porjetos wiki.
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