What can I do about my two year old's constipation?

Constipation in a toddler can be caused by:
  • a child 'holding in' her poo because it's been uncomfortable or painful to go to the toilet, which then can make constipation worse
  • being anxious about toilet training
  • not eating enough fibre
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • drinking too much milk and not enough water
  • lack of exercise and activity, though this is rare

If your toddler is constipated, it will be painful for her to do a poo. This pain means that she may hold back even more, and a vicious circle begins. If she's very constipated, she may lose the sensation of wanting to open her bowels altogether.

Boosting your child’s fibre intake will make her bowel movements easier. Offer foods such as wholemeal bread and cereal, and fruits and vegetables such as prunes, figs, apricots, plums, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, potatoes and baked beans.

Prunes can be mashed and disguised in your toddler’s food, and she may find fig rolls tastier than plain figs. Give her fruit with the peel left on, and leave jacket potatoes and chips in their skins. But don’t overload your toddler with high-fibre foods – they shouldn’t form the bulk of her diet until she's at least five. Too much fibre for a toddler could give her diarrhoea.

Give your child plenty of fluids to help moisten her poo. Water is best, although you can offer well-diluted fruit juice too (one part juice to 10 parts water). Don’t give your child fizzy or sugary drinks.

Constipation may make your toddler sluggish and low in energy. But being active will help to ease her constipation. Encourage her to get out and walk alongside the stroller for a short while when you’re out and about. Or play some music and get her to dance with you, or kick a football around the garden.

If your child is constipated while you're toilet training her, think about whether she's too young or too anxious to use the toilet.

Also think about whether you’re pushing her too soon – maybe you’re keen to get her toilet trained because you’re worried about accidents. Your child can pick up on this and refuse to go to the toilet, making the problem much worse. You may need to put toilet training on hold until you see the signs that she’s ready. Talk to your child health nurse too, who can offer practical advice about toilet training.

If your child’s constipation still doesn’t improve, your doctor may prescribe a mild laxative, probably lactulose or paraffin oil, to soften her poo.

Until your child’s constipation clears up she may be angry, irritable and lacking in energy, and a source of worry for you and your partner. But with your attention and treatment, she’ll soon establish regular, easy bowel movements again.

Take a look at our poo gallery for a visual guide to what’s normal and what’s not!

Reviewed for BabyCenter Australia by Lionel Lubitz, paediatrician.


This article was written using the following sources:

CKS. 2008. NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries. Clinical topic – Constipation. www.cks.nhs.uk [Accessed December 2009]

Draper R. 2009. Constipation in childhood. Patient UK. www.patient.co.uk [Accessed December 2009]

FSA. n.d. Food Standards Agency. Your toddler. www.eatwell.gov.uk [Accessed December 2009]

Loening-Baucke V, Miele E, Staiano A. 2004. Fiber (glucomannan) is beneficial in the treatment of childhood constipation. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov . Pediatrics 113:e259-64

NHS. 2008. Constipation. NHS Choices, Health Encyclopaedia. www.nhs.uk [Accessed December 2009]
Megan Rive is a communication, content strategy and project delivery specialist. She was Babycenter editor for six years.

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