Kochina 𝕽𝖚𝖉𝖊


Bay Area drag queen 💋 Princess @ Oasis SF / Lolly Gaggers band / harm redux / bad vibes 🔥

Oakland, CA
Beigetreten März 2019


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    14. Okt. 2021

    It’s happening! We are giving out Narcan every Saturday at Princess be prepared and save a life, decriminalize drugs now 💊❄️💉💨

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  2. vor 17 Minuten
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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 20 Stunden

    As far as I’m concerned not enough people are talking about how good Deja Skye is at drag

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  4. vor 13 Stunden

    I’m getting excess breast tissue removed it’s a cisgender affirming procedure

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  5. hat retweetet
    vor 20 Stunden

    Gays don’t have a body count. It resets whenever we get tested.

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  6. vor 18 Stunden

    just sent a consultation inquiry for a gender affirming surgery 😈

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  7. vor 21 Stunden

    If we are not including that then it’s probably 4 and a half hundred bajillion.

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  8. vor 21 Stunden

    Mine is 7. Not bajillion just 7 people. But that only includes instances where 2 people love each other very, very much

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  9. hat retweetet

    This is so amazing OMG second show tickets almost all gone

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  10. hat retweetet
    vor 23 Stunden

    SATURDAY! Don’t miss our PRINCESS DOUBLE FEATURE w/ ! 2 shows! 7pm Tickets available at Get ‘em now b4 they sell out! 10pm Show presales are gone but limited tix will be sold at the door. Arrive early!

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  11. 9. März

    Performing TWICE with my band LOLLY GAGGERS this weekend 🖤 Thee Parkside Saturday/Ivy Room Sunday

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  12. hat retweetet
    9. März

    listen up, assholes

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  13. hat retweetet
    8. März

    It was just announced that both McDonald’s and Starbucks are shutting down all of their locations inside of Russia. Meanwhile, both McDonald’s and Starbucks will continue to operate inside of the US naval base at Guantánamo Bay, home to the world’s most notorious torture camp.

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  14. 9. März

    Unless they’re a politician

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  15. 9. März

    In this era of hypervisibility it’s worth saying that ppl who are closeted about their gender or sexual identity, HIV diagnosis, or sexual trauma still deserve affirming and supportive health services and community care. Not everyone is out and proud, whatever the reasons may be!

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  16. hat retweetet
    8. März
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  17. hat retweetet
    8. März

    The Berkeley Free Clinic's medical and operations sections are both currently recruiting. Info about joining the med sxn is here: and info about joining operations is here:

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  18. hat retweetet
    8. März
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  19. 7. März

    📸 @/rachel.z.photography on IG

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  20. 7. März

    Happy Monday sinners! 🖤

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  21. 7. März
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