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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A176186 Number of ways to place 6 nonattacking queens on an n X n board. 12
4, 832, 22708, 312956, 2716096, 17117832, 84871680, 349093856, 1239869972, 3905117168, 11139611892, 29224290600, 71402912960, 164029487484, 357164398040, 741835920276, 1477798367368, 2836053660668, 5263672510684, 9478352925488, 16606678238496, 28378012168908 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)



Alois P. Heinz, Table of n, a(n) for n = 6..10000

S. Chaiken, C. R. H. Hanusa and T. Zaslavsky, A q-queens problem I. General theory, preprint, August 7, 2014. - From N. J. A. Sloane, Feb 16 2013

Christopher R. H. Hanusa, T Zaslavsky, S Chaiken, A q-Queens Problem. IV. Queens, Bishops, Nightriders (and Rooks), arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.00853 [math.CO], 2016-2020.

The formula below was obtained during the programming competition on my blog (in Russian). [From Artem M. Karavaev, May 10 2010]


Contribution from Artem M. Karavaev, May 10 2010: (Start)


























































Recurrence: a(0) = 0, a(1) = 0, a(2) = 0, a(3) = 0, a(4) = 0, a(5) = 0,

a(6) = 4,

a(7) = 832,

a(8) = 22708,

a(9) = 312956,

a(10) = 2716096,

a(11) = 17117832,

a(12) = 84871680,

a(13) = 349093856,

a(14) = 1239869972,

a(15) = 3905117168,

a(16) = 11139611892,

a(17) = 29224290600,

a(18) = 71402912960,

a(19) = 164029487484,

a(20) = 357164398040,

a(21) = 741835920276,

a(22) = 1477798367368,

a(23) = 2836053660668,

a(24) = 5263672510684,

a(25) = 9478352925488,

a(26) = 16606678238496,

a(27) = 28378012168908,

a(28) = 47398421913600,

a(29) = 77522788818316,

a(30) = 124365738451680,

a(31) = 195977208395580,

a(32) = 303748457927000,

a(33) = 463582807382736,

a(34) = 697434075907504,

a(35) = 1035256352634420,

a(36) = 1517521355687872,

a(37) = 2198354851112760,

a(38) = 3149525540545556,

a(39) = 4465340754179496,

a(40) = 6268789672000200,

a(41) = 8718985543275112,

a(42) = 12020393279930400,

a(43) = 16433877629761792,

a(44) = 22290259302807700,

a(45) = 30006374870365136,

a(46) = 40104595602917300,

a(47) = 53235736336244300,

a(48) = 70206658745546392,

a(49) = 92012392107526748,

a(50) = 119874540287319196,

a(51) = 155285624835663096,

a(52) = 200061731591400456,

a(53) = 256402868739653996,

a(54) = 326964160566718884,

a(55) = 414936937933564876,

a(56) = 524143826614930088,

a(57) = 659146400314780240,

a(58) = 825370726096096944,

a(59) = 1029248723087783480,

a(60) = 1278382175175730400,

a(61) = 1581726455456457436,

a(62) = 1949802708715765760,

a(63) = 2394934394370749612,

a(64) = 2931519277634600260,

a(65) = 3576331321283597364,

a(66) = 4348866396076652064,

a(67) = 5271724407012487004,

a(68) = 6371045245979662116,

a(69) = 7676988784016499040,

a(70) = 9224280528369282176,

a(71) = 11052810248193489712,

a(72) = 13208310203912865056,

a(73) = 15743096674420482872,

a(74) = 18716907492532573788,

a(75) = 22197814778572880876,

a(76) = 26263252803050925204,

a(77) = 31001134787399966700,

a(78) = 36511107035656245460,

a(79) = 42905907681877306448,

a(80) = 50312888556807094572,

a(n) = a(n-81)+5*a(n-80)+13*a(n-79)+21*a(n-78)+19*a(n-77)



















-13*a(n-2)-5*a(n-1), n>80.



(* Alternative formula by Vaclav Kotesovec *)

q6nn = 1/720*n^12-5/72*n^11+77/48*n^10-73339/3240*n^9+312727/1440*n^8-268283/180*n^7+26932229/3600*n^6-18719233399/680400*n^5+577434913967/7938000*n^4-117739826734/893025*n^3+112056711821/756000*n^2-393833819123/4762800*n+749037381271/68040000\









































Cf. A108792.

Column k=6 of A348129.

Sequence in context: A172893 A072725 A349067 * A332184 A221232 A272167

Adjacent sequences:  A176183 A176184 A176185 * A176187 A176188 A176189




Artem M. Karavaev, Apr 11 2010



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Last modified October 15 09:28 EDT 2022. Contains 357503 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)