Most babies are head down by now. If your baby's position isn't clear, your caregiver may do an internal exam or an ultrasound.
Lots to do: Install carbon monoxide detectors, assemble a first aid kit, turn your water heater down, install window guards…
You're in your ninth month!
Weight gain accelerates
Your baby is still packing on the pounds – at the rate of about an ounce a day.
Making meconium
Your baby's shedding most of his downy covering of hair (lanugo), as well as the waxy substance (vernix caseosa) that protected his skin during his long amniotic bath. He swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture called meconium that will form the contents of his first bowel movements.
Breech baby?
Most likely your baby is already head-down. But if not, your caregiver may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version in which pressure is applied to your abdomen to try to manipulate your baby into a head-down position.
See what fraternal twins look like in the womb this week.
Decreased appetite
Now that your baby is taking up so much room, you may have trouble eating a normal-size meal. Smaller, more frequent meals are often easier to handle at this point.
Breathing easier
You may have an easier time breathing when your baby starts to "drop" down into your pelvis. This process – called lightening – often happens a few weeks before labor if this is your first baby. (If you've given birth before, it probably won't happen before labor starts.)
Lower abdominal pressure
If your baby drops, you may feel additional pressure in your lower abdomen, which may make walking increasingly uncomfortable. You'll probably find that you have to pee even more frequently. If your baby is very low, you may feel lots of vaginal pressure and discomfort as well. Some women say it feels as though they're carrying a bowling ball between their legs!
Know the signs of labor
Be sure to review the signs of labor with your doctor or midwife, and find out when she wants to hear from you.
Don't see your symptom?
Wondering about a symptom you have? Find it on our pregnancy symptoms page.
Make food for after your baby's born
When you cook, start doubling recipes and freezing half. When your newborn is here, you'll love having home-cooked meals you can heat up fast.
Pack your bag for the hospital or birth center
Key things to bring include your insurance card, toiletries, comfy clothing, a going-home outfit for your baby, a phone charger, and snacks for after labor.