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Header graphic with Office of the Auditor General and agency logo


Mission Statement

About The OAG

Audit Reports

Preparing For An Audit

Information For Municipalities


Information for Fire Districts

Quasi-Public Entity Audit Bid Specifications and Procedures

Access to Public Records

Quality Control/Peer Review

Training Opportunities and Registration



Guidance Index

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) is the State of Rhode Island's legislative audit agency. We conduct financial and performance audits to provide independent and reliable information to the General Assembly on a variety of topics including the State's financial condition, its use of federal funds in compliance with federal law and regulations, and whether programs are operating efficiently and effectively. Our audits also provide valuable recommendations to help auditees improve their operations, enhance program controls, or provide services at a lower cost. Our audit reports enhance the accountability of State government by providing Rhode Island citizens with objective information on the operations of their State.

Site last updated 4/13/2022

Large OAG logo with text stating informing the public, assisting agencies, and improving performance.

33 Broad Street, Suite 201, Providence, Rhode Island 02903-4177
Voice 401-222-2435 • Fax 401-222-2111 • Email ag@rioag.gov

State of Rhode Island Web Site
RI Coat of Arms
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