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Oracle MySQL para Iniciantes - Arquitetura e Instalação

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

O MySQL é o banco de dados open source mais popular do mundo. Ao mesmo tempo em que é utilizado para suportar os sites com os maiores tráfegos da internet, ele também é um dos mais fáceis de utilizar e perfeito para iniciantes.

Nesta sessão você irá aprender:

  • Quais as arquiteturas mais utilizadas do MySQL
  • Os passos básicos para instalar e configurar o MySQL
  • Quais são as ferramentas essenciais e onde fazer o download delas

Além disso, iremos mostrar como você pode facilmente iniciar o MySQL em um ambiente na nuvem deixando assim este processo muito mais ágil.

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Oracle MySQL Para Principiantes: Arquitectura e Instalación

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

MySQL es la base de datos de código abierto más popular del mundo. Si bien se utiliza para dar servicio de base de datos para los sitios web con mayor tráfico, también es uno de los más fáciles de usar y perfecto para principiantes. En esta sesión aprenderás:

  • Cuáles son las arquitecturas MySQL más utilizadas
  • Pasos básicos para instalar y configurar MySQL
  • Cuáles son las herramientas esenciales y dónde descargarlas

Además, le mostraremos cómo puede iniciar MySQL fácilmente en un entorno de nube y, por lo tanto, agilizar completamente este proceso.

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Top Reasons to Use Oracle MySQL HeatWave

Sunday, July 03, 2022

Oracle MySQL HeatWave is the only MySQL cloud service with a built-in, high performance, in-memory query accelerator—HeatWave. It increases MySQL performance by orders of magnitude for analytics and mixed workloads, without any changes to current applications. With HeatWave enabled, MySQL HeatWave is 6.5X faster than Amazon Redshift at half the cost, 7X faster than Snowflake at one-fifth the cost, and 1,400X faster than Amazon Aurora at half the cost. Customers run analytics on data that’s stored in MySQL databases without a separate analytics database and ETL duplication.

In the session, we will:

  • Discover the top reasons businesses should use MySQL HeatWave
  • Learn the many benefits of a fully managed database service over on-premises database management
  • See the key competitive advantage of having your database managed and supported by the MySQL Team

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Machine Learning with MySQL HeatWave

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

HeatWave ML includes everything users need to build, train, deploy, and explain machine learning models within MySQL HeatWave, at no additional cost.

In this immersive webinar, you will learn:

  • What is needed to start using ML with MySQL
  • How HeatWave ML works
  • What ML algorithms can be used with HeatWave ML
  • How to configure ML models with your data
  • How to explain the results provided by HeatWave ML

Take this opportunity to ask your questions directly to the MySQL team!

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Machine Learning mit MySQL HeatWave

Thursday, July 07, 2022

HeatWave ML enthält alles, was Benutzer benötigen, um Modelle für maschinelles Lernen innerhalb von MySQL HeatWave zu erstellen, zu trainieren, einzusetzen und zu erklären. HeatWave beinhaltet ML „built-in“ - ohne zusätzliche Kosten.

In diesem spannenden Webinar werden Sie folgendes erfahren<

  • Was benötigt wird, um ML mit MySQL zu nutzen
  • Wie HeatWave ML funktioniert
  • Welche ML-Algorithmen mit HeatWave ML verwendet werden können
  • Wie Sie ML-Modelle mit Ihren Daten konfigurieren
  • Wie Sie die von HeatWave ML gelieferten Ergebnisse erklären können

Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit, um Ihre Fragen direkt an das MySQL-Team zu stellen!

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MySQL as an Embedded Database for ISVs

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Integrated relational database management systems (RDBMS) are databases that ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) and OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) ship with their products. These embedded databases are typically “invisible” to the end user. The standard functions for database management are handled either by the database itself or by the ISV’s own software via an application interface. MySQL, the world’s most popular open-source database, has been named by Forrester and other analyst groups as a leader in the market for integrated and global database management. The reasons include the advantages that the open-source model offers OEMs and ISVs, numerous technical advantages of the MySQL database, very high usability, full technical support, a dual license model and very low total cost of ownership.

Join this webinar to take a detailed look at all the benefits that MySQL offers OEMs and ISVs.

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초보자를 위한 MySQL Heatwave

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

MySQL은 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 오픈 소스 데이터베이스입니다. Facebook, Twitter 및 YouTube와 같이 세계에서 가장 트래픽이 많은 웹 사이트를 지원합니다. 또한 사용하기 가장 쉬운 데이터베이스 중 하나이며 초보자에게도 적합합니다. 이번 세미나의 주제는 다음과 같습니다.

MySQL을 시작하기 위한 필수요건

Oracle Cloud에서 MySQL을 설치 및 구성하는 기본 단계.

샘플 데이터베이스를 로드하고 기본 쿼리를 실행하는 방법.

MySQL Shell을 사용하여 데이터를 클라우드로 마이그레이션 하는 방법

마지막으로 MySQL HeatWave를 사용하여 쿼리 성능을 개선하는 방법에 대해 안내드릴 예정입니다.

Q&A 세션을 통해 실시간으로 MySQL 관련 문의사항에 답변해 드릴 예정이오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

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适合初学者使用的Oracle MySQL HeatWave

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

MySQL 是世界上最受欢迎的开源数据库。它为世界上访问量最大的网站提供支持,例如 Facebook、Twitter 和 YouTube。它也是最容易使用的数据库之一,非常适合初学者。在本次网络研讨会中,您将学到:

  • 哪些工具对于入门至关重要。
  • 在 Oracle Cloud 中安装和配置 MySQL 的基本步骤。
  • 如何加载示例数据库并执行基本查询。
  • 使用 MySQL Shell 将数据迁移到云端。

最后,我们将演示如何使用 MySQL HeatWave 提高查询性能。

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Machine Learning con MySQL HeatWave

Thursday, July 14, 2022

HeatWave ML incluye todo lo que los usuarios necesitan para construir, entrenar, desplegar, y explicar modelos de machine learning con MySQL HeatWave, sin ningún coste adicional.

En este webinar, aprenderá:

  • Qué necesita para empezar a usar ML con MySQL
  • Cómo funciona HeatWave ML
  • Qué algoritmos de ML se pueden usar con HeatWave ML
  • Cómo configurar modelos ML con sus datos
  • Cómo explicar los resultados proporcionados por HeatWave ML

¡Aproveche esta oportunidad para hacer sus preguntas directamente al equipo de MySQL!

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Hands on Lab: Turbocharge Business Insights with Oracle MySQL HeatWave - In-Memory Query Accelerator with Built-in Machine Learning

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Oracle MySQL HeatWave is the only MySQL cloud service with a built-in, high performance, in-memory query accelerator—HeatWave. It increases MySQL performance by orders of magnitude for analytics and mixed workloads, without any changes to current applications. With HeatWave enabled, MySQL HeatWave is 6.5X faster than Amazon Redshift at half the cost, 7X faster than Snowflake at one-fifth the cost, and 1,400X faster than Amazon Aurora at half the cost. Customers run analytics on data that’s stored in MySQL databases without a separate analytics database and ETL duplication.

With MySQL HeatWave ML, developers and data analysts can build, train, deploy, and explain machine learning models in MySQL HeatWave, without moving data to a separate machine learning service. Benchmarks demonstrate that, on average, HeatWave ML produces more accurate results than Amazon Redshift ML, trains models 25X faster at 1% of the cost, and scales as more nodes are added.

In this hands-on workshop, we will walk you through:

  • Discovering MySQL HeatWave Analytics and Machine Learning
  • Creating a MySQL HeatWave Cluster and its required environment
  • Connecting to HeatWave using MySQL Shell, MySQL Workbench, and MS Visual Studio Code
  • Running queries on HeatWave
  • OLTP application and OLAP application for HeatWave

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Machine Learning con MySQL HeatWave

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

HeatWave ML include tutto ciò che serve per costruire, addestrare, implementare e interpretare i modelli di machine learning all’interno di MySQL HeatWave, senza costi aggiuntivi.

In questo seminario apprenderai:

  • Cosa serve per iniziare ad usare ML con MySQL
  • Come creare un carico di lavoro HeatWave ML
  • Quali algoritmi di ML possono essere usati con HeatWave ML
  • Come configurare modelli ML con i tuoi dati
  • Come interpretare i risultati forniti da HeatWave ML

Sfrutta questa occasione per porre le tue domande direttamente al team MySQL!

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Apprentissage automatique avec MySQL HeatWave

Thursday, July 21, 2022

HeatWave Machine Learning (ML) inclut tout ce dont les utilisateurs ont besoin pour créer, former, déployer et expliquer des modèles d'apprentissage automatique dans MySQL HeatWave, sans coût supplémentaire.

Dans ce webinaire vous apprendrez:

  • Ce qu'il faut pour commencer à utiliser HeatWave ML avec MySQL
  • Le fonctionnement de HeatWave ML
  • Quels algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique peuvent être utilisés avec HeatWave ML
  • Comment configurer des modèles d'apprentissage automatique avec vos données
  • Comment expliquer les résultats fournis par HeatWave ML

Ne manquez pas cette formidable opportunité et l’occasion de poser vos questions directement à l’équipe MySQL!

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Oracle MySQL for Beginners

Thursday, July 21, 2022

MySQL is the world's most popular open-source database. It powers the most-trafficked websites in the world such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It's also one of the easiest databases to use and it's perfect for beginners. In this session, you'll learn:

  • Which tools are essential and where to download them
  • Basic steps to install and configure MySQL Server
  • How to load a sample database and execute basic queries
  • How to avoid common pitfalls

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MySQL 8.0 入門セミナー ~MySQL レプリケーション基礎 &ReplicaSet速習編~

Thursday, July 21, 2022

【最新MySQL 8.0ベース】これからMySQLを触る方や、MySQLについてきちんと勉強したい方必見!

毎回大好評のMySQL入門セミナーをMySQL 8.0 対応版で開催します!!



  • MySQL 8.0のレプリケーションの仕組みや利点
  • レプリケーションの代表的な活用ケース
  • MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet の構築方法

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Machine Learning with MySQL HeatWave (in Arabic)

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

HeatWave ML includes everything users need to build, train, deploy, and explain machine learning models within MySQL HeatWave, at no additional cost.

In this immersive webinar, you will learn:

  • What is needed to start using ML with MySQL
  • How HeatWave ML works
  • What ML algorithms can be used with HeatWave ML
  • How to configure ML models with your data
  • How to explain the results provided by HeatWave ML

Take this opportunity to ask your questions directly to the MySQL team!

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MySQL 8.0 入門セミナー ~MySQL InnoDB Cluster & ClusterSet速習編~

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

【最新MySQL 8.0ベース】これからMySQLを触る方や、MySQLについてきちんと勉強したい方必見!

毎回大好評のMySQL入門セミナーをMySQL 8.0 対応版で開催します!!



  • MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet の構築方法
  • MySQL InnoDB Cluster を Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 上で構築する際の考慮事項

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Benefits of Using Oracle MySQL HeatWave for SaaS

Thursday, July 28, 2022

MySQL is the world's most popular open-source database. It supports leading technology companies like GitHub, Hubspot, Zendesk, and Intuit. It's also one of the easiest databases to use and perfect for SaaS providers.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The advantages of MySQL for SaaS providers
  • Why MySQL HeatWave is Breakthrough
  • Case studies from leading SaaS providers

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Machine Learning with MySQL HeatWave (in Hebrew)

Monday, September 12, 2022

HeatWave ML includes everything users need to build, train, deploy, and explain machine learning models within MySQL HeatWave, at no additional cost.

In this immersive webinar, you will learn:

  • What is needed to start using ML with MySQL
  • How HeatWave ML works
  • What ML algorithms can be used with HeatWave ML
  • How to configure ML models with your data
  • How to explain the results provided by HeatWave ML

Take this opportunity to ask your questions directly to the MySQL team!

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