Introducing Day One 2

The Road So Far…

When Day One 1.0 launched nearly five years ago on March 9th, 2011, I had a hunch it could become something great. Fortunately, that hunch has paid off. Since Day One’s debut, users have caught the vision and seen Day One’s value as a simple way to capture life as you live it—a personal journal app for your life. Great reviews and sales have allowed Day One to grow into a mature product. Since launching, Day One has had over 40 free releases, including many new features, thanks in part to Apple’s continued hardware and software innovations.

Day One 2

Over the past two years we’ve been working towards a major new version of Day One, using the somewhat awkward-sounding “Day One 2” as its name.

To support Day One 2’s new features, we ultimately rebuilt the app from the ground up, all the while staying true to Day One’s original simplicity. Rebuilding an app as seasoned as Day One is no small task. What I’d hoped would be a year-long effort has taken twice that… but we feel it’s been worth the wait.

Day One 2 will be a new app on Mac and iOS with two headlining features: multiple journals and multiple photos per entry. It will remain a paid app and be priced at $9.99 for iOS and $39.99 for Mac. We will provide a 50% discount to both apps during the first week of its debut. Day One Classic (v1) will continue to be maintained as needed and is compatible with Day One 2 when using Day One Sync

Day One 2 will be available for purchase on Thursday, February 4th.

When creating a journal in Day One 2, you can pick from an array of colors to uniquely identify your journal throughout the app. In Day One iOS, tabbed navigation provides a quick way to toggle between List, Photo, Map and Calendar views. Star, tag, years, and other filters allow you to sort and find entries quickly. Multiple entries can be selected for easy bulk tagging, deletion, and organization. On Mac, the photo view is a wonderful way to visually browse your journal. On iOS, the map view defaults to your current location, so you can quickly filter the timeline to visualize all historical entries near you. It’s a great way to relive past moments.

Day One Sync

In May 2015, we successfully launched Day One Sync as an alternative to iCloud and Dropbox. In Day One 2, Day One Sync is our only supported sync service. You can, however, back up and export your data locally or to other shared services, like Dropbox. Our new sync engine is blazingly fast, secure, and free, providing freedom from the storage constraints of some services. Day One Sync is the foundation of many exciting features and enhancements we’re developing for the future.

Creating our own sync solution was based on a long list of critical reasons, but the two most important are reliability and security. Though not the majority of user experience, we just had too many cases of data loss and duplication. We realize how important and precious this data is—it’s imperative this data is never lost and always backed up securely.

In its current state, Day One Sync is comparable security-wise with iCloud and Dropbox, but we have grander plans—end-to-end encryption. A future update of Day One will include this advanced form of privacy and protection.


We’ve got a lot of things in store for Day One 2. Each new feature is carefully considered to not over-complicate the app—needless to say, it takes a fair amount of time and effort to do this right. Here’s a glimpse of some things to come: Audio Recording, Places, Activity Feed, Night Mode, People Tags, Advanced Search (as a filter), Publish 2.0, native embeds, attachments, and lots more…

Thank you

2015 was a great year for honing my craft—I feel like I’ve worked harder (and better) than ever, thanks in part to amazing tools like Sketch, Pixate, Github, HuBoard, Zeplin, Slack, and Xcode.

I’ve been very fortunate to bring together the best and smartest people I’ve ever worked with. The Bloom Built team is now 11 people strong: seven engineers, two support reps, a product manager, and myself, founder and chief designer. Out of our office in Lehi, Utah, we work hard, collaborate, focus, and get things done (with a bit of boardgaming, laser tag, and Starcraft mixed in). My team’s individual talents and abilities have been essential for our success.

I’m truly grateful to work on Day One. Our team gets to be part of a great product that makes a difference in people’s lives. I’m continually driven by the positive feedback and encouragement from you, our amazing users. Your support in buying our app, leaving feedback, and telling your friends about Day One is humbling. We look forward to continuing to serve you.

Thank you!

Paul Mayne Founder/CEO/Chief Designer Bloom Built, Inc.

P.S. If you have any other questions, check out our 2.0 FAQ or contact us.


Journal from here, there, everywhere.

Download for free on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Journal from here there and everywhere mobile devices image.Journal from here there and everywhere mobile devices image.

Android Play Store
A Day One companion app is available for Android on the Google Play store.