‘AMP’ Videos

  • Bernie Torras: Web Stories, la excusa perfecta para AMPlificar tu web

    WordPress Meetup GriñónSpeaker: Bernie Torras

    October 18, 2020 — Web Stories es el nuevo formato web que emula a las famosas stories de Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook y Linkedin. Utiliza AMP, una iniciativa de código abierto promovida por Google. Las Web Stories se pueden construir desde WordPress y están pensadas para visualizarse desde móvil.

    Hasta aquí parece un invento más de Google, un intento más para introducir el formato AMP a las webs. Si piensas esto, el formato Web Stories puede romperte los esquemas.

    Es verdad que muchas webs han desistido de aplicar el formato AMP a su web, por los altos costes de desarrollo que implica. Veremos cómo el formato de las Web Stories puede ayudar a estos casos, cambiando la forma de consumir contenido en las webs, AMPlificándolas con este formato.

    Veremos cómo se crean estas Stories desde WordPress, algunos consejos para crearlas, para analizarlas y todas las técnicas que he utilizado hasta la fecha para que obtengan visibilidad y generen impacto. Y lo veremos en casos interesantes, en webs recién nacidas.

  • Martin Michálek: ‘Bleskurychlé načtení webových stránek na mobilu i bez rychlého připojení? S techno

    WordCamp Prague 2020Speaker: Martin Michálek

    July 16, 2020 — ‘O implementaci AMPu ve WordPressu. Proč AMP chtít. Na jaké weby se to hodí. Na co si dát pozor při „zapínání“ výstupu do AMP stránek.

  • Fellyph Cintra, James Osborne: AMP Workshop

    WordCamp Prague 2020Speakers: Fellyph Cintra, James Osborne

    July 9, 2020 — This one hour workshop explains why AMP is an interesting option for creating web applications. It includes some practical examples for learning more about how to use AMP.

  • James Osborne: Create a user-first experience with AMP

    WordCamp Glasgow 2020Speaker: James Osborne

    April 21, 2020 — What does it mean a user-first application? It is an application that lands in four pillars: Fast, Secure, engaging and Integrated. At this Workshop, we will explain the reason why we should change our mindset to a user-first mindset to create a better experience for our users. And AMP helps on that, AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages is a framework with three important tools, AMP HTML, AMP JS and AMP Cache. AMP HTML has a set of components that accelerate our development process and AMP JS take care of our application performance and AMP Cache is the last ingredient to provide the best experience the feature that enhances the performance of content delivering. After understanding those core items we are going to convert our WordPress Application in a User-first application using AMP. At the end we will do an exercise with five core components: amp-img amp-youtube amp-sidebar amp-lightbox amp-socialshare Let’s code!.

  • Yannick Gaultier: AMP: it’s getting faster!

    WordCamp Bucharest 2018Speaker: Yannick Gaultier

    August 9, 2019 — Initially trained as a mechanical engineer, I spent 20 years in a non-IT industry. I then started some web projects, mostly PHP and various CMS, and mostly centered around SEO. This was a hobby in 2006, but 3 years later, and to this date, it became my full time job. I run a small company handling development and support for our open source CMS plugins.

    Seeing how important Accelerated Mobile Pages was to become we developed an advanced WordPress AMP plugin at the end of 2016 to enable AMP pages on sites with both a lot of ease and high degree of customization.

    The topic of Yannick’s presentation is “AMP: it’s getting faster!“.

  • Pratik Ghela: Our 6 months journey around AMP, WordPress and AMP Stories

    WordCamp Portland ME 2018Speaker: Pratik Ghela

    February 1, 2019 — Google AMP was announced in 2015 and has been in the headlines for past few years. Many developers find it pretty difficult to adapt this latest technology. Pratik aims to make it simple and easy to understand Google AMP and will walk you through his journey where he and his team built a website using Native AMP and now developing a product that helps you build AMP Stories.

  • Alberto Medina, Thierry Muller: Progressive WordPress Themes

    WordCamp Europe 2018Speakers: Alberto Medina, Thierry Muller

    July 8, 2018 — In this talk we will provide context of the evolution of the web as related to the support of progressive technologies by the platform and describe how such progressive technologies can be integrated with WordPress themes. We will also showcase a beautiful and highly- performant progressive WordPress theme, demonstrating important aspects of the team such as: (1) Gutenberg integration; (2) Adoption of coding and performance best practices; (3) theme scoring on the Tide “scale”; (4) AMP compatibility; and others.

  • Luis A. Montoya: Amp para WordPress, Mitos y Leyendas

    WordCamp Irun 2018Speaker: Luis Angel Montoya

    June 24, 2018 — ¿Debo instalar AMP en mi WordPress? ¿Es tan fácil como lo pintan? ¿Va a mejorar mi SEO? ¿Voy a perder visitas

    Estas y otras preguntas serán contestadas en esta charla. Se mostrará la realidad sobre AMP y porqué no es válido para todas las webs. Charla tanto para gente técnica como para gente no técnica.

    Presentation Slides »

  • David Navia Matas: WAP, RWD, AMP, PWA… pero WTF!

    WordCamp Madrid 2018Speaker: David Navia Matas

    May 10, 2018 — En esta ponencia haré un repaso sobre las diferentes técnicas que se han utilizado hasta la fecha para la representación de la web en dispositivos móviles desde su irrupción en el mercado de consumo y hablaré de las tendencias actuales como AMP o Progressive Web Apps.

    Presentation Slides »