Yaw Owusu-Ansah: Supercharging your Website with Custom Post Types and Custom Fields

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June 13, 2022

Target Audience
WordPress users who have used plugins before

Have you ever wanted to create custom dashboards in WordPress, or a custom structure for a specific type of object on your website?

Come learn how you can use your WordPress site to do not only the above but also other interesting things when you use Custom Fields and Custom Post Types.

We will be working on a live project that allows you to store data in a customizable and structured way on your WordPress Backend using plugins and/or code while allowing you to display and modify that information on the front end using short-codes/page builders.

During the demonstration, we’ll use the Custom Post Type UI and Advanced Custom Fields plugins to build out a client portal and walk through the process step by step– taking you from a plain WP installation to a custom site with super-powered custom capabilities.

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