Join CRC for our Annual Fundraiser, Bright Starts in the Valley!

Please join us to raise funds for Community Resources for Children’s school readiness programs that serve vulnerable children. Enjoy delicious farm-to-table appetizers catered by La Saison as you experience stories of hope and perseverance from local child care providers and families while enjoying beautiful vistas from the fabulous indoor/outdoor tasting room. Prepare to be pampered by the friendly hospitality team at Clos Du Val as they pour exclusive wines that are generously being donated to our guests by the winery.

**COVID message:
Please note that the health and safety of our community is of utmost importance to us; we encourage all attendees to be fully vaccinated, to stay home if not feeling well, and to wear a mask if desired. The event will be held in a large indoor/outdoor space with plenty of fresh air flow to the indoor areas.

Click for Tickets:

Our Toy Library and Early Learning Center is Reopening! ¡Nuestra Biblioteca de Juguetes y Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano estará abierto nuevamente!


Our Toy Library and Early Learning Center is reopening! For COVID-19 health and safety reasons, we will be using a reservation-based system. Please register for one slot per person (all adults and children, including infants) on the day that you would like to visit.

All visitors above the age of 2 will be required to wear a mask. For questions, please contact Stephany Reyes at (707) 346-6983 or Happy Borrowing! 


¡Nuestra Biblioteca de Juguetes y Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano estará abierto nuevamente! Por razones de salud y seguridad relacionas al COVID-19, utilizaremos un sistema de registro para todoslos visitantesFavor de registrarse para un espacio por familia(todos los adultos y niños, incluyendo los bebés),parel día que le gustaría visitar.

​Todos los visitantes mayores de 2 años deberán usar una mascarilla. Si tiene alguna preguntafavor de comunicarse con Stephany Reyes al (707) 346-6983 o¡Que disfrute los juguetes que leprestemos!


CRC Thanks Leslie Gevurtz for more than 7 years of board service

Community Resources for Children thanks Leslie Gevurtz for more than 7 years of board service. Her passion for improving the quality of life of CRC’s clients was evident in the fundraising events she helped plan, the many hours she volunteered on the Board and on various committees, and the financial contributions she made to CRC. Leslie contributed to CRC with her extensive experience in sales, paralegal services, real estate, restaurant ownership, and business promotions, but it was her passion for art that will leave a lasting impact on the organization; with her artistic talent and eye for design, Leslie was instrumental in organizing art projects for our Active Minds early learning program and helping us plan and set up beautiful and whimsical silent auction lots and presentations at our fundraising events.

As the owner/educator at Art Lab, Leslie provides art instruction to children, teens and adults. She was founding faculty and Art Specialist at Blue Oak School from 2002-2013 and has developed and implemented visual art curriculum at a multitude of Napa Valley schools, both public and private.

Thank you for your contributions to CRC and the families and children in our community, Leslie!

Dr. Sabina Correa
Board Chair, Community Resources for Children

Learn about Developmental Milestones, Identifying Concerns & Making Referrals

Únase a esta capacitación dirigida por NCOE, donde los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de explorar y aprender sobre las “señales de alerta” del desarrollo y cómo documentar y compartir sus preocupaciones con las familias de los niños en su cuidado. NCOE también compartirá información sobre cómo hacer una referencia y qué recursos están disponibles en el Condado de Napa.  Presentado por Angelia Ochoa y Sandra Gonzales-Pabon de NCOE y Stephany Reyes
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el registro, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al 707-394-8445 para obtener ayuda.
*Este taller es para: proveedores de cuidado infantil con licencia, posibles proveedores, familiares, amigos, vecinos y parientes que cuidan a niños que no son los suyos.

CCIP: LISTOS Disaster Ready – Preparación para Emergencias

Child care providers and caregivers of children are invited to join us for a special LISTOS – emergency preparedness presentation on September 9th via zoom. English presentation at 6 PM and Spanish at 7 PM.
Register here:
Los proveedores de cuidado infantil y los cuidadores de niños están invitados a unirse a nosotros para una presentación especial de LISTOS: preparación para emergencias el 9 de septiembre a través de zoom. Presentación en inglés a las 6 p.m. y español a las 7 p.m.
Registrese aquí:

Active Minds School Readiness Program Starts Soon!

Are you a Parent or Caregiver of a 2 to 4–year–old child in Napa County? Active Minds, a CRC early learning program, is now enrolling for an OUTDOOR in-person summer session that will take place in the garden at Crosswalk Community Church. Classes start July 21st. Complete the interest form here:

Thank you Junior League Volunteers!

Thank you volunteers from Junior League of Napa-Sonoma JLNS for coming out last week to support our distribution of PPE, early learning materials and provider appreciation gifts. Together we strengthened 82 child care providers and caregivers of more than 500 young children. Thank you David and Lucile Packard Foundation for your support of this vital program.


Thank you Sponsors and Donors

Thanks to our donors and sponsors we raised more than $10,000 through our Spring into Action for Children picnic pick-up event on Saturday! Your support helps us ensure that young children in our community enter Kindergarten ready to learn!

Jazz & Friends Virtual Community Reading / Lectura Comunitaria Virtual

Join Rainbow Action Network and Community Resources for Children for our 2nd Annual Jazz & Friends Community Reading (Virtual) on Thursday, February 25th at 3:30pm. We will be reading It’s Okay to be Different by Todd Parr in both English and Spanish. After the book, we will have a brief discussion and walk children through a related craft activity.
Please register for the event here:
Craft activity materials for 50 children will be provided by Community Resources for Children and are available for pick up at 3299 Claremont Way #1, Napa, CA 94558 on the following days and times:
Tuesday February 23 8:30am -12:30pm
Wednesday February 24 8:30am -12:30pm
Thursday February 25 8:30am -12:30pm
Please register for the event before February 21st so that we can reserve your craft materials for you.
If you have any questions, please contact Lilea at
Note: This event is specifically geared towards children 3-6 years old, though all children are welcome. Because it is geared towards this age group, we have chosen a book that will be a better fit for a virtual event for this age group than the Welcoming Schools recommendations. However, we highly recommend you read When Aidan Became a Brother by Kyle Lukoff with your children at home or in the classroom.
Únase a Rainbow Action Network y Community Resources for Children para nuestra segunda lectura comunitaria anual Jazz & Friends (virtual) el jueves 25 de febrero a las 3:30 pm. Leeremos Está Bien Ser Diferente, escrito por Todd Parr en inglés y español. Después del libro, tendremos una breve discusión y guiaremos a los niños a una actividad de arte.
Regístrese para el evento aquí:
Los materiales de actividades de arte para 50 niños serán proporcionados por Community Resources for Children y están disponibles para recoger en 3299 Claremont Way # 1, Napa, CA 94558 en los siguientes días y horarios:
Martes 23 de febrero 8:30 am -12:30pm
Miércoles 24 de febrero 8:30 am -12:30pm
Jueves 25 de febrero 8:30 am -12:30pm
Regístrese para el evento antes del 21 de febrero para que podamos reservar sus materiales.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Lilea en
Este evento está dirigido específicamente a niños de 3 a 6 años, aunque todos los niños son bienvenidos. Debido a que está dirigido a este grupo de edad, hemos elegido un libro que se adaptará mejor a un evento virtual para este grupo de edad que las recomendaciones de Welcoming Schools. Sin embargo, le recomendamos que lea “When Aidan Became a Brother” de Kyle Lukoff con sus hijos en casa o en su salón.

Snow Person Take-Home Activity

Pick up your Early Learning Take-Home Activity Packet this week! Thanks to the School Garden Doctor, the first 25 families to pick up will also receive a book and seed packet to start a vegetable garden!
¡Recoja su paquete de actividades de aprendizaje temprano para llevar a casa esta semana! ¡Las primeras 25 familias que recojan su paquete también recibirán un libro y un paquete de semillas para comenzar su jardín de vegetales.